Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Clyburn Denounces King For Making Excuses For IRS Attack (VIDEO)

Kudos to Rep. Clyburn.

King like his crazy Libertarian folks who seem to think that any organization and even a country can operate on wishes and good thoughts rather than money. He needs to use his socialist health care for multiple visits with a mental health care provider.

When it benefits them it's OK. When it benefits someone else it's un-American. Be ashamed Iowa for inflicting that bag of wind on the rest of us.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

John Mayer Apologizes: I Was 'Arrogant' To Use N-Word

What a jerk and sexist pig! He knew what he was saying. He just thought that he was hip/cool enough to say it. It amazes me that white folks seem to loathe being denied free use of the N-word yet they keep on trying it.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

John Mayer Apologizes: I Was 'Arrogant' To Use N-Word

What a jerk! Sexist pig. General knucklehead. It is obvious he felt safe in saying what he did. His apology is too little and way too late.

It amazes me that white folks feel short changed by being denied free use of the N-word. Yet, they do keep trying.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost