Friday, September 03, 2010

Sharron Angle Claims Unemployment Insurance 'Really Doesn't Benefit Anyone'

I laughed. I laughed not because what Ms. Angle says is funny but because my disagreement about US health care is that we do not provide enough mental health care for our people. Ms. Angle could use many, many sessions and for me that would be taxpayer money well spent.

Having experienced unemployment that lasted over a year I can say UI provides the difference between abject poverty and barely hanging on. Barely hanging on gives you the tiny space/room to search for work. Abject poverty claims your full attention trying to get the basics of, clothing and shelter. There is no time/space/room to do much else even though a job would eliminate having to search for basics. Ms. Angle and apparently lots of other Republicans and Tea-people are bereft of the unemployment experience. They have no frame of reference which is why they can spout such nonsense.

May God grant them the experience of unemployment so they can be more charitable to towards folks who need help (that they paid for anyway) until they get work.
About 2010 Elections
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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