Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Essence's White Fashion Director Ellianna Placas Causes Controversy

I left as a reader of Essence years ago when Marcia Gillespie left. The fiction and poetry section have not since been repeated. As fir the fashions...when they stopped showing black women in fashionable clothes with curses that nixed it forever for me. I've been marching to my own drummer ever since.

I had a subscription from their second year until Marcia left and stopped buying them a news stands and stores after the skinny women appeared.

My sister was a charter subscriber who ended her subscription for about the same reasons.

I still miss the old Essence. Calling up Emerge too. Once we had some great black magazines.
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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Shirley Sherrod, a Family Farmer's Friend

I love Willie Nelson because he has put time in on the issue of family farms for years. Holding on to the land and producing seasonal locally grown food is exactly the direction we should be heading. Family farms provide the means to get there.

I also applaud a man that stands up for his friends and speaks the truth about them. Mrs. Sherrod's work must continue because frankly we need her and a lot more like her in the corner of the family farmers.
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White House Apologizes To Shirley Sherrod

A good woman was smeared. An administration that is legislatively successful is perceived as weak kneed and the culprits have shifted the blame off onto both parties. What a shame this is for all of us. Mrs Sherrod deserves apologies, reinstatement, and her good name back. Which ones of these things won't she get?
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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Dan Gainor, Right-Wing Media Critic, Offers Cash For Assault On Alan Grayson

Alan Grayson is getting on that guy's nerves. I'd have more respect for Gainor if he did his own dirty work instead of paying someone. On the other hand Grayson I think could hand him his head. The sad thing is this is what now passes for political discourse.

"Can't we all just get along?" - Rodney King
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Monday, July 19, 2010

Glenn Beck: I Might Be Going Blind

Well this hits me on my street. I understand the fear and the resolve concerning losing one's sight. As a Christian I feel pity for Mr. Beck and the road he must travel. I am on that road too and it helps to be kind to others you may need when darkness is all you will have to see.

May God's mercy and blessings be upon him and to us all.

Now, back o our regular programming!
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David Vitter Thinks Rachel Maddow Doesn't Look Like A Woman

Please, please Senator Vitter go on Rachel's show and say anything. Then we'll see how tough YOU are.

I just want to know in advance so I can have my popcorn ready.
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Friday, July 16, 2010

Is Shirley Jackson One Of The Greatest American Writers?

The Lottery still holds up. I used to use it with my students every session because some of the creepy thinking in the story are the same creepy thinking we do now following rituals. She is one of my top five writers for my students.I only wish more people would read her work.
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Christiane Amanpour Starting On ABC's 'This Week' On August 1

I just may break my long standing boycott of Sunday Teevee talk shows to see if she will have one that does not make me retch.

I guess I am curious.
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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Tim Geithner Opposes Nominating Elizabeth Warren To Lead New Consumer Agency

I want her to head the Consumer Protection Agency but, like you I'd be wildly happy if she got Geithner's job because I just don't trust him or Summers at all.
About Financial Crisis
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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Sue Myrick's Latest Conspiracy Theory Is Like The Plot Of A Bad Movie

Some folks just are in need of a healing. What's up with NC that they field so many politicians that need to stop watching teevee especially that 24 hours show?
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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Ben Nelson Bucks Party, Helps GOP Block Jobless Aid

I'd vote for that! You have to Republicans in the pocket book for them to do the right thing. Additionally, it is not hard to see others flail about when your people are OK. Something tells me if suddenly NE's unemployment shot up then Old Ben would be singing another tune. He is a very effective politician when it benefits him and his people only.

I do not understand how Senator Ben Nelson can sleep knowing that his vote is destroying families. Unemployment is not a joy even with unemployment insurance. Penniless, it is a nightmare. Two years ago I faced unemployment with no benefits (my benefits ran out I was hired for a new job but it would not start for 3 months) it only lasted 3 months but those were the worst three months of my life. The stress of no income has no descriptive word for me to use. Remember I had a job coming up and it still was hell. I had family supporting me and still it bother me not to earn my own money.

I am sure that 99% of the people who need unemployment insurance would so much rather a job and a sense of more security than a hundred member club of rich people deciding how and whether you will survive this economic crisis. They ought to be ashamed but they are not.
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Friday, July 09, 2010

Despite Obama's Lofty Words, Scientific Integrity Rules Are Lagging

Let's see, it is year two and the President who inherited 2 wars, a failing economy, high and climbing unemployment, a messed up bureaucracy, angry constituents, a hostile world, and this year a blown oil well out of control has not kept all of his promises. Dan, I sense your impatience and marked disappointment here. I too, want the President to get it all done yet I understand that he does not have a cape and a phone booth to wa-lah! change into SUPER PRESIDENT able to make 8 years of purposeful deconstruction of government STOP! and become competent, honest, and useful.

I would like President Obama to compromise less about almost everything. I agree that things should be expedited. Science is not only a discipline but an industry, a vital industry to our present and future. Having rules in place to insure scientific integrity concerning political interference is extraordinarily important it simply is not the most important thing at this time. I have worked in governmental bureaucracies before the meetings on constructing rules and policies take too long. I concede that it may be the nature of the beast. The scientists know it that is why they are squealing to you.
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Georgia Democratic Candidate Unveils Provocative Ad Featuring Shooting Victim's Mother (VIDEO)

Fanned and faved. The Georgia ad is powerful. As a southerner I know that things like this happen much more frequently than we would believe. A badge and a gun are powerful in America and doubly so in the south. Prosecutor have been known to favor the police over a victim because they rely on the police for their cases and winning is what lawyers on both sides focus on. It is not about justice.

Concerning the unemployed: Write a note to your Senator who voted against extending unemployment letting him or her know that you have indeed made up your mind to vote against them whenever they run for election and enthusiastically work on behalf on their opponent. They could not find it in their interest to vote for your well being and darn-it you can't seem to find it in you to vote for their political well being. Enough of those letters and maybe we can have some movement on extending unemployment.
About Video
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Thursday, July 08, 2010

Van Jones Rails Against 'That Little Idiot Box': Cable News

I agree. I understand the role and function of compromise. What we are now getting as a result is a series of flawed and practically useless laws. Some ideas need to be accepted up front and as is rather than the messes we get from government trying to appease the unappeased. The Civil War would not have needed to be fought if the Founders had not compromised on the humanity of Africans and ended enslavement in this country's beginnings. Some things must not be compromised!
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Jon Stewart Rips Fox News For Their Fear Of Muslims (VIDEO)

Annnd, it's a hit ! It's a high fly straight outta the park! Jon Stewart is on a roll.
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Saturday, July 03, 2010

Serena Williams Wins Wimbledon In Dominating Performance

I just want to look like either Williams sister. I love to watch them play. Keep workin' it girls!
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