Saturday, November 27, 2010

Sarah Palin Responds To Korea Gaffe

This woman is simply a very ambitious ignorant person who plays to the worst of American impulses. Her lack of knowledge is stunning for someone who wishes to be President. We have had puppet Presidents before and at this point in history we can ill afford one who is merely seeking the trappings of power and the financial rewards that come with it rather actually serving the general public.

I think that she should continue with her reality show and expensive speeches and leave being in charge to those who are more knowledgeable about history and geography than she.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Christian Activist Bryan Fischer Blasts 'Feminized' Medal Of Honor

My first reaction was a cynical chuckle. My second reaction is sadness. We Christians are held accountable for those non-believers that WE turn away through our words and deeds. Mr. Fischer will have to account for the people who think that Christianity is a farce and misogynistic religion. I am ashamed for him.

The President's description of what heroic acts the Medal of Honor was being honor and yes, it included taking the life of the enemy to save his brother soldier. The Sargent was eloquent and humble in his acceptance. Mr. Fischer is heartless in his criticism.
About Military
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Everybody Would Be Mad At Me If I Could Fix Our Federal Budget

If it were up to me I would just slash at all of the things that folks are holding out against like Cap and Trade, taxing rich people, reforming SSI, getting rid of expensive 20th century battle ships, plans and gear, showing contractors the door and making sure old people were not sacrificed upon the alter of Hedge Fund Managers.

It would be a brutal budget but by the time I figure I would be dead the country would be well on the way to financial sanity and security.

Hire me Mr. President. I can take the anger and name calling as long as my check clears.

Try your hand at fixing our budget. The New York Times has a lovely interactive model for you to be "the decider"

Profiles in Desecration: Lebron James, Nike, and Muhammad Ali

I don't care what you say, I admire Lebron James. He is talented and a wise young man. He has a long career before him. The facet is people are jealous. He is till carving out his place in the world.

As a young college student I had the chance to meet Muhammad Ali. He was more than gracious to the screaming hoards of girls and the shy fellows who were grateful to be in his presence. Not only is Muhammad Ali a man of his convictions, a very great boxer (my passion), but one of the kindest personable people I have had the honor to meet and believe me I say that about very, very few people.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Pretend Democrats Advise Obama Not To Run For Re-Election

I want to know where these folks were when Bush was blowing the economy up? I don't recall storms of protests about a war based on a lie. He was President for FOUR years and pretty much f**ked up the country. Two years and escaping a global DEPRESSION, gaining lower taxes, the ability to keep your grown child on your health care plan, able to get health care even if you have a health condition already, and no arbitrary lifetime caps just when you are fighting a catastrophic illness, keep your college kid from selling his/her soul to Sallie Mae for an education, brought us positive global relations, our domestic auto industry is on the way back and a few things else I could list too. Has President Obama done everything you, I and even he wanted? No. Yet, he has done more than many Presidents and especially Bush.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Pretend Democrats Advise Obama Not To Run For Re-Election

Comic relief. Hilarious! Who knew that the WaPo had such a sense of humor?
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Monday, November 08, 2010

Martin Erzinger, Morgan Stanley Wealth Manager, Won't Face Felony Charges For Hit-And-Run

Disgusted and enraged are just two words that rapidly come to my mind. What is happening to this country? What is happening to humanity? How can one human being hit someone with his car and don't stop to help but call to get his car fixed. No amount of money will give that surgeon back his good health. That level of callousness deserves jail time. Shame on the D.A.! He needs to be fired.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Three Good Things for Progressives to Take From the Midterm Election Results

M A S S A C H U S E T T S !!! I love my people here! We came out and voted to keep good people on deck fighting for us.

Louisiana.­..congratu­lations New Orleans for putting a D back in office. Also, to Charlie Melancon, it was old school LA fighting and although you deserve to be Senator Melancon Governor Melancon would be a good thing for Louisiana too.

We have to survive TWO years and then ... turn out and reclaim moving the country forward.

Keep the faith Progressives!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Wells Fargo Repossesses A Fully Paid Off Car (VIDEO)

That was one very nice lady. It was meant for her to be the one to spotlight this crazy stuff. If the cops would have let somebody steal my car from me with my proof of title they too would be handing me cash. It's too bad you have sue folks for them to act decently. The USA way of living ...get use to it!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost