Thursday, September 30, 2010

Linda McMahon: 'We Ought To Review' The Minimum Wage

I am stumped too that folks elect people who do not have their interest at heart. What is wrong with America?
About 2010 Elections
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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Michigan Official Attacks Gay College Student For Promoting 'Radical Homosexual Agenda'

Geez, is today Crazy-as-H*LL day? From where are these folks coming?

The important missing piece of the new health care program is a strong mental health care componant. Folks really need a healing!
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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Jerome Corsi Wants Obama To 'Renounce Lucifer'

Bwhaaaa! ROTFLMAO! Crazy....when I see that guy's picture I hear Gnarls Barkley's CRAZY playing. Can this election season get any more nuts? Why do we treat these folks as if their lights are all on? Obviously, the weakness in the new health care program is what must be the paucity of mental health help for the delusional.

Mr. Corsi, seek help!
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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Lanny Davis Attacks Maddow For Clinton Criticism: 'Worst Element Of Our Party'

My grievance is not what Lanny Davis said but that he even has a platform to say anything. He is a DLC stooge and a Clinton lemming. He brings no value to the table except to do his master's bidding...WHY?

Why has Bill after SEVEN months gotten all heated up over what said in March now? This all seems a little too self-serving to me. Are they trying to destroy the Democratic party like the Republicans have done theirs?
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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Bill Clinton Strikes Back At Rachel Maddow

That's not true. President Obama has achieved some remarkable legislation health care, staving off a second great depression, parity in pay for women (the Lilly Ledbetter law), an agreement for countries to get rid of nuclear products that can be made into weapons grade material, a middle class tax cut, and an agency that protects consumers against the more grievous financial shenanigans from banks. While that that is an incomplete list of accomplishments and some of them are not exactly the perfect legislation we may have desired, they are still quite an achievement for any young President but especially for one who had to hit the ground running with so many disasters looming. I am not disappointed as impatient. I am willing to give him time before I write him off as a bad change.
About Rachel Maddow
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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Bill Clinton Strikes Back At Rachel Maddow

He did not veto it because he was and still is a DLC thinker. The DLC is the worst thing that has happened to Democrats in this country. Rahm Emanuel is a DLC thinker hence the right wing nut Democrats like Ben Nelson and Evan Bayh. To see them as corporate loving hacks (See Harold Ford) is to begin to get the picture.

I do not hate ex. President Clinton I just am not enamored of him since I think that he gave away the store to the Republicans and big business which propped up Bush to expand and finish the job.

The best thing about the Clinton years was the employment picture. Now, I give his serious props for that.
About Rachel Maddow
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Monday, September 13, 2010

MSNBC's New Anchor Lineup

Keith, Rachel and the new guy seems to be a decent change. I don't watch any of the other folks with the rare exception of Ed Schultz. Ed gets too worked up for me sometimes but his heart is in the right place.I see Ed in small doses.

The other folks may as well be CNN.
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Sunday, September 12, 2010

Salvatore Giunta To Get Medal Of Honor, 1st Living Afghan War Veteran Receiving One

It is a great honor to call Salvatore Giunta a hero. Congratulations on receiving the Medal of Honor. You are indeed worthy of it. Thank you for what you did stepping into harms way to save brother soldiers. This country is blessed by you and all soldiers like you who stand in the gap to keep us safe and free. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

From a proud and very grateful citizen
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Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Quran Burning Pastor: 'We Are Definitely Prepared To Give Our Lives' (VIDEO)

I disagree with your choice of the word zealot. Ignorant attention seeking fool I think is more accurate. As a preacher you would think that he has read John 10:16. If he had then he would know that Jesus claimed more than his followers (Christians) and Jews.

What galls me though is unnecessarily putting our troops in jeopardy in a dumb political attention grabbing stunt. Hillary is right we should simply ignore him.
About Islam
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Monday, September 06, 2010

Obama To Back $50 Billion Infrastructure Plan For Roads, Rail, Air Travel

When the Republicans were spending like drunken sailors barely a peep was said about fiscal responsibility. We simply endured Voodoo Economics. Now, they claim fiscal restraint sans the rich folks' tax correction due in December which they claim need not be Paygo.They do want to reduce entitlement programs (things for middle and lower income Americans) so they can pay less taxes.

50 billion dollars is again too small of an amount to do real aid to people who are unemployed. What is urgently needed is a WPA type program rebuilding our infrastructure to compete with European countries and China who invested their monies in modernizing their infrastructure.

Since many unemployed Americans lostjobs that they will never return to we also need a CETA program that will retrain people for exist ing and future jobs. The only way out of this mess is to get people employed and contributing to our tax base.y. This means putting people back to work in jobs that pay a living wage.

Finally, it is time to focus on the banks that were lent taxpayers' dollars who are refusing to lend to small and medium sized businesses that hire people to work. We missed the mark by not nationalizing them when they were bleeding us. It is high time to invest in us. The banks must be forced to lend to American businesses that hire American workers. Pay us back with loans to us. Put Americans back to work!
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Friday, September 03, 2010

Sharron Angle Claims Unemployment Insurance 'Really Doesn't Benefit Anyone'

I laughed. I laughed not because what Ms. Angle says is funny but because my disagreement about US health care is that we do not provide enough mental health care for our people. Ms. Angle could use many, many sessions and for me that would be taxpayer money well spent.

Having experienced unemployment that lasted over a year I can say UI provides the difference between abject poverty and barely hanging on. Barely hanging on gives you the tiny space/room to search for work. Abject poverty claims your full attention trying to get the basics of, clothing and shelter. There is no time/space/room to do much else even though a job would eliminate having to search for basics. Ms. Angle and apparently lots of other Republicans and Tea-people are bereft of the unemployment experience. They have no frame of reference which is why they can spout such nonsense.

May God grant them the experience of unemployment so they can be more charitable to towards folks who need help (that they paid for anyway) until they get work.
About 2010 Elections
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