Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Wall Street's Ten Biggest Lies for 2010

It is as if we are going slow motion in a head on collision and cannot turn away. I fear for this country. Many Americans cannot handle the truth...we are broke and business caused it.

Yet we fall for that .."You too can be rich too!" line to our own detriment. We vote their interests and not our own because...­someday we might be rich and we want to keep all of our money too. Greed is killing us.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Iraq Wants The U.S. Out: Prime Minister Insists All Troops Must Leave

Well alrighty then let's make this request happen! I mean a significan­t portion of the people in this country opposed shooting up Iraq anyway so...let's take our troops, equipment and MONEY and bring them all home. It's time now and the Iraqis rightfully want us gone...giv­e them their fervent wish and do it.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Wall Street Execs Whine To Politico About Their Hurt Feelings

Thank you my sentiments exactly! What they did was theft. What they did was legal. Letting them do it again would just be stupid on our parts because they mean us no good.
About Financial Crisis
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Obama Hawaii Vacation 2010: First Couple Heads To Marine Base On Christmas (PHOTOS)

The blizzard is starting and reading this article and seeing the pictures of the President and First Lady warmed my heart. It is obvious that they genuinely like people. The welfare of the troops and their families are of concern to us all. It is the job of the first family to bring greetings and thanks to them in our stead. I just hope that the rest of us could try to reserve judgment more and lash out less towards each other. This is a small planet and every soul has value.

Lose the hate.

Happy New Year to all!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Saturday, December 25, 2010

The Learning Center in Exile: A Child Is Born!

The Learning Center in Exile: A Child Is Born!

A Child Is Born!

This day we celebrate the birth of Jesus the Christ. His importance to each of us claiming him as Savior can not be underestimated. He is the rock upon we stand sure in our acceptance of him as Lord and Savior bringer of eternal life. That is a really BIG thing. Yet, amongst all of the crass commercialization of the Advent season it is especially good to remember why Jesus' birth is so special... he brings us hope, joy, peace and life everlasting.

Folks snipe that this day in this month is not actually when Jesus was born. I grant them that information. This is the time of the pagan celebration of winter solstice and a great way to celebrate a religion that was banned and could get you killed when you are in the minority.The point in celebrating the Advent of Jesus' birth is to celebrate the arrival of God's promise in the flesh to save us. Without Jesus we have no eternal life and therefore no reason to celebrate at all.

The best part of celebrating Jesus' birth is that we renew faith in our belief that Jesus is the Light of the World. He brings us peace and comfort. There is joy in knowing that you are loved by him because You are born and he personifies that Trouble Don't Last Always!

Enjoy all that today brings, good food, beloved family, friends, gifts and travel but do remember that all of this we experience today is because a child is born. That child was Jesus!

May the love of Jesus sustain you today and every day of your life. Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

"Don't Ask Don't Tell" Repeal: This Day Has Finally Come

Towards a more perfect union.

I've always loved the Preamble to the Constituti­on almost as much as the first ten and especially as a black person Amendments 13 and 14. Finally, our gay brothers and sisters can fight and die for a country that does not penalize them for their sexual preference over their love of country.

J U S T I C E! Let it roll down like waters and righteousn­ess as a mighty stream. Amos 5:24
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Friday, December 17, 2010

House Republicans Block Child Marriage Prevention Act

Two years of crazy as all get out ahead for us. Every Democrat who did not get out and vote and every Independen­t who switched sides this is what you have done for the country for the next two years.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Virginia Panel Acknowledges Utility Of Individual Mandate, Urges State To Build Off Of Obamacare

Funny! Facts are stubborn little things...b­ut GOPers don't let that stop you, just go on with your death panels and giving really rich people pocket change while the rest of us sink. I wonder what it will take for the uprising to happen from folks who finally realize that the old hook about YOU TOO can be rich is a mean joke?

THe truth is that they just loathe President Obama and that is what all of the drama is all about.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Monday, December 06, 2010

Tax Cut Deal: White House, GOP Leaders Close To Agreement

The Democrat fielded a strong group of Presidenti­al contenders in 2008. I suspect that another strong field could be assembled in 2012.

This is where my disgust and anger comes in:

1.) No jobs or jobs training program

2.) No massive infrastruc­ture program

3.) No single payer health insurance

4.) Capitulati­on every time to the Republican­s

Sounds like the next two years would be well spent searching for a replacemen­t while our President hopefully searches for his backbone.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Thursday, December 02, 2010

Juan Williams: Extended Jobless Benefits Weaken Values About 'Showing Up, Dressing Well' (VIDEO)

Juan like his other media counterpar­ts have enough money to wander through unemployme­nt. Folks who worked every day paying their bills with a small savings lose their jobs and need the piddling amount of money to JUST HANG ON that comes from unemployme­nt insurance have no values? THERE ARE NOT ENOUGH JOBS J U A N!

We no longer MAKE anything. The people who are sucking up the most money don't make anything. They legally SCAM wanna be rich folks out of their money selling them derivative­s that the unemployed people lost their jobs over. What a maroon! Shame on you Juan!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

NAM Opposes Bill That Cuts Taxes For Middle Class

Just tell me where to stand with my pitchfork and and torch because it is about at that point now folks.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost