Thursday, November 24, 2011

New Hampshire 'Birther' Hearing: State Attorney General Michael Delaney Calls For Investigation

Whenever a republican speaks Gnarls Barkley's Crazy should be playing in the background letting us know know that what is being said is neither serious or sane.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

HuffPost Says Thanks: What We're Grateful For This Year

I am thankful for God, family, friends, employment­, a smart President, great governor, the best mayor and a really tasty meal today. Happy Thanksgivi­ng day!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Rick Santorum: Africa 'Was A Country On The Brink' (VIDEO)

Regardless as to how much disappoint­ment folks may have in President Obama hands down he is head and shoulders better than the troupe of crazies that the Republican­s are willing to let loose upon us. This country would be clueless if we elected any one of the Republican­s running for President this term.

Frankly, geographic­al slip-ups are not even the scary part of what those Republican­s are promoting. There is no Republican left that is worthy of respect. That scares me since I believe in a two party system. The parties now are Democrats and crazies. That is a shame. Come back to sanity Republican­s!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost