Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Rahm Emanuel: Obama's Chief Of Sabotage

Like all Presidents, Mr. Obama will get rid of those people he believes are ineffective or inappropriate for the direction he wants to go. My sincere hope is that he remove all of the vestiges of the not really Democratic Leadership Council. They were the problem. They still are the problem.

The DLC are the reason we have useless Senators like Nelson of Nebraska and Lieberman of Connecticut among others obstructing the will of the majority of the American people. Their tin ears for for compromising at the wrong times, with the wrong issues and for the wrong reasons are precisely why we are in the predicament now concerning heath care, a decidedly right wing activist Supreme Court, crumbling infrastructure and little environmental progress. The DLC folks are corporatists who fear the loss of access to corporate dollars that keep them in office. Like the heartless Republicans they have no love for the people and it shows.

Shame on them.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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