Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Foster Parents In Their 80s Have Raised Over 80 Children

No, 80's TEENAGERS! I concur God bless them because this is exactly what I was taught to do in church...care for others. It is wonderful to see such a fine living example of that.
About Brian Williams
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Senate Dems Pass Health Care Reconciliation Package

You are very right. The following generations will not have to decide between paying an insurance premium, paying their mortgage or eating. They also can get sick, get well and still get insurance.

We will get something better than a public option...single payer I believe in the future and no longer be bound to greedy health insurance providers.

I want to live long enough to see that.
About Health Care
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

JPMorgan Chase Report Says Enhanced Unemployment Benefits Increase Unemployment

I've only one question: Is counterintuitive a euphemism for wishful thinking or lying?
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Extra Security For Members Of Congress After Activist, Tea Party Threats

My questions are these: At what point do we call the teabaggers terrorists? Do we wait until they kill someone before we call them terrorists? Or is it because they are citizens and white do we continue to call them activists while they threaten duly elected government officials' lives?

What is wrong with some of our people that they would make threats against the lives of elected officials over political differences when they have the power to vote them out? How angry must you be to do that?

Do they feel no shame? Why?
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

'Daily Show' Takes On Financial Regulatory Reform, Explains Dodgy Wall Street Practices (VIDEO)

I remember just after President Obama was inaugurated he had an interview on 60 Minutes with Steve Kroft who asked questions about the financial crisis. At a point the President laughed. Kroft was surprised by that and uttered, "You laugh?" And the President replied..."Gallows humor." Because what the financial guys did was legal and no one would be punished.

Well, I laughed at Jon Stewart's clip and then fully realized exactly what the President meant. I was laughing because unless a better law is developed than what was presented we will get taken again by the same guys in practically the same way. It really is a shame.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Senator Kaufman: Fraud Still at the Heart of Wall Street

It is disgraceful that clear, honest speech, and thinking are expressed by those who know the Senate's sins ( a former staffer) are office placeholders like Senator Kaufman. Is it too much to ask that these knowledgeable men and women not be wasted on temporary placements but are encouraged to run for office even if they would endure a single term?

This country needs better than we have with this broken Senate. More men and women like Senator Kaufman need to be THE senator rather than holding a place for the next charlatan with good hair and a tan to arrive and continue the obstruction and/or selling out the people of the United States.

Kudos to Senator Kaufman, now run for that office because America needs you.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Sunday, March 14, 2010

TV SoundOff: Sunday Talking Heads

Ma's teevee was loud so even though I tried not to be exposed to MTP I was relieved that:

1. David Gregory was not on

2. Karl Rove sounded dim

3. David Brooks is still one columnist to be skipped

4. The NYT has a lot to answer for

And the winner? #1 No David Gregory! When will NBC get the hint and fire that guy? I bet the ratings are high today too.

Back to my Sunday nap.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Rahm Emanuel: Obama's Chief Of Sabotage

Like all Presidents, Mr. Obama will get rid of those people he believes are ineffective or inappropriate for the direction he wants to go. My sincere hope is that he remove all of the vestiges of the not really Democratic Leadership Council. They were the problem. They still are the problem.

The DLC are the reason we have useless Senators like Nelson of Nebraska and Lieberman of Connecticut among others obstructing the will of the majority of the American people. Their tin ears for for compromising at the wrong times, with the wrong issues and for the wrong reasons are precisely why we are in the predicament now concerning heath care, a decidedly right wing activist Supreme Court, crumbling infrastructure and little environmental progress. The DLC folks are corporatists who fear the loss of access to corporate dollars that keep them in office. Like the heartless Republicans they have no love for the people and it shows.

Shame on them.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Monday, March 01, 2010

GOP Sen. Kyl: Unemployment Benefits Make People Not Want To Get A Job

Rich old geezers with tax payer funded salaries and benefits would refuse assistance to out of work folks because the very corporations (Banks and insurance companies) crashed the system and put them out of work. The citizens who are unemployed are paying for the mess that the Republicans made by trying to SURVIVE on unemployment benefits and yet Bunning and Kyl say that they are being lazy...how more heartless can Republicans be?

Finally, folks need to remember what these mean old men said and did to help them.

They have no shame but they really should.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost