Wednesday, February 16, 2011

White House To Rick Scott: We'll Spend Florida's High-Speed Rail Money Elsewhere

I am sure that his friend and my Governor Patrick of Massachuse­tts made a similar call. WE would gladly put to use money to strengthen a high speed rail system for our state linking us to NYC, Philadelph­ia and D.C. as well as our beautiful western Massachuse­tts making that commute faster.

Texas, I hope y'all aren't feeling that money either. Wait! California is on the phone San Diego to San Francisco and then to Sacramento a train trip making their commute better too.

The rule should be if a state refuses the money then it goes back into the kitty and is divided by all of the states that do want to move their transporta­tion infrastruc­ture into the 21st century.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Monday, February 14, 2011

Republican Lawmakers Face Grassroots Pressure Over 'War On Contraception'

My question is this: Why are we subjected to quotes from Steve King? It s not as if he is a towering intellectu­al or even a moderately successful legislator (as determined by producing actual legislatio­n that gets passed).

Why HP and other media outlets do you promote him?

I just don't get it.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Shawna Forde, Anti-Immigration Vigilante, Convicted Of Killing Nine-Year-Old Girl And Her Father In Arizona

I honestly believe the headline is misleading­. It should read: Domestic Terrorist Who Murdered a Young Girl and Her Father for Being Latino Is Convicted. That is the truth why gussy it up?
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Friday, February 04, 2011

Obama's 'Humble Faith' On Display At National Prayer Breakfast

Whatever brings the President strength and comfort is good. Like him I draw my strength and comfort from God. My atheist friends draw strength and comfort from themselves­.

Great song from the movie Car Wash sad: "I'm willing to let you do your thing. Tell me why are you blind when it comes to mine?"-- You Gotta Believe in Something (sung by the Pointer Sisters)

Someone said that belief in God is a choice. They are correct. Believe or not why ridicule what someone believes? We need to respect each other's beliefs.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost