Wednesday, February 16, 2011

White House To Rick Scott: We'll Spend Florida's High-Speed Rail Money Elsewhere

I am sure that his friend and my Governor Patrick of Massachuse­tts made a similar call. WE would gladly put to use money to strengthen a high speed rail system for our state linking us to NYC, Philadelph­ia and D.C. as well as our beautiful western Massachuse­tts making that commute faster.

Texas, I hope y'all aren't feeling that money either. Wait! California is on the phone San Diego to San Francisco and then to Sacramento a train trip making their commute better too.

The rule should be if a state refuses the money then it goes back into the kitty and is divided by all of the states that do want to move their transporta­tion infrastruc­ture into the 21st century.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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