Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Union-Busting Tactics More Pervasive Than Previously Thought: Study

The movement in this country is an accelerate­d crawl towards serfdom.On­ly through the collective organized mass of workers can we fight back against the insatiable greed of big and some small employers. A fair living wage, decent hours, safe working conditions and respect is worth the most productive workers in the world. Aynn Rand was a novelist. Fiction writer. If we all are un or under employed who will buy the goods and services businesses produce? Serfs have no power. Join a union!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Monday, June 13, 2011

Larry Summers Calls For More Economic Stimulus, Payroll Tax Cuts

The way out is for a second stimulus and a jobs program to happen. We need to focus on retaining present jobs and creating new jobs that do what the WPA did build things like new airports, highways, parks, libraries, college buildings, train stations, trains, clean up the environmen­t, new upgraded infrastruc­ture and things that will make the USA modern and thus competitiv­e with the rest of the developed world. The first stimulus was too small but it did stave off unemployme­nt for a while. What is needed is to reduce the fear factor of looming unemployme­nt and increase personal spending by people being employed. An added benefit that most naysayers do not admit to is the increase in tax revenue that occurs because employed people pay income taxes. Putting people back to work is what at this point only the government can do. Business is flush and sitting on their money watching the economy sink. They have been given everything except the right of indenture servitude and free labor and have provided nothing in return except more layoffs. We need America working and fast. However the Republican­s would rather see failure and misery because the majority of the people are not who they care about too sad they the majority does not seem to get this.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Obama On Economic Fears: 'Not Concerned About A Double-Dip Recession'

Every single word any US President says that is even remotely about the economy can affect our and the rest of the world's markets. I read the article and Mr. Obama is not saying that he is unconcern about the slowness of the economy but that he was more focused on the slowness of the jobs growth.

What was needed and frankly still is needed is another financial stimulus with a strong WPA like infrastruc­ture program and a jobs training program like the 1970's CETA program. These two programs combined would enable us to upgrade our infrastruc­ture from modernizin­g our sewage systems, airports, roads, government buildings, internet, utilities, rural access to internet and medical serves, libraries, schools, public hospitals, emergency response, train workers for jobs, and the things that will make us better able to compete with other counties who have already done what we need to do like those in Europe, Asia and South America.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Sunday, June 05, 2011

TV SoundOff: Sunday Talking Heads

I see that I missed another series of worthless teevee talk shows. Thank you Jason!

My political action plan is to vote for the person(s) that offers and/or supports the best jobs producing program so that we can get America back to work. JOBS, is the number one issue for as far as I am concerned. I'm looking for stimulus II or better yet a WPA/CETA jobs program. That gets my vote.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost