Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Obama On Economic Fears: 'Not Concerned About A Double-Dip Recession'

Every single word any US President says that is even remotely about the economy can affect our and the rest of the world's markets. I read the article and Mr. Obama is not saying that he is unconcern about the slowness of the economy but that he was more focused on the slowness of the jobs growth.

What was needed and frankly still is needed is another financial stimulus with a strong WPA like infrastruc­ture program and a jobs training program like the 1970's CETA program. These two programs combined would enable us to upgrade our infrastruc­ture from modernizin­g our sewage systems, airports, roads, government buildings, internet, utilities, rural access to internet and medical serves, libraries, schools, public hospitals, emergency response, train workers for jobs, and the things that will make us better able to compete with other counties who have already done what we need to do like those in Europe, Asia and South America.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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