The Learning Center, once a viable institution in New Orleans as a part of the New Orleans Public Library, like much of New Orleans no longer exists, it was washed away by Hurricane Katrina in August 2005. The Learning Center in Exile has become one of a documentation of my and others' rites of passage toward personal progress like getting a decent job at middle age or finishing school. It is also a place for political and societal rantings. All of this is to keep you reading here.
Thursday, December 06, 2012
Jim DeMint To Heritage Foundation: Senator To Leave Position To Run Think Tank
[singing in Buggs Bunny's voice] "Overture. Dim the lights! This is it!..." He is leaving. America and especially the Senate are all the better for it. Although SC is a perverse state and can indeed send to the Senate an even worse yokel than De Mint , I dare hope that America catches a break and someone who loves America more than money or party will be sent in his place.
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Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Sheryl Nuxoll, Idaho GOP State Senator, Tweets Out Bogus 'Last Chance' For A President Romney
I have never in my whole life seen such a huge boatload of bad losers. Geez, y'all lost...get over it! A bunch of whiners! I never wanted nor did I ever vote for Reagan, Bush I, or Bush II. They won. I waited out their terms to elect someone better. Killing yourselves or your significant others is just nuts. 53% of America said no to Romney. Unless you are a rich investment banker or hedge-fund manager it doesn't matter much. You should be hunkering down and waiting for the next election. You have four years to lose the hate. You'll survive just fine...I did.
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Friday, November 09, 2012
Get Your War On: The Aftermath (VIDEO)
Dear GOP:
You NEVER should have disrespected my President! Feeling humiliated? Shocked? Good! Underestimate people of color, angry women and young people again if you want to continuously lose.
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Saturday, October 27, 2012
Melissa Harris-Perry Delivers Open Letter To Richard Mourdock On Rape (VIDEO)
You have got to be a guy. To simply pass over what Miss Harris-Perry and other rape survivors have said to promote your anti-abortion view is disgusting. Rape is v i o l e n c e. It is the most personal kind of violence where you no longer feel safe in your self. Rape is not sex it is pure violence. It is used in order to make its victim feel powerless. Rape is about power and control and if you cannot fathom that then you have no right to condemn any woman who cannot bear her rapist's child. It is not for you nor me to determine what terms any rape survivor should take to maintain her sanity and heal. The monster is the rapist.
About Elections 2012
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Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Mitt Romney Offers Full-Throated Attack On Obama's 'Redistribution'
Sad. That 47% crap is going to bite Gov. Mitt square on the rear of his pants. Whether or not your parents pay Federal income tax they pay taxes like EVERYBODY in the country does. They pay real estate taxes. They pay sales taxes (and in some places they are very steep). When they fly to see you they pay a whole array of taxes with their ticket. Every place local and state governments can they are taxing citizens. So, if you aren't paying Federal income taxes you are still paying taxes.
This 47% stuff makes me sick!
About Video
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Monday, September 17, 2012
Rick Santorum: 'Smart People' Will Never Be On Our Side (VIDEO)
30 years in the literacy movement...Rick is why reading and comprehension are tools for our national defense. I shall teach people to read as long as I live. Readers really are leaders.
If the Tea-people would stop watching Fixed News and read for themselves they too would be smart and not need Rick (oh just Google him) Santorum to try to make ignorance into a good thing.
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Monday, August 27, 2012
Jeb Bush: It's Time For Obama 'To Move On' From Blaming George W. Bush
And we should care about his brother's feelings because...? Frankly, the mess we are in is expressly because of George Bush II's supply side economic voodoo nonsense first employed by Ronald Reagan and expanded upon like out of control RNA by Bush that caused massive debt and and an historic shift of wealth from everybody else to the 1%. Add to that there was the banking scandal that nearly collapsed the world's economy. So, I guess we all should still be blaming George W. Bush for the economic mess we are still struggling to climb out of without the benefit of a working Congress. The country is so broken now but the choice is quite clear. We can return to the failed economic policies of one party with a secret plan or we can side with the other party that was productive for the first two years of President Obama's term. In the mean time why let George off of the hook...he baited it.
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Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Tom Head, Texas Judge: Obama Reelection Could Lead To 'Civil War,' I'm Ready To 'Take Up Arms'
That brick load is shy of many more than one brick. Please Texas start teaching United States of America civics. And it would help if folks stop watching that Fox News it is really making y'all nuts.
Finally, it all boils down to race and that is what is sad about such prehistoric crazy thinking on the part of people like Tom Head. Sad.
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Monday, August 20, 2012
Todd Akin On Abortion: 'Legitimate Rape' Victims Have 'Ways To Try To Shut That Whole Thing Down' (VIDEO)
Just when you think that we have moved forward as a society we are reminded by those who have been left behind. It astonishes me when some 19th century blowhard recites a spiel of made up science to justify their backwards thinking. The guy just needs to go away...far away in the past where they belong.
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Thursday, July 26, 2012
Mitt Romney Walks Back London Olympics Criticism (UPDATE)
Well, this is it for me. I'm voting for the Arab, Kenyan, Muslim, foreign born in Hawaii guy. At least he can go to foreign lands and not tick off folks like Gov. Mitt.
For the interested reader go to the blog: We are the dog, and read the last three entries. Excellent!!
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Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Pennsylvania Voter ID Law Trial Set To Begin As State Concedes It Has No Proof Of In-Person Voter Fraud
The matter would be settled in there were one voting requirement...a federal ID which all would have that be used for voting, registering for medicare, medicaid, SNAP, the military, government jobs (all levels), driver's license, school (all levels), and travel (no more passports!) so that we face the truth...there is no hiding place in the country and privacy is moot. Why not have one ID photo fits all product and eliminate the propensity of state and local governments harassing their people by nickel and diming them with fees, hard to reach centers and archaic rules designed to disenfranchise citizens. A Federal ID would mean that I do not need an absentee ballot I can voting any where in any US state or territory. Voter turnout would probably rise too.
About Elections 2012
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Tuesday, July 17, 2012
John Sununu: 'I Wish This President Would Learn How To Be An American'
If you believe in America so much and desire the bankers who have wrought havoc on our economy to be without restrictions then why Mitt do you have money parked in offshore banks? Also, why do you want to be in charge of a government you and your party seem to hate? Finally, Gov. when will you address the needs of the 99% since we have a rather clear picture of what you are offering your 1% friends when is it our turn?
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Monday, July 16, 2012
Debbie Wasserman Schultz Slams Allen West As 'Unhinged'
I was going to pass up this article because the Broward County Congressman may well be unhinged but I cannot fathom why the media promotes his utterings? It is not as if he espouses great ideas yet they print his every word. Only my respect and empathy for people who live with mental health illnesses I do not use a phrase that truly applies to him. Too bad he has no empathy for us.
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Obama Singing Mocked By Mitt Romney Campaign
The difference is that one campaign speaks on substantive issues an another campaign is just dangerously silly. This will be a hard uphill battle for President Obama. The electorate must decide between moving forward progressing or most of becoming serfs and regressing. I know for whom I'm voting but wonder about my fellow citizens.
P.S. The President can sing.
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Thursday, July 05, 2012
Chris Rock 'White People's Day' July 4th Tweet Sparks Controversy
Chris is funny and making a pI rather like what Dr. Cone says about those people who are marginalized:
"Anger and humor are like the left and right arm. They complement each other. Anger empowers the poor to declare their uncompromising opposition to oppression, and humor prevents them from being consumed by their fury."- Dr. James H. Cone
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Tuesday, June 26, 2012
House Republicans Fail To Hold Promised Hearing On Drug Testing The Jobless
Your experience mirrors my own. Unemployment insurance just barely keeps you going while you furiously search for a job. Searching for a job WAS my job until I got one. I really missed my diet coke during that time but it fell way low on my list of needs.
It makes me sick how they (our Republican Congress) can got after people who paid into a fund so that when they are without are now scapegoats for a bunch who have no sense of shame.
About Unemployment
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Friday, June 22, 2012
Miami Heat Win 2012 NBA Championship: LeBron James Leads Way Over Oklahoma City Thunder
KING JAMES! The first in what will become a few championship rings. Congratulations King and the mighty Miami Heat.
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Friday, March 23, 2012
Trayvon Martin Case Protests Across Nation Culminate With Show Of Strength In Florida
Although there are many people to thank for bringing Trayvon Martin's case to public attention it has been Trymaine Lee who has been consistently on point. Thanks for the excellent work Mr. Lee. I had severely cut back on my Huff-Post reading bot you are essential reading since I want to stay current with the movement to get justice for Trayvon Martin's family.
It's a sad day when I agree with Joe Scarborough but I do, "What are they waiting for?"
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Saturday, March 17, 2012
Trayvon Martin Killing's Youngest Witness, 13, Still Can Hear The Screams
My heart breaks for the parents. I have 16 year old and I am like most parents terrified that something like this would happen to him. Where is the justice? A child minding his business is gunned down by a gun toting wannabe play cop? I am angry. The Martin family needs justice. We all do.
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Friday, March 16, 2012
New Mexico Mayor David Lansford's Obama Remarks Lead City Official To Resign, Consider Recall Effort
Good Lord! These folks are crazy as all get out. So, let me see...President Obama was recruited in his 20's to seek the Presidency, and he waited until the guy preceding him screwed up the economy so bad we nearly spun into a depression (not that the recession has been painless), handed two failing wars, an aging population, crumbling infrastructure and screaming teabaggers who want stuff for them and nobody else. Yet, two years into cleaning up the mess left by the Republican President he gets a rabid House of Representatives and an unending bunch of birthers to boot. I surely think that if this is a CIA plot we all should be deeply afraid since that CIA is a chock full of a bunch of bumblers.
The sad fact is that this guy is the mayor of anywhere is a shame to the nutty citizenry who elected him.
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Monday, March 12, 2012
Obama's Religion Still A Campaign Issue: Many Alabama, Mississippi Voters Believe President Is Muslim
No, because the President says so. In Christianity you profess your belief. He has. No one has the right to question what he believes because no but he and God knows what that is...everyone who professes to be a Christian must be taken on faith that that is who they are.
While I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ I am ashamed of some people who profess to be Christians but don't actually seem to buy into what Christ was instructing us to be and how to act. Folks who want to deny that the President is a Christian no little of what and who Christians are.
About Christianity
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Friday, March 02, 2012
Joe Arpaio, Prominent Sheriff, Unveils Results Of Investigation Into Obama Birth Certificate
What a chucklehead! Stop, I mean it. Stop bringing this nonsense up as if the facts will change. The President of the United States is a black man. Accept it.
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Sunday, February 26, 2012
Santorum: Separation Of Church And State 'Makes Me Want To Throw Up'
Taliban Rick. The USA as a theocracy. What next burkas and stoning?
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Melissa Harris-Perry On 'The Help': 'Appalled At The Gross Historical Inaccuracies' (VIDEO)
The book nor the movie "The Help" are my cup of tea. As a black woman from the south with first hand knowledge of women who were maids to white people, I heartily agree with Melissa Harris-Perry's view of "The Help." Both the book and the movie romanticizes a fraught filled, thankless, low paying job done by black women in the south during the ending of Jim Crow. Best wishes to Ms. Davis and Ms. Spencer but I do not wish the film well at all.
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Sunday, February 19, 2012
Rick Santorum: Obama Agenda Not 'Based On Bible'
I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ though I am ashamed of some folks who call themselves Christian. If Santorum chooses to promote the argument that Jesus did not emphasize the care of the "least of thee" then if a theology is in dispute it is his and not President Obama's.Th
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Wednesday, February 01, 2012
In Rediscovered Letter From 1865, Former Slave Tells Old Master To Shove It
One of the best letters I have read. Biting humor always seems to hit the mark. It probably went over the Col.'s head.
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Friday, January 20, 2012
Obama Sings Al Green's 'Let's Stay Together' At Apollo Theater In Harlem (VIDEO)
Love it! Our President can croon! I vote for him to jump start "One Nation Under a Groove" as his acceptance music/song
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Monday, January 16, 2012
The Movement Never Realized by Dr. King Is Still Needed Today
While reading and listening to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s words again in honor of his birthday celebration, I am astounded by his prophetic view of poor people's potential political and social power. I am convinced that his plan to teach and empower the poor and powerless of the Unites States of America and the rest of the world unleash energy that we can only speculate upon. Can you imagine how different our lives would be if poor people organized and won the concessions of employment, living wages, decent affordable housing, safe affordable food, clean water, clean air, access to health care, good education and accountable politicians and fair elections? The move from exploited and disposable to powerful and demanding would make the Arab Spring look like a weak effort. It would be the greatest revolution that the world would ever know!
The power of such a mass movement of poor people would shake the foundations of all institutions that depend upon the status quo and a permanent underclass to use. It is the very reason I strongly believe that Dr. King needed to be attacked, maligned and eventually removed because surely the poor people's campaign would have worked and caught on in every nation on the planet where to quote Fannie Lou Hamer, "We are sick and tired of being sick and tired." Dr. King's focus on the poor was not a singular notion but many veteran Civil Rights activists had come or were coming to the same belief as Dr. King on the next step and direction of the Civil Rights movement. Dr. King was the best known of the activists, with the highest platform to get the message out about an to direct the movement. It also allowed him to be the greatest target. His assassination cut off the spiritual and persuasive commitment to non-violence that Dr. King could provide. His death sealed the fate of the movement that was tried by Rev. Jesse Jackson. Without Dr. King the momentum was lost. The Civil Rights movement next step in harnessing and moving the power of all poor people was never as powerful as the fight for African Americans' civil rights in America.
In honor of those non-violent warriors who are now slipping away into death we must revisit Dr. King's vision of a poor people's movement. It will like the Civil Rights Movement improve the lives of everyone in America and when it expands outward will do the same in every country on the planet. Until we all can live in dignity providing food, clothing and shelter for ourselves, our families and neighbors we must struggle against the few who have the much so that the many can have a share too.
“If there is no struggle, there is no progress. Those who profess to favor freedom, and yet depreciate agitation, are men who want crops without plowing up the ground. They want rain without thunder and lightning. They want the ocean without the awful roar of its many waters. This struggle may be a moral one; or it may be a physical one; or it may be both moral and physical; but it must be a struggle.” - Frederick Douglass
Sunday, January 08, 2012
Newt Gingrich 'Irritated' By Outrage Over His Comments On Food Stamps
Newt isn't ignorant. He knows exactly what he said and exactly why he said it. It is a proven fact that if you want to score points with a certain segment of American voters you must attack black folks. You must marginaliz
While facts are stubborn things this crop of Republican contenders are the worst and prolific fibbers in recent memory. The race-baiti
About Newt Gingrich
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'Allen Gregory' Canceled: Fox On Fate Of 'House,' 'Fringe' And 'Terra Nova'
Bones and Fringe are the only two Fox TV shows I ever watch. If they are cancelled then I will send it along to rest with my NBC channel I don't watch either. Netflix has made bad TV something I do not have to put up with any more. Who would have thunk it that CBS has better shows than most networks other than a few cable networks?
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