Friday, March 16, 2012

New Mexico Mayor David Lansford's Obama Remarks Lead City Official To Resign, Consider Recall Effort

Good Lord! These folks are crazy as all get out. So, let me see...President Obama was recruited in his 20's to seek the Presidency, and he waited until the guy preceding him screwed up the economy so bad we nearly spun into a depression (not that the recession has been painless), handed two failing wars, an aging population, crumbling infrastructure and screaming teabaggers who want stuff for them and nobody else. Yet, two years into cleaning up the mess left by the Republican President he gets a rabid House of Representatives and an unending bunch of birthers to boot. I surely think that if this is a CIA plot we all should be deeply afraid since that CIA is a chock full of a bunch of bumblers.

The sad fact is that this guy is the mayor of anywhere is a shame to the nutty citizenry who elected him.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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