Sunday, September 21, 2008

An Open Letter to the People of Alaska

Dear Wonderful People of one of our most beautiful states in America,

As a part of our nation I just wanted you to know that I am indeed thankful to have you as a part of our union and think that being our largest state land wise is a really cool thing. I have visited your state and have seen for myself how precious and rich it is in natural resources. The people were warm and gracious to me and my traveling companion. It was a trip of a lifetime to be able to see all of the things I had read about in books before my very eyes.

I appreciate the oil and gas you provide although I would prefer to leave Alaska pristine rather than exploit all of your natural resources. I shall always remember the awful look of clear-cutting some of your beautiful and densely packed forests. I remember how the logs bobbed in the water not far from the ship I was traveling like common trash. The places where the trees were removed looked sparse and ugly. I have no qualms using natural products but feel strongly that we must replace what we use.

I would like to see you harness the arctic winds to help produce energy and to be the ones who perfect solar energy since you unlike the other 49 other states have a period of no nightfall each year in which you could experiment with the best solar collectors and distributors for consumer energy needs. The rest of the states could learn a lot from you.

In turn I ask that you keep one export at home for yourselves...your governor. I think that her brand of populism (I hail from a state that grew one of history's most flamboyant populist... Huey Long) is divisive. It seems that you are able to handle that. The rest of the 48 have enough trouble without adding such angry, condescension, and animosity to their already stressed lives. Now that the middle class will have to bear the burden of Wall Street's excess it is important that we lower the rising stress level by removing the possibility that we will have a right wing Bush knock off administration going even further into abyss that G.W. Bush's administration did and look how that turned out.

And so, this open letter to you is a plea to keep the one thing unenviable that you have...your governor in Alaska with you. Please.


A Fellow American

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Tim Wise and his very wise words...

Please follow this link to view this honest man's words:

Then link on to this to me an even better post: ion-white-privilege

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Ma Broke Her Hip

On Friday morning around 2 a.m. Ma snuck out of the house and got as far as the green mailbox across the street before she fell and broke her hip. My next door neighbor knew where she lived so she rang the doorbell. A woman I had never seen before scooped Ma up and brought her into the house. I realized how much damage she had done to herself and called the EMS. As usual they loved her and promised to take good care of her. I had to stay behind because under Massachusetts Law Joel was too young to stay home alone. So I packed him up and off we went to my sister's house. I woke her and sent Joel in while telling her about Ma. She said that she would relieve me at the hospital after she got dressed. I drove off wondering how bad her hip was this time.

I loathe hospitals. I am nervous and agitated whenever I am in one. Sick people scare me and I am a terrible nurse. So, I arrived at the hospital only to find out that she just got there and they were assessing her. That meant I had to sit out among the sick and the angry. My sister arrived and thankfully, I was able to go home. I had just started work and would not be able to take the day off.

Ma had to have surgery. This is the first time she had ever had to have surgery in her life. We were very concerned about the anesthesia. Ma has an extremely low tolerance for drugs. The strongest thing she can have is maybe Tylenol extra strength and that can make her sleepy. We were concerned that the anesthesia would kill her. Surgery went well now it is time for her to heal. One of the nurses had an old cantankerous mother at his home and was very supportive. Ma hits everybody. The sad and funny thing is that there is nothing we can do about it. Her fighting to me though means that she is going to be alright. It's that Narcisse blood. That stuff should be bottled.

Two hellish months later:

It helps that she is a Narcisse. They live a long time and "can take a lickin' and keep on tickin'".
She is now home being Ma. Thanks for the prayers and well wishes!

In God's Hands

Man plans and God laughs. HE did say, "Ask and it shall be given unto you, seek and ye shall find, knock and it will be opened unto you," so it seems that as Americans we need to be about the business of praying for Senator Obama. Then we need to get busy checking our friends and relatives to see if the are registered to vote and if not then registering to vote. We also need to be sure not to be discouraged. Do not let the lions in the way discourage you from voting. Make sure that regardless as to what the journalists say go out and do God's will and vote for Senator Obama.

After eight years we have a chance to come out of the wilderness. Senator Obama is our Joshua. He has the intelligence and skill to lead us like President Bill Clinton did to a more prosperous eight years where our country is respected and is a beacon to those who suffer under the yoke of dictatorships and totalitarian governments. WE have a chance to turn this country around and make a better path for future generations to follow.

If we fail to act then we will have sentenced ourselves to at least four more years of economic pain for everyone but the "haves" and "have mores" the true base of the Republican Party. Do not let them fool you about what they intend to do. They intend to keep things as the are at best and to make other things like the economy worse. Do we need to go to war with everyone? Can we afford the wars we are in now? Starving the treasury will not help end our borrowing craze from the Chinese. We need to boost our econonmy first , by repairing our infrastructure. We need to make education part of our security defense because an educated populace is a great defense against tyrany which requires ingorance and inaction. Finally, we need to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and use our American know how to develop green and renewable energy. It measns no more wars for oil!

Senator Obama is not perfect but he is qualified and ready to be President of this country. Senator Obama needs all thinking Americans to support him by voting for him on November 4th. We cannot live like we do any longer. If you don't want to vote for him then vote for you and your economic interest by voting for him. In an Obama Aministration we will get a better law abiding government that serves all of the people and a chance at a more prosperous one too.

We have a once in four years chance to make a dramatic change. Pray. Talk to family and friends about voting or becoming a registered voter and then on November 4th...VOTE! After you do then it will truly be in God's Hands. God willing Barack Obama will be our President.

1-866-MYVOTE1 or 1-866-698-6831
Register yourself or someone else today!