Sunday, June 21, 2009

TV SoundOff: Sunday Talking Heads

Unfortunately, I was too slow to reach the remote and failed to cut off Meet the Press before hearing that whiner Fred Thompson's spew nonsense. How can a show make a person be really, really grateful that Sam Nunn was defender of good? Have boring old saggy Fred Thompson that's how.

See what happens when you finally sleep late knowing that some other person will watch the talking heads for you and give you the high and low points without having to be subjected to George Will's whine, Cokie Roberts' kookiness, and Fox News' Chris Wallace attempt to be half the reporter his old man was on CBS. I like Bob Schieffer but I still don't like the flapping lips that are often booked on his show.

Whew! That brought out the crankiness in me. Anyway, thanks and better you than me Jason.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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