Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A Giant Lost

Massachusetts we have lost our lion. Senator Edward Kennedy, the last of the Kennedy brothers has left us with a job to care for all! It is now up to us to deliver on his vision of bringing health care to all Americans. He has left us a great commission and a strong legacy. Stand up in his honor and for each other and help pass a strong health care bill.

I am not sad. I am energized. God Bless his family in their time of grief.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Thursday, August 20, 2009

"Meet The Press" Draws Most Viewers Since April On Maddow's Debut Appearance

I usually refuse to watch Sunday teevee noos talk shows. I usually read Jason Linkins' column because it is funny and not as frustrating as the shows. Last Sunday I made an exceptionally because Rachel Maddow was going to be on. She was great! My wish would be that she would be a little tougher on the liars but I can live with civility if I must.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

<i>WaPo</i> Unleashes Army Of Anonymous Sources To Slag Public Option

There is no deal. There is only the public option without coops or dollars to buy off the insurance industry's pad mouthpieces...the Republicans. This is the biggest single issue for me and I am putting my few dollars where my mouth is and funding only those Democrats who vote for a public option and nothing else.

The White House has practically dealt themselves out of the picture by being floor mats for the Republicans. It is up to them to get back into the playing field and behind this juggernaut that is the health care public option. Progressives must stand firm because this really is the single biggest fight we have had on the domestic front that like social security can dramatically change the lives for the better of all Americans.

Every bankrupted family, those sick with no health care, insured with deductibles so high that it is almost as if you have no insurance, every unemployed American with no money for COBRA, those with no insurance because they are temporary workers, and for those of us who have health insurance but it won't pay for tests we need because it eats into their profits need to say ENOUGH! We who believe in change must remind our Democratic politicians that we matter, we vote, and we want a STRONG public insurance option passed this year. Anyone standing in our way should be ashamed and fearful as we are angry gentle people a forced to be reckoned.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Sebelius: Public Health Care Option "Not The Essential Element"

I will not give up. As much as the Republicans we have a stake in this outcome. I want a government run public insure option or I want single payer and that is as far as I am willing to go. I proudly vote Democratic each election but my only choice because THIS issue means a lot to me personally is to write my people and tell them that I will remember them on voting day and keep this regular Democratic vote and dollars at my home on election day.That sadly includes my President too.

I am tired of being taken for granted by the Democrats and overlooked by the Republicans. This is about the American people who are presently at the mercy of an amoral industry. Has your premium gone done? Have your services been expanded? Can you take your insurance with you to any job? Have you been denied care prescribed by your doctor because the insurance "death panel" says it will not cover it?

I am sick of these self serving politicians who act more like street walkers that public servants. Maybe we ought to chip in and pool our dollars and buy us our politicians back.

Sign me angrier than the crazies that have hijacked this issue but I don't call folks Nazis.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Valarie Jarrett Heckled And Hissed At Netroots Nation

Let's see, if you stumbled over a hornet's anf get stung very badly why do it again? We know what is in the pictures. Why give people who already have grievances against us more fodder? What's the point?

I am more concerned about the failure to go after those who designed "law" to torture people in our name. Yet, I am patient because that too is in process and I am willing to give this Administration a chance to prove that no one is above the law.

It took 8 years to get into the mess we are in and even whole year is not enough time to burrow out of it.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Thursday, August 06, 2009

Chris Rock's 'Good Hair' Looks At Business Of Black Hair (VIDEO)

I label this "plantation issues" be cause along with skin color the next give-away for being black is our hair. This is a very volitile issue and while Chris is putting it in a humorous light an honest discussion could bring some folks to blows. Now, that I live in the north I see no difference between black folks here and the south concerning "good hair"and lighted skinned black folks being better. As long as we define goodness and beauty in terms of whiteness we will struggle with these "plantation issues."
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Goldman Faces Inquiries From Regulators On Bonuses And Derivatives Trading

Jail them! Enough is enough. Make an example of highly connected Goldman Sachs and the others should fall in line. Please send them to state penitentiaries instead of Federal Boutique jails. That should put fear in their coldblooded hearts.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Obama V. Drudge: White House Rebuts Heath Care Clip (VIDEO)

Look, I don't care if the President said it or not it is exactly the kind of health care I want so Drudge would be bringing me good news. It is a shame we have to fight so hard for a half step like a public option.

Portability of health care eliminates the crap-shoot when you change jobs as to the kind and affordability or health care at all at the new job. Why must we suffer because too many elected officials feel no loyalty to we who elected them but to those who have paid them like insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies, and nursing homes. Banding together against them would assure us of Congressional representation that do our bidding regarding something as essential as decent, affordable, health care. It's time to vote the shortsighted knuckleheads out (regardless of politicalparty)!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Happy Birthday, Mr. President!

Barack Hussein Obama, born August 4, 1961 in Hawaii.

A great birthday present would be single payer health care.
A good birthday present is at least a strong public option!