Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Obama V. Drudge: White House Rebuts Heath Care Clip (VIDEO)

Look, I don't care if the President said it or not it is exactly the kind of health care I want so Drudge would be bringing me good news. It is a shame we have to fight so hard for a half step like a public option.

Portability of health care eliminates the crap-shoot when you change jobs as to the kind and affordability or health care at all at the new job. Why must we suffer because too many elected officials feel no loyalty to we who elected them but to those who have paid them like insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies, and nursing homes. Banding together against them would assure us of Congressional representation that do our bidding regarding something as essential as decent, affordable, health care. It's time to vote the shortsighted knuckleheads out (regardless of politicalparty)!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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