Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Obama To AFL-CIO: I Know You're Frustrated But Hang With Me

He has done more for this country in two years than several Presidents in their full terms. Health care, saving the auto industry, and the consumer protection bureau to name but a very few things that have been accomplished by President Obama in TWO YEARS. Is it all we need? No. Were even the accomplishments imperfect? Yes. I can say this regardless as yo what health preconditions I have I cannot be turned away from health insurers any more. For me That is very significant.

Am I satisfied? No. I elected a man not Superman. He has a good team but the other side plays hard and dirty and he is still in there fighting. He fights differently from what I would want but he fights, admits his errors and moves on. I too at this point see no reason to vote for someone else.
About Barack Obama
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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