Monday, October 18, 2010

John McCain: I'd 'Absolutely' Filibuster 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' Repeal (VIDEO)

John McCain: "It's all about meeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Sad. I'm so darn happy that he is not our President that I can hardly contain myself! Imagine our country with him in charge...Obama's looking real good to you again huh?
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Poverty In Suburbs Increasing Rapidly During Economic Downturn

I was right! Disbursing the poor to the suburbs while gentrifying the cities traps folks in places with poor or nonexistent public transportation, no desire to tax enough to support services that can lead to acquiring living wage jobs, few training facilities like junior colleges or universities, near mandatory automobile ownership, and isolation from the cities that have jobs, public institutions, a tax base, transportation, and are walkable.

I pleaded with folks to forgo the lure of a lawn for the lack of a commute and the reality that shipping the poor out would come to haunt them. Give me city life any day!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Grand Junction Obama Billboard Depicts Obama As A Muslim, A Gangster, And A Gay Man

I have thought deeply about this poster and I have come to the conclusion that it is racist and more importantly ignorant. I think that it is an indictment of our educational system that someone, anyone can imply or claim that our President is a Nazi or Communist. And yes, you Mr. Artist and your cowardly patron can hide behind art and speech but, I assure you it diminishes whatever impact you desire when you won't stand up for what you believe.

I am grateful that we have a smart, brave, and forward moving President. Our standing in the world has improved and we are on the path in the right direction.

Finally, the President is black...get over it. He blackness is not impeding you or your like minded friends one bit.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Christine O'Donnell's New Web Ad Channels YouTube Star (VIDEO)

No, it's not true. It makes me steamed when folks pretend that taxes aren't needed to provide services we have come to enjoy, like roads and bridges. I have been to states and towns that pay little or no taxes...Florida does not have personal income tax but, boy you pay real estate taxes and sales taxes. All levels of government need taxes to provide services that we take for granted.

I like calling 911 knowing that if I am attacked the police will come. If my place is on fire the firemen will come and actually put it out not watch it burn. If I am sick the EMS will come and try to help me live while rushing me to a hospital public or private. And most importantly to me that if I have garbage the city or town where I live will provide curbside pickup once or twice a week.

This Libertarian nonsense about taxes is foolish. I do not want my neighbor to be a self appointed sheriff because he owns a gun and the town where I live pays no taxes to hire a professional one. Why go backwards?
About 2010 Elections
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

The Power Of Clinton, The Invisibility Of Obama

This is the most banal and basically silly article I have read on HP. President Clinton was a far better President than George Bush I and II singularly and combined. However, his caving for the Republicans on the very things that President Obama must deal with now such as NAFTA (Perot was right about that), unleashing the regulations on the thieving bankers and welfare as we knew it which the long term unemployed could use about now. President Clinton is a diehard DLCer and we are reaping the residuals of his DLC (Republican lite) policies now. That the folks in Kentucky liked President Clinton better than President Obama is more that President Clinton is white and sounds like them.

In TWO years against all odds President Obama has yanked us from the abyss of global depression, carved for a more consumer friendly health care system, got the bankers off of the backs of college students who no longer have to sell their lives to them, spent money that saved jobs (mine included) and repaired some of our crumbling infrastructure. Has he done all that I wanted as a progressive? No. He failed to get the single payer medical system that I dream of every day, the stimulus was way too small, the bankers got off way too easy and Bush II was not brought to trial for the Iraq War and the resulting torture. President Obama has two more years to make more history.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Saturday, October 09, 2010

Incredible Urban Dancing Video In Rainy Oakland Goes Viral (VIDEO)

Art bringing a smile to a tired face. Those young men were spellbinding. My eyes were delighted to watch them work.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Chamber Of Commerce Thrust Into Political Firestorm

My questions are: What does Associate Justice Samuel Alito think now? Does he still think that Citizens United v FEC does not mean foriegn money will not be mixed into our political process?

I think his mouthing "That's not true." was a farce.

The Supreme Court majority got exactly what it intended and we are the poorer for it.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Friday, October 01, 2010

Rick Sanchez: Jon Stewart A 'Bigot,' Jews Run CNN & All Media

Well, that's one way to work yourself out of a job and possibly a career. I remember him from my S. Florida years...I was none too impressed.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost