Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Grand Junction Obama Billboard Depicts Obama As A Muslim, A Gangster, And A Gay Man

I have thought deeply about this poster and I have come to the conclusion that it is racist and more importantly ignorant. I think that it is an indictment of our educational system that someone, anyone can imply or claim that our President is a Nazi or Communist. And yes, you Mr. Artist and your cowardly patron can hide behind art and speech but, I assure you it diminishes whatever impact you desire when you won't stand up for what you believe.

I am grateful that we have a smart, brave, and forward moving President. Our standing in the world has improved and we are on the path in the right direction.

Finally, the President is black...get over it. He blackness is not impeding you or your like minded friends one bit.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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