Saturday, November 13, 2010

Pretend Democrats Advise Obama Not To Run For Re-Election

I want to know where these folks were when Bush was blowing the economy up? I don't recall storms of protests about a war based on a lie. He was President for FOUR years and pretty much f**ked up the country. Two years and escaping a global DEPRESSION, gaining lower taxes, the ability to keep your grown child on your health care plan, able to get health care even if you have a health condition already, and no arbitrary lifetime caps just when you are fighting a catastrophic illness, keep your college kid from selling his/her soul to Sallie Mae for an education, brought us positive global relations, our domestic auto industry is on the way back and a few things else I could list too. Has President Obama done everything you, I and even he wanted? No. Yet, he has done more than many Presidents and especially Bush.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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