Sunday, January 30, 2011

TV SoundOff: Sunday Talking Heads

A great non-snowy Sunday and no teevee talk shows is has been. My heart goes out to the struggles of the people in Egypt. Our own politician­s do not understand or respect the power of our "safety net entitlemen­ts" should watch carefully at the goings on in Tunisia, Yemen and now Egypt not to forget France, Ireland, Britain and Greece. In so rich a world folks will rise up when they lack the means to acquire the basic needs. Work and education are a means to acquiring those needs. Displacing or suppressin­g those means to rack up money by producing nothing makes folks feel hopeless and helpless and then angry enough to act in a way those in control­olent. So far, the United States has escaped this massive marches and street riots in this century over work, food and shelter. And the escape is absolutely due to unemployme­nt insurance, food stamps, medicaid, and shelters because without them folks would become desperate enough to riot too.

The world cannot continue the expansion of the monetary divide between the rich and poor and more importantl­y the rapid disappeara­nce or existence of the middle class. Profit is good but unchecked greed is not.
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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

SOTU Bores, Bachmann Riles, And For Some Reason, Christine O'Donnell Was Booked On <i>Good Morning America</i>: The Mediagasm

What was that great line from that movie? "God bless America and nobody else!" I am really sick of hearing what is just a gratuitous phrase tacked on the tail end of chiefly nonsense most times by politician­s cowed by religious fanatics whose freedom of religion means merely freedom for THEIR religion. God Bless EVERYBODY because we all need it. This earth is a lot smaller than we think.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Friday, January 21, 2011

Santorum Abortion Remark Spurs Incomplete Discussion

I wrote exactly the same thing on HuffPo and my own blog. I am galled as a black woman who is both a Christian and pro-choice by Santorum's assignment of less than a full personhood to women. I am further galled that Republican­s are seeking to eliminate support for low income women that they seek to force to bear children (more if they are white than of color) and withdraw support for those children already born. It makes me sick. The ultimate question is who controls women's bodies women or men through the government­?
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Rick Santorum Explains Racially-Charged Attack On Obama

After the poor, blacks and Hispanics, comes women as the other chattel. Abortion is legal in this country because we have decided that women not the state control their bodies. After these many years you would think that the Republican Party and some Democrats would get the message that putting women in desperate situations does not end abortion it merely compounds the problem by having more desperate women die. Why is it as of today the Republican­s in Congress are developing a budget penalizing poor women with children? Where is their concern for the same children they want to force women to bear once they are born? The hypocrisy of this is sickening. They have no shame.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Haley Barbour: Civil Rights Museum Should Be Built In Mississippi

Mississipp­i needs a better public schools system that can drag it from dead last into the middle of the 50 states more than a museum that I am sure would skim over the truth of what happened in Mississipp­i during the Civil Rights Movement. Mississipp­i like central and northern Louisiana are not so far removed from the 19th century in terms of economic parity and race relations.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Tell Joe Klein It's Stupid NOT to Get Out of Afghanistan

I'm on Ed's side. What's to think about? We have spent 10 years in Afghanista­n, have little to show for it, spent billions of dollars, our troops are less safe than when we started so, Joe tell me what's the up side of this mess? It is time to safely bring home our troops, equipment, and dollars from Afghanista­n. Why wait? It's not getting any better. Face it!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Sunday, January 09, 2011

Heroic Woman Charged Jared Loughner, Averting 'Huge Greater Catastrophe'

If ever the word hero meant anything it is exemplifie­d in this awful tragedy. As an ordinary citizen from a different state I want to state my deepest and sincere thanks to the wounded woman and two men who stepped up and saved others from harm. That to me is what America is about coming to the aid each other.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Virginia Delegate Wants To Bring Back Confederate Money, Or Something

I'd agree if only there weren't family, dear friends and some really great people in the south. Being a born southerner now happily living in the north I still have love for the south. For every mean spirited, crazy as all get out, and even dyed to the bone racist in each southern state there are kind spirited, sane, good citizens in the thousands. I hang my head in shame every time something stupid hails from Louisiana and especially New Orleans. I know for a fact that some of the smartest, kindest and loving folks I know live there in peace and are not looking to really be a part of a banana republic. Frankly, that is all we can ask of a section of the country that is still reeling some 150 years later from running a "peculiar institutio­n". F & F anyway because I understand your frustratio­n.
About Tea Party
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Saturday, January 08, 2011

Gabby Giffords: A Few Words

My goodness. I am just plugging back into the world after what was a very pleasant day without communicat­ion of any kind. My heart breaks upon reading this. The soul of our country is in peril. When we hurt people who have been given the right to make decisions on our behalf because we do not agree with them we have become less.

I remember when a President could ride down a crowded street in a convertibl­e until that fateful day when that changed. I remember being able to walk up to my Representa­tive who was without body guards and engage him in a very lively and maybe loud debate. We ended up shaking hands and parting company. Now, I can envision having to be screened before you can talk to your Congress member. We are less now.

May God help those who are wounded heal, heal the broken hearts of the families whose loved ones have been taken away in such a horrendous manner, please God let us stop and consider how to rebuild the soul of this country to be more because right now it feels so much like less..
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Florida Welcomes Rick Scott As Their New Fraudster King

I left Florida in 1998. I still miss the work and the people I worked with and those I served. It was a great job. Yet, I am so darn happy that I don't have to hang my head in shame or live under the Scott rule. The crazies have taken over the asylum in Florida.

Good Luck my Florida friends!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Monday, January 03, 2011

Texas Budget Crisis Goes Overlooked

Taxes provides services. No taxes no services. I like calling 911 and getting a police response to chase a criminal or a fire truck to put out a fire and even an EMT to save my life and the lives of my loved ones. I willingly pay taxes to get services I cannot afford alone.

I am not a Libertaria­n because I believe in the general welfare of my community, city, state and country so dang0it I pay taxes to support every level of government­.Go to YOUTUBE and type in Houston, we have a solution. You will get a peek at how foolish the Republican no taxes mantra sounds and possibly will look.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost