A great non-snowy Sunday and no teevee talk shows is has been. My heart goes out to the struggles of the people in Egypt. Our own politician
s do not understand or respect the power of our "safety net entitlemen
ts" should watch carefully at the goings on in Tunisia, Yemen and now Egypt not to forget France, Ireland, Britain and Greece. In so rich a world folks will rise up when they lack the means to acquire the basic needs. Work and education are a means to acquiring those needs. Displacing or suppressin
g those means to rack up money by producing nothing makes folks feel hopeless and helpless and then angry enough to act in a way those in control abhor...vi
olent. So far, the United States has escaped this massive marches and street riots in this century over work, food and shelter. And the escape is absolutely due to unemployme
nt insurance, food stamps, medicaid, and shelters because without them folks would become desperate enough to riot too.
The world cannot continue the expansion of the monetary divide between the rich and poor and more importantl
y the rapid disappeara
nce or existence of the middle class. Profit is good but unchecked greed is not.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost