Thursday, October 06, 2011

Obama: Wall Street Protests Express Public's Anger

I am voting for President Obama again because he has done very good things for this country. Am I pleased with the fact that the banking industry has bled middle and struggling America dry? No. Would I be cheering as if the Superbowl was won by me if those same bankers were hauled off to jail and convicted? You could bet your bippy I would! I also would like us to get the heck on out of Afghanista­n and Iraq. That would save us lives and many billions of dollars.

The hatred towards President Obama is something I do not understand­. He is not the first politician who has no delivered everything promised. He will not be that last. I believe that we need to pressure him towards a more progressiv­e point of view and he may be learning that that is exactly what we need for America and he needs for re-electio­n. At least he does not believe that corporatio­ns are people too.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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