Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I cannot condone violence against women for any reason. In her article, Ms. Greene though is way over the top in suggesting that there is/was no concern about Rhianna's beating at the hands of her boyfriend Chris Brown by black folks. Much as it pains me to learn of any woman being beaten I have to hope that the justice system will address the wrong done to her. We do need to be concerned that his celebrity status and money may make his penance a lot lighter than a regular Joe is the same position.

It enrages my soul that Ms. Greene would equate the two events, Brown's beating of Rhianna and the New York Post's publishing an editorial cartoon that is NOT being misinterpreted by any thinking person as an invitation to kill our President. Ms. Greene must know that it takes very little to set our home grown nuts and terrorists off. So yes, assassinating a duly elected President is more important than a domestic violence case where the victim is alive and able to address her abuser on several levels.

Is this fair? No. Life is not fair. It is not fair that the health and safety of our President is more important than a case of domestic abuse between two black celebrities who can afford counseling and to live apart.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Monday, February 23, 2009

Gibbs V. Santelli: He Should Read President's Plan (VIDEO)

How silly is this going to get? We have had Joe the Plumber get months of fame basically saying nothing worthwhile. You get a commodity trader having a hissy fit on tee-vee because folks who are caught in the cross hairs of the lousy bankers' meltdown need help to stay in their homes. I don't know about that Rick guy but every neighbor that loses their home makes my neighborhood less desirable and soon dangerous. You need not mention the fact once reasonably priced homes are left to rot because the homeowners lost their jobs and could no longer afford the mortgage through no fault of their own.

Rick is just a J*ck*ss! These guys have no conscience so they never see the lack of logic and humanity in their drivel.

Let him and folks like him rant. Turn the channel or read a book.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Loyal Opposition

I find it interesting that several Republican pundits write scathing columns about Democrats are rather thin skinned when called out. Why be in the word-war business if you cannot take a hit or several?

Yes, we need opposition but we need principled opposition that put America before party. There used to be names of Republican Congressmen I knew to have a deeper love for this country than even themselves. I cannot name one today in this Congress.

Newt Gingrich shut down the government because his feelings wee hurt. How principled is that?

You have Republican governors who are saying that they will refuse money to help the tens of thousands unemployed workers because they don't want people getting used to more. Do they understand that there are people's lives involved here? Have they no empathy? How principled is that?

It galls me that the impetus is to do less, be less, and watch the weak struggle. Where's the principle in that?

Republicans certainly don't believe in anything beyond lip service concerning workers and the middle class. They project a loathing and blatant disregard for the weak and the poor. Where is the principle in that.?

We are all Americans and we need both parties to provide their best service. The Loyal Opposition needs to show some loyalty...to us the American people because there's good principle in that.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Lansing Mayor Virg Bernero Defends Working Class On Fox News (VIDEO)

I don't care else the Mayor has or has not done well for what he said about working stiffs I think earns him another round as leader. It is high time somebody stepped up for workers who on their backs will the bills for this financial mess be paid.
About Video On HuffPost
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Obama Stimulus Speech: "Time For Action Is Now" (VIDEO)

My Congresspeople are voting for the stimulus. My ex Congress people in Louisiana, a backwards state if there ever was one, are teetering towards voting no. I have called and email all of my family and friends to call, email and write their Congress people about voting for the stimulus bill because as high as unemployment there is now it will get worse and resemble not a banana republic but sheer anarchy.

Put people back to work. Tell your Congresspersons vote for the stimulus and that you will remember them on next election day.

Some of those Congresspeople need retiring.

Let's move forward!
About Barack Obama
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost