Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I am not angry any more just tired. I mean we have been robbed up one side and down another since the spring of 2008. It is just another step towards the new bondage. There's simply nothing to feel good about in this mess. The Democrats are leaning toward their own self interest (staying in office) and te Republicans are crazy and confused. We are at the mercy (of which these guys have none) of the bankers who are forcing usury rates on people. Bend over.

The fierceness in my soul could never understand why so many folks got on the trains to the death camps during WWII and did not fight back. I now have but a glimmer of how when crushed repeatedly you get on board and hope somebody would save you. Shame is that not so many try to help, many try to stand you in front of them.

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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