Sunday, April 19, 2009

Opposition Grows To Obama's Decision Not To Prosecute CIA Agents

I do not support investigating and/or indicting the CIA agents who tortured the "enemy combatants" or whatever made up words Bush, Inc set for folks who wound up in Cuba. I think that they should lose their jobs and pensions and testify in the trials of the people who made the decisions to torture, who condoned torture through ginned up legalistic scrawlings that green lighted the CIA agents to do what they did. Those lawyers and doctors who aided and abetted torture should be drummed out of their professions and be sent if convicted to jail.

We cannot afford to dismiss the gravity of what was done in our name. Our military personnel, NGO and other aid workers, Americans traveling and living abroad have been made more vulnerable because we failed to stay true to our values...we do not torture.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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