Thursday, July 30, 2009

Progressive House Democrats Balk At Health Care Compromise

My preference is for a single payer system. That mountain is too hard to climb but having a public option for Americans simply is not optional. We MUST have a strong public option for there to be any kind of health care reform. The problem is that those folks who have good health care insurance (like government workers like CONGRESS) see not much wrong with the private insurers' provision of service to the rest of us.

For me the concepts of coverage, stability, and affordability are the base of our health care reform. We all need coverage. The coverage needs to be portable. We need to be able to pay for it according to our income. Why is this so difficult?

Putting money before the health and welfare of the American people has brought us to this quagmire. Finally, it is time for Congress (both houses and both sides of the aisle) to do the right thing by the American people and develop, pass, and send the President a bill that will help us first and the insurance industry maybe.

WE certainly deserve it!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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