Friday, July 31, 2009

August Ad Wars Begin: Progressive Group Targets Ben Nelson (VIDEO)

Nail him! He has no shame! Senator Baucus is out for himself and cares not one wit for the rest of America. What we really need is a single payer system for health care. What the compromised was is a public option. His and the Republicans live off of the dollars of the legal companies that shut out a lot of Americans through premiums or preexisting medical conditions. These are the same peole who cry and moan about abortion but are heartless and cruel to already existing people.

They have no shame. They have no shame. It is time for retirement. Montana do the country a favor, keep Senator Baucus home and send someone that will look out after Montanans and the rest of the country too.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Progressive House Democrats Balk At Health Care Compromise

My preference is for a single payer system. That mountain is too hard to climb but having a public option for Americans simply is not optional. We MUST have a strong public option for there to be any kind of health care reform. The problem is that those folks who have good health care insurance (like government workers like CONGRESS) see not much wrong with the private insurers' provision of service to the rest of us.

For me the concepts of coverage, stability, and affordability are the base of our health care reform. We all need coverage. The coverage needs to be portable. We need to be able to pay for it according to our income. Why is this so difficult?

Putting money before the health and welfare of the American people has brought us to this quagmire. Finally, it is time for Congress (both houses and both sides of the aisle) to do the right thing by the American people and develop, pass, and send the President a bill that will help us first and the insurance industry maybe.

WE certainly deserve it!
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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Send Us Your Favorite Local Food Restaurants

Betty's Restaurant and Barbecue, Ft. Lauderdale, FL

601 NW 22nd Rd

Not a weak item on the menu. If you have room the homemade cakes are just as good as the rest of the entrees and sides. My favorite is the oversized fluffy square of cornbread. that comes with every meal.

Two Sisters (was Two Sisters Kitchen) not to be confused with the Court of Two Sisters Restaurant

223 N. Derbigny Street

New Orleans, LA

Very, very tasty food served in generous portions and a kind and friendly staff. They will not break your pocketbook either. Two Sisters is the favorite haunt of politicians, locals and the lucky tourists who get the inside tip to hop a cab and get a seat there. Well worth the trip.
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Monday, July 27, 2009

Senate Finance Committee Dropping Dem Health Goals: AP

Senator Max Baucus not President Obama is shepherding the bill in his committee. He has gone against the weak-kneed Majority Leader Reid and continued to cave to the Republicans who will not vote for any health care bill. Apparently, no one in Montana needs health care reform they've got it made.

The Blue Dog Democrats should be renamed the Dollar Bill Democrats. They have sold the middle class and working people out for lobbying dollars.

I am a Christian so I cannot hope for bad things to happen to them but I want it known that it is really hard not to do so.

They have excellent health care and so what do they care about the rest of us?
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Fake And Real Outrages In The Health Care Debate

Why should we believe that our doctors are altruists? They are not. Health care is a business and these folks are business people. People vote for the group that protects their financial interests so if themajority of doctors are Republican what does that say?

Health care reform is needed for the people of the United States that want stabilization of providers and/or a provider at all. I am staunchly behind a public health care provider option. I would drop my current and I might add decent provider in a hot minute for a public provider like my mother's Medicare. I would not be subjected to whomever my employer chose and I would be able to keep them during what is now becoming frequent job changes.

The private providers have sucked the marrow out of health care and want to continue doing so. The politicians that allow this to continue regardless of political party should go down in flaming defeat at the polls. We need decent health care at an affordable price for all Americans. It in this still rich country should be a right not a privilege for a chosen few.
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La. Dems Respond To Vitter's 'LuvFest' Ad: Our 'LuvFests' Are Legal, Unlike Yours

It seems the Senator set himself up for that Democratic Party retort. Good for the LA Dems. My home state is such a backwards 19th century relic that having even another Blue in the Senator is preferable than Vitter whose intellect has not been displayed much if at all during his term of service. He should have remained a US Rep from Metairie where they appreciate his like.
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Friday, July 24, 2009

Gates Says What A Lot of Us Are Thinking: You Prove It!

Great column. The teevee noos stations here in Boston are going nuts. It is disgusting and aggravating how they automatically assume the police guy is telling the truth.

Now, they want the President and Governor to apologize to the policeman.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Jon Stewart Eviscerates The 'Birther' Movement (VIDEO)

I love Jon Stewart! He makes the issue plain and the birthers look as foolish and crazy as they are. He is the most trusted man in America because, "he ain't scared."
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

John Yoo Pranked By Australian Comedy Team (VIDEO)

What I can't believe is that he went and got an old woman to boot the guy out of his class. That guy has guts.
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A Stranger in Mine Own House: Henry Louis Gates, Jr. and the Police in "Post-Racial" America

Beautiful column! The sad part is that many people posting here refuse to accept the truth a man went to jail for yelling at the police in his home. To paraphrase Derick Bell, "and we are still not free."
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Monday, July 20, 2009

Henry Louis Gates Jr. Arrested, Police Accused Of Racial Profiling

Dr. Gates,

Select a Cambridge government building you like and sue for that. It was a ridiculous arrest because the policemen were embarassed by you yelling at them. Yelling is not against the law. You have an excellent attorney and I do hope that the City of Cambridge have lots of money to spare because they deserve to be sued for hiring such.easily offended cops.

You are a better person than me because after I showed them my ID in my home I would tell them to leave my property and call my lawyer to prepare the lawsuit.

"the Negro has no rights that a white man is bound to respect." -- Chief Justice Roger B. Taney's majority opinion in the Dred Scott case

Still true today.
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The Obama Haters' Next Move - Page 1 - The Daily Beast

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Friday, July 17, 2009

Obama NAACP Speech (VIDEO): "Your Destiny Is In Your Hands... No Excuses"

This was an excellent speech to a ready crowd. The NAACP speeches are important to America. It is there a President can address the past, present, and future of Americans who are marginalized and those who have achieved success. President Obama reminded us of the value of being one nation. I was glad he mentioned that this great country is also the place of second chances. Those who need a fresh start should be able to get one as we are the place of opportunities. It seems that we forget how much we have in natural resources (our people), in our sense of fairness, generosity, and community things of value. We still live separately. When attacked we move as one. Regardless as to the fringe groups' denial President Obama is the President of us all and he represents us well in the world and at home.

See Langston Hughes' poem, "Mother to Son" to understand that what he said is not new for African Americans to hear. How it is said means all the world. Bill Cosby used ridicule and turned the very people he wanted to reach off. Many others like President Obama have used the truth not as a weapon but as a call for change and to encourage people to strive for better. In poor and marginalized communities this is a call that must be repeated because change, real change, is often slow, taking a great deal of energy and perseverance before it manifests itself.
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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

ROTFLOL! Please keep Michael Steele right where he is saying what he says. The Democrats cannot get it any better and blacks do not need to guess at all where the GOP stands. Amazing it's like flks are being paid to make the GOP more obsolete each day. What next? White sheets and a pork picnic?

You gotta laugh or you want punch somebody.

Lord please let them go the way of the Whigs.
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Michele Bachmann Defies Critics, Introduces Bill To Curb Yearly Census Survey

The information the Census Bureau retrieves from the ten year Census is of enormous use to many government, academic and private researchers, businesses, government of every level, professional and amateur genealogists as well as civic and social organizations No agency can plan or provide adequately for the needs of its people without the acquisition of information. So far, the Census' record keeping has been generally very good. I would love to have access to the complete 1940 and 1950 Censuses because as an amateur genealogist the information from the 1930 Census only answered some of the many question I had as to my family. Those Censuses 1940 and 1950 will not be released for a very long while.

Finally, the Census is only as good as the truthfulness of the people answering the questions...many people have lied and in doing so lost government money and business interest. Rep. Bachmann's constituents can do the same.
About Michele Bachmann
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Stefan Frederick Cook: Soldier Won't Deploy Over Obama Birth Certificate

What a load of crock! Off to the brig for the soldier and I hope the court costs are enormous for Alan Keyes' dabble in fantasy-land. I cannot believe that any court would indulge this nonsense. We have enough pressing issues that they need to concern themselves about.

If President Obama could have been removed or better yet prevented from taking office for not being a citizen then better lawyers than the ones pressing this mess would have been front and center to handle it. Obama would not have been sworn in by the CHIEF JUSTICE who is NO friend of the the middle or left leaning folks.

We would be facing a conspiracy of vast proportions.What we have is a fringe group of disappointed folks who doggedly assert that our President is illegitimate and is protected from detection by the Congress and the Judicial systems. Again, this is not so. Too many in government would be delighted with Obama's removal to be a party to his staying in power. It is the truth that put him there and the truth that will keep him there. It is well past time to move along on this issue.

Access to excellent mental health help is a key and vital part of a strong public option of the new health care system. It seems that many who believe that President Obama is not a citizen would be greatly helped with its passing.
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Summer Reading Suggestions

For young adults and young minded adults I recommend The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman. Also, great light reading for young people middle school and up... The Percy Jackson series (5 books) a swift moving series of books based on Greek Mythology laced with action, adventure and humor written by Rick Riordan.

I was very unhappy to learn that the Nicholas Flammel series that began with The Alchemyst is really a six book series. After reading the successive books The Magician and The Sorceress I can't see Michael Scott pulling off the series well. Frankly, I am tired of the story and peeved that it has not ended yet.

Finally, for any Stephanie Plum Mystery lovers there is a new book out. It is entitled Finger Lickin' Fifteen, by Janet Evanovich. Funny, fast paced and with the added summer thirst for adventure and some action it fits the bill for good summer reading.

More suggestions to come...

Friday, July 10, 2009

E'Dena Hines, Morgan Freeman's Step-Granddaughter: Also His Lover?

Yuck! This is a very disgusting story. If this is true he needs to jailed. She needs therapy and they all need Jesus!
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Thursday, July 09, 2009

Morgan Stanley Turns Downgraded CDOs Into AAA Securities

Seems like it is well past time for Obama to clean house. When Holder going to indict and jail these Wall street clowns?

it is time to get rid of the Treasury Secretary, Chief Economic Advisor, and federal reserve chairman who are propping these leeches up on the backs of workers. The time is now to get rid of the Sachs apologists and hire some sheriffs to monitor Wall Street.
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Thursday, July 02, 2009

Obama: Too Many Jobs Lost

What is a significant problem is opportunistic lay-offs. Some employers are firing people because they can. Their companies are not stressed or struggling nor are they in any way in danger of being stressed or struggling.What they are doing is firing folks that they would not be able to fire before the economic downturn. I think that needless job losses are occurring. What is to be done about this?
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Wednesday, July 01, 2009