Thursday, May 27, 2010

Roy Sekoff On 'Ed Show': Oil Spill 'Gush Cam' Clashes With Obama's Cool Confidence (VIDEO)

What would Roy have the President do? Some of this over the top histrionics by a bevvy of armchair quarterbacks aggravates my soul. If you are so darn het up over the spill Roy then go down to Louisiana and wash brown pelicans.

This is a man made disaster that has no quick fixes as much as anyone with a heartbeat would desire. What is desperately needed is for the engineers and inventors to pull off a miracle and save Louisiana.

Now ask Jindal and others in Louisiana if they will give up oil and gas drilling since the clean-up and repair technology is so far behind the drilling and exploration techniques.

Again, what do you want the President to do?
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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