Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Why This is Obama's Katrina Moment -- Literally

Who died and made Harry Shearer an expert on New Orleans and/or Louisiana?

I am sick of this guy spouting off as if he knows everything about the city and the state. I was born and raised there. I was there for Katrina. My family has been in Louisiana since 1790.

There is a marked difference between Katrina a natural disaster made much, much worse by the historic arrogance of the US Corps of Engineers. The hurricane was natural the flooding was man made.

BP's oil flood is that of their making. The law says *they* have to clean it up. The technology for cleaning up oil spills in deep water by an industry allowed to run amok for 8 years with hardly any regulatory oversight is obviously insufficient. They are making it up as they go along. What in the heck can the President do? Go skim oil himself? What a crock! For Katrina, the failure to aid the poor and marginalized was that ALONE of government at all levels. For Katrina, the multiple levee breeches were the responsibility of the government, the federal government alone.

THERE IS NO comparison between the two events.

The histrionics of James Carville aside, the President does not need to go down to Louisiana to try to save Louisiana from BP.

I do believe somebodies ought to go to jail for this mess.

I am sick of the 20% lording it over the rest of the city. Yeah, Harry
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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