Friday, July 09, 2010

Georgia Democratic Candidate Unveils Provocative Ad Featuring Shooting Victim's Mother (VIDEO)

Fanned and faved. The Georgia ad is powerful. As a southerner I know that things like this happen much more frequently than we would believe. A badge and a gun are powerful in America and doubly so in the south. Prosecutor have been known to favor the police over a victim because they rely on the police for their cases and winning is what lawyers on both sides focus on. It is not about justice.

Concerning the unemployed: Write a note to your Senator who voted against extending unemployment letting him or her know that you have indeed made up your mind to vote against them whenever they run for election and enthusiastically work on behalf on their opponent. They could not find it in their interest to vote for your well being and darn-it you can't seem to find it in you to vote for their political well being. Enough of those letters and maybe we can have some movement on extending unemployment.
About Video
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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