Wednesday, January 26, 2011

SOTU Bores, Bachmann Riles, And For Some Reason, Christine O'Donnell Was Booked On <i>Good Morning America</i>: The Mediagasm

What was that great line from that movie? "God bless America and nobody else!" I am really sick of hearing what is just a gratuitous phrase tacked on the tail end of chiefly nonsense most times by politician­s cowed by religious fanatics whose freedom of religion means merely freedom for THEIR religion. God Bless EVERYBODY because we all need it. This earth is a lot smaller than we think.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

1 comment:

Montana said...

Michele Bachmann did not say how we got here from eight years of poor leadership, two wars without end, diminsihed Civil liberties. Its like she crawl out from under a rock just to complain about our current President. We all know that Americans for Prosperity and Freedom Works started the Tea Party, grasroots, please. She like Sarah Palin, Christine O’Donnell, Sharron Angle and Linda McMahon, they are just not right but funny. I especially like the clip of Bachmann saying that the founding fathers abolished slavery, wow, what a liar, not the first or last time that will happen. Does anyone with self-respect real believe her?