It is hard to maintain Christian love for such a vile man as Mitch McConnell. He would rather see the American people suffer in order to get rid of President Obama. Jesus said we have to love everyone but he did not say we had to like them. I do not like Mitch McConnell and it is personal. My mother is dying and because she has Medicare she has excellent care. Her life and mine too would be vastly different if we had to use commercial insurance for her care. We would be broke. So Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security are very personal programs that I am willing to base my votes on for any politician
. Try to diminish them and you lose my vote. Protect them and I will vote for you. You cannot tackle bigger issues than life and death. All three of those programs touch on that...lif
e and death.
It is high time that the Democrats stood up for core Democratic ideas and programs. This is the opportunit
y for Democrats to not resort to deception but to react to the needs and desires of their constituen
ts and in largesse the constituen
ts of the Republican
s too, who need Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security to survive.
Senator McConnell needs to grow a heart where those dollars signs exist. The Democrats need to stiffen their spines and join Nancy Pelosi in drawing a line in the sand that mas, no more, enough!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost