Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Recovery Job Growth Concentrated In Low-Paying Occupations

They paid someone to write this? They paid someone to research this?...ta­lk about out of control spending. All they had to do is ask me. I will make much less this year than last. Yet I am grateful to be earning anything since being a middle age black woman almost guarantees that if I lost my job I would not be hired again or if I am so lucky to get a job it surely will be paid significan­tly less than what I earn now. Stupid Congress, greedy rich people, and thank you lazy nonvoters of the 2010 election. Look what you have done to America.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Monday, July 25, 2011

Senator Ruben Diaz, National Organization For Marriage Protest Gay Marriage In New York (PHOTOS)

It always seem that those that scream the loudest about gays are often self-hatin­g closeted gays. I can never understand how gays marrying affect strait marriages.

What appalls me most is the idea that the majority feels that they should vote on the rights of the minority. Taking in mind what Frederick Douglass said, "Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them, and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress." I do hope that we who believe in freedom will continue to resist those who seek to wrest it from others.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Friday, July 22, 2011

What Your Favorite Author Says About You

Why no female authors? My favorite authors are: Alice Walker (The Third Life of Grange Copeland), Toni Morrison (Song of Solomon) , JK Rowling (Harry Potter series), Zora Neale Hurston (Their Eyes Were Watching God and Mules and Men) and Janet Evonovich (Stephanie Plum series). I also like any female detective series and Rick Riordan (mythologi­cal series) and Michael Scott (Nicholas Flammel series).

There's more but this is a pretty good start.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Debt Ceiling Debate: Obama, Congress Seek Deal As Deficit Crisis Looms (LATEST UPDATES)

How crazy is this? Grown folks who wanted to "serve" the public as our representa­tives are holding our financial lives hostage because they can. My question to the Republican­s is simply this: Why do you h@te America?
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Obama Warns Cantor As Debt Talks Stall: 'Don't Call My Bluff'

First, turn off your cap lock. The United States of America is certainly not broke. The debt ceiling has been raised before without drama when it was Republican­s in the White House. The United States of America has had a debt albeit not as horrible as since Ronald Reagan severely increased the debt during his terms. George W. Bush went from a surplus to addition trillions to the debt. That said, America is not broke in fact we are still the richest country in the world what we do have is a financial industry run amuck killing jobs and two wars.

Obviously you have not a clue as to what would happen if we default on our debts. Not only would we in this country would go into an immediate financial downturn shedding even more jobs we would drag the entire world along for that awful ride.

The way out is a second stimulus, a public works program and increasing the tax rate on the top 2 % and corporatio­ns. What we need to pull out of the recession is revenue! Employed workers pay taxes (revenue). Workers spend money which means companies have more clients buying things that requires them to hire more people to serve them. Those newly hired? Why they pay taxes too so more revenue for treasury. I challenge you to review your history from 1928 to 1940. It also would not hurt to read up on economics too.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Obama Warns Cantor 'Don't Call My Bluff' As Debt Talks Stall

Dang, President Obama is bringing the heat! I confess that he had me scared but like most people my short term political memory is faulty. It seems that I forgot that this is the same guy who got bin Laden (without pre-drama yacking). He has a steady laser beam approach to problems he gets there when the problem is solved. I will remember that. He is patient and I am not. I still think he has a FDR streak in that we his base have the job of providing necessary pressure on him to get things done. I'm happy to do that!

I have no respect for the Republican leadership and see them as the worst hostage taking negotiator­s in history. They do not seem to know what they want except that rich people pay less than their fair share of taxes. Where are the jobs in this? As far as the debt ceiling is concerned the President still has a weapon left with the 14 Amendment Section 4. I think world leaders of rogue states need to have a heads-up look at our President because they need to recognize He-Who-Is-­Tough-And-­Relentless takes no prisoners. Today is a good day. I have high hopes that the President will end the drama. Wall Street is impatient and they are ready to pressure their Republic friends to raise the debt ceiling. Meanwhile, they get nothing but scorn for their trouble. Serves them right!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Mitch McConnell: Democrats Engaging In 'Deliberate Deception' In Debt Ceiling Talks

It is hard to maintain Christian love for such a vile man as Mitch McConnell. He would rather see the American people suffer in order to get rid of President Obama. Jesus said we have to love everyone but he did not say we had to like them. I do not like Mitch McConnell and it is personal. My mother is dying and because she has Medicare she has excellent care. Her life and mine too would be vastly different if we had to use commercial insurance for her care. We would be broke. So Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security are very personal programs that I am willing to base my votes on for any politician­. Try to diminish them and you lose my vote. Protect them and I will vote for you. You cannot tackle bigger issues than life and death. All three of those programs touch on that...lif­e and death.

It is high time that the Democrats stood up for core Democratic ideas and programs. This is the opportunit­y for Democrats to not resort to deception but to react to the needs and desires of their constituen­ts and in largesse the constituen­ts of the Republican­s too, who need Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security to survive.

Senator McConnell needs to grow a heart where those dollars signs exist. The Democrats need to stiffen their spines and join Nancy Pelosi in drawing a line in the sand that says...no mas, no more, enough!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Sunday, July 10, 2011

TV SoundOff: Sunday Talking Heads

Good morning fellow Sunday teevee talk shows avoiders! Ma's teevee is set at low so I will not hear MTP. My teevee is off and the world is fine with me. As always, thank you Jason for taking one for the team.

Congratula­tions to the new Republic of South Sudan! Long may you wave and keep the oppressors at bay.

As for the hostage negotiatio­ns, use the 14 Amendment Section 4 and end the drama. Let us pay our bills and make sure that we refrain from dragging the whole world down with us since we have a seditious political party willing to destroy America and everybody else so that they win political points. Let's not reward the Republican­s for their bad behavior. Use the Constituti­on that they claim to love so much and put an end to the debt ceiling mess!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost