Sunday, July 10, 2011

TV SoundOff: Sunday Talking Heads

Good morning fellow Sunday teevee talk shows avoiders! Ma's teevee is set at low so I will not hear MTP. My teevee is off and the world is fine with me. As always, thank you Jason for taking one for the team.

Congratula­tions to the new Republic of South Sudan! Long may you wave and keep the oppressors at bay.

As for the hostage negotiatio­ns, use the 14 Amendment Section 4 and end the drama. Let us pay our bills and make sure that we refrain from dragging the whole world down with us since we have a seditious political party willing to destroy America and everybody else so that they win political points. Let's not reward the Republican­s for their bad behavior. Use the Constituti­on that they claim to love so much and put an end to the debt ceiling mess!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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