The Learning Center, once a viable institution in New Orleans as a part of the New Orleans Public Library, like much of New Orleans no longer exists, it was washed away by Hurricane Katrina in August 2005. The Learning Center in Exile has become one of a documentation of my and others' rites of passage toward personal progress like getting a decent job at middle age or finishing school. It is also a place for political and societal rantings. All of this is to keep you reading here.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Dems To Leadership: Cut GOP Loose
"For now, said Durbin, Democrats haven't yet pulled out Republican provisions or asked the GOP to leave the table."
"We haven't reached that point," he said. "In fact, Republican senators I've spoken to today said, 'Don't give up on us. We still want to work with you.'"
Frankly Senator, why would you believe them? Why should anyone believe that the Republican Party means the American People well? They serve only the rich for the rich at the expense of the rest of us. Take the tax cuts out. Increase the money for infrastructure, states (with the stipulation that they spend exactly as written) and education. The point and whole purpose to me is to increase the number of jobs so that those workers like all of us presently hanging on to our jobs can pay TAXES. Taxes will reduce our debt.
Nationalize the banks now. When we privatize them we use our profits to reduce our debt.
We need money to pay for the incompetent bankers and apparently the Republicans who still have not "gotten it" yet that things are different and the masses are very, very angry. We could do quite well with out you.
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Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Obama Incredulous Over School Closing, Says DC Needs To Toughen Up (VIDEO)
I was enjoying the global warming until faced with the reality that winter had finally but firmly arrived. in the northeast for this southerner that snow and God forbid the ice makes for a very stressful day. Now, a six months long searing drought? Easy.
I get our President's joke but I am miffed that he doesn't acknowledge our pain.
Now, I wonder how tough he would be riding out a hurricane? Or worst running from one?
About President Obama
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Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Obama Doesn't Defend House Dems
We need jobs. Tax cuts will not provide them. Under the Bush administration we gave FREE money to banks and AIG without any conditions. We have learned that the banks are not willing to change and provide businesses with the credit they need to stay in business. So the businesses lay off workers who PAY TAXES and they hold onto their money which means businesses don't get to sell or provide services. So, businesses lay off workers who PAY TAXES. It would seem to me that everybody would get that we need more people working so that we can help those who are not until they are working. The bonus in this? TAXES paid by workers along with those on goods and services will stem our growing insolvency.
How hard is that to understand?
About Rahm Emanuel
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Sunday, January 25, 2009
It's Show Time for Obama
President Obama needs to ram that stimulus bill through with the required number of votes it takes to pass it. It's nice to liked but frankly he wasn't elected to be a nice guy he was elected to lead us out of this mess and if the Republicans (and the Blue Dog Democrats) refuse to move along with him the n he needs to run over them. We need to act fast. I agree with Mr. Kutter's exact proposal of what the stimulus should be comprised of (he had the estimated costs for each area) and Congress should PASS IT!
I'm sick of this hemming and hawing as we steadily lose jobs, economic security, and our peace of mind.
Face it REPUBLICANS (and the almost useless Blue Dog Democrats) we cannot tax cut our way out of this mess y'all made. Grow up and do your jobs.
About Economy
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Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Anonymous Hold Put On Confirmation Of EPA Chief, Environmental Quality Chair
'Put away our childish things." It seems as if some folks in the Senate are stuck in the past. They are hanging on to childish things like petulance. Grow up.
Let the President have his people and let's move forward Or get the heck on out of the way at least.
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Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Juan Williams Chokes Up Discussing Obama Speech, Benediction (VIDEO)
Rev. Lowery is cool. I liked the benediction best of all. When he started with the last stanza of Lift Ev'ry Voice my heart soared. It was so appropriate. When he made us laugh even at such a solemn occasion as a benediction and the inauguration by making hurtful saying joyful, I teared up. We truly are all in this thing together and we must make it work for us all.
This was a good day.
About Video On HuffPost
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This was a good day.
About Video On HuffPost
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Monday, January 19, 2009
Obama's Election: "This Thing Is Ordained"
I can understand the hesitation at the word ordained. Yet, I understand exactly what Representative Meeks' mother meant...prayers long forgotten by a people without hope sent up for deliverance from bondage, segregation, lynching, acquisition of civil rights (remember the I AM A MAN posters?), and acquisition of political power are being realized. The prayers sent up long ago are being realized and that is ordained by God.
We cannot rest with an Obama we have a much longer road to travel to realize the ultimate ascendancy to be "judged [at all] times by the content of our characters," the work we produce, the communities we build, and the legacy of good citizenship we leave with and to our children. That is the end of the answers of long ago said prayers by the ancestors who believed even though they knew that they would not see the realization for themselves. Those prayers are ordained by God.
About Barack Obama
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The Biggest Loser
Fire this time! Excellent article articulating all that is discussed behind closed doors. Kudos! Yes! Amen!
About Obama's Inauguration
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Bush Commutes Border Patrol Agents' Sentences
The pardons that concern me are the torture pardons, the DOJ politicalization pardons and of course pardons for himself and his sidekick Cheney. If we fail to find out what they have done to this country then only hope will be some ticked off Geneva Conventions signee's capturing (upon visiting outside the US) them and trying them for war crimes. We must if we are to regain our moral high ground sort out this mess ourselves and not hide behind moving forward something as important as refuting through word and deed torture.
About George Bush
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Monday, January 12, 2009
<i>NYT</i> Reporter Warns Of One-Term Obama
These are the same folks that predicted a speedy end to the Iraq war, that nuclear weapons would be found and that Bush is a fine leader. The NYT is as fallible as the rest of the commercial papers.
I would rather read about how to fix things than if a guy who has not even been inaugurated yet is going to be a one term President. These guys need a new line of work. They are not reporters they are partisan hacks.
About President Obama
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Wednesday, January 07, 2009
Can the GOP Expand Its Demographic Base While Moving Right?
Can the GOP expand its demographic base while moving right? Yes, if all they want are more flaming nuts and bigots. It seems that they do.
I'm only hoping that the Democrats can hold on to our new members and do right by them and the rest of us too.
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Replace Harry Reid?
To the question, Replace Harry Reid? I say, PLEASE! I would not cry if the Democratic Party replaced Nancy Pelosi too. We have had 8 years of the wet noodle spined Democratic Party members cowering from every stupid law and idea that arose from the Republicans which has led us into the heckovamess we are in now. Step up Democrats! Dump the dead weight and move the party and America forward.
The new slogan should be move or get out of the way so other can.
About Rod Blagojevich
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Tuesday, January 06, 2009
Feinstein: Seat Burris In Senate
Sen. Feinstein, an attorney should be acquainted with the law. First, the Governor of IL has not been indicted. He has not be convicted. In THIS country you are innocent until proven guilty. He is STILL governor and so has all powers of that office which includes but is not limited to appointing people of his choice to open Federal seats.
Next, no Secretary of State can withhold his/her signature certifying state documents approved by the governor that would be a step towards anarchy.
Finally, Sen. Burris will be seated because it is a legal appointment how and when he will be seated is a choice the Democratic members will have to make and go back to their communities and explain to voters why when a man held in high esteem with a clean political record has his rightfully appointed seat withheld.
The governor of IL has a nasty mouth and it seems a larcenous soul and maybe a trickster's heart but the choice he made has slowly but steadily raised the suspicions of black folks across the country about why Burris cannot be seated. That is what the Democratic Senators who have tough battles ahead would not want to wrangle with during this political season. Seat the guy and get on with the People's business.
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