The Learning Center, once a viable institution in New Orleans as a part of the New Orleans Public Library, like much of New Orleans no longer exists, it was washed away by Hurricane Katrina in August 2005. The Learning Center in Exile has become one of a documentation of my and others' rites of passage toward personal progress like getting a decent job at middle age or finishing school. It is also a place for political and societal rantings. All of this is to keep you reading here.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Nevada Tea Party Candidate Sharron Angle Walks Back Comment On 'Taking..Out' Harry Reid (VIDEO)
"Angle spokesman Stacy said in a statement that Reid is "figuring out ways to twist a larger historical statement Angle was making about the origins of separation of church and state. He's doing it because he's terrified of having a real discussion about jobs and the economy."
Senator Harry Reid may frustrate the heck out of me with his approach to getting things done but, I would never ever think of him as terrified. I certainly don't think he should be terrified of the lady running against him. Why does she smile while saying such creepy things?
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Matt Taibbi's Lara Logan Takedown: 'Lara Logan, You Suck'
Who is Lara Logan? The reason I like Rachel Maddow is because she asks the tough questions I as a citizen want my reporters to ask. I am sorry for McCrystal because he seems to be a true believer but, COIN is an awful war strategy and thanks to Mr. Hastings I have a good idea as to why.
Who needs more talking heads on teevee mouthing the party line rather than telling us the truth? With lives at stake it is imperative to have sharp questions being asked by the fourth estate who are supposed to ask them because we the people generally don't get to ask them ourselves.
Who is Lara Logan and why should I believe what she says?
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Monday, June 28, 2010
It's the Jobs, Stupid
"the Administration's reticence on the jobs issue is the reported counsel of the White House political staff that the public cares more about deficit-reduction than about jobs. "
What are they smoking? It is JOBS! Jobs is what we need. Infrastructure is where they are needed. WPA and CETA jobs are needed. Frankly, we could do with going back to MAKING things...R
Mr. President, FIRE anyone who is telling you deficits are of more concern than jobs... they are lying.
Workers pay TAXES! Taxes fill the treasury and from there we pay our bills including the massive interest from 8 Bush years when deficits seemed not so bad at by Republicans.
Buck-up sir! Go out on the stump and keep saying what America needs most now are jobs!
I'm not voting for anyone regardless of level of government or even political party unless there are talking about acting on bringing jobs to America for Americans. We need the money.
We need a WPA AND CETA types programs now! Spend the money on getting Americans back to work!
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Friday, June 25, 2010
Michael Hastings, Rolling Stone's McChrystal Profiler, Says Troops Are Happy That General Was Ousted
The Russians were right! It is well past time to get out of Afghanistan. When Americans learn to spell the country's name correctly then it is time to leave. Our billions of war dollars can be spent on JOBS, making things, selling real things, and learning.
How about funding oil drilling/p
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Thursday, June 24, 2010
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Fire General McChrystal
Rep. Grayson is dead bang to the heart of the matter.It is well past time to reign in the Pentagon. We are civilian run government.
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General McChrystal Offers To Resign, According To Report
Please Mr. President, cut that sucker loose. Tell Karzai COIN is dead and we are singing that good 'ol concession song: "That's it! We quit! We're going home, so long!" 9 years and all we have to show are dead soldiers and civilians, a few Taliban, and a very large bill.
Dang-it! The Russians were right!
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Venus Williams' Wimbledon Dress: Short, White & Tina Turner-Inspired (PHOTOS)
If I had her body I would not clothe it. Why bother? People say they see it anyway. I think she looks good. If I had her talent I would not care what anyone thought. Why bother? People make stuff up about her anyway featuring mostly their own insecurities.
I have neither her body or her talent so I just it V!
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Sunday, June 20, 2010
TV SoundOff: Sunday Talking Heads
Long Sunday naps are great! After reading Jason's post I see I had the better of the two deals.
Are we going to stay in Afghanistan to secure their minerals (that we want)?
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Thursday, June 17, 2010
Sally Quinn Wants Joe Biden And Hillary Clinton To 'Switch Jobs' For Reasons She Can't Explain
Sally girl, listen to Nancy Reagan and "just say no!" There is help available for you out there you know?
It's hard being a lifelong feminist and reading anything Sally Quinn writes. She got her clout the old fashioned way...she married it.
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Texas Rep. Joe Barton Backpedals On BP Apology: Oil Giant 'Should Be Held Responsible'
That must have been one heck of a come to Jesus meeting amongst the GOP.
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Wednesday, June 16, 2010
New York Dems Standing Strong For Wall Street
I am a hardcore Democrat and even I must ask, "Surely you jest?" What politicians would not do for money is a far better question. Meanwhile, the rest of the snookered public mmm, I mean the rest of the other 49 states and territories have to risk funding the same robber barons again without the weak conditions set in the now infamous financial reform bill.
When will we face it that we are marginally better off than in the 1920's with corporations more powerful and valuable than people? Yet, like then it is the people who time and again right the ship when it flounders. A little gratitude would be if they, the politicians, would think for once about us before their re-elections and pocketbooks.
I can dream can't I?
About The Financial Fix
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Monday, June 14, 2010
Jarretta Hamilton, Teacher Fired For Having Premarital Sex, Sues Southland Christian School (VIDEO)
Sometimes folks claiming to be Christians shame me. Their is not the God I serve.
What happened to forgiveness and love?
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Sunday, June 13, 2010
Obama Warns Of 'Massive Layoffs Of Teachers, Police, And Firefighters'
The 50 billion needed was hacked off of the first stimulus bill by blue dogs and Maine Republican Senators. The depression took more than one stimulus to beat back massive unemployment. Obviously we need to fund programs like the WPA and the 1970's retraining program CETA in order to get people working, grow the economy AND pay taxes that will go toward reducing the deficit. I wonder where these political geniuses think the money to lower the debt will come from...ric
Putting people back to work is infinitely more cost efficient than just funding unemployment insurance programs. Crazy as it seems spending more money on employing people rebuild our sagging infrastructure (like funding R&D for solving far offshore drilling disasters so we CAN do the job and bill the heck out of the oil companies for cleaning up behind them), keep essential government employees on the job, and retrain Americans laid off from jobs in industries that no longer exist for jobs that are in need of filling and those just created.
Workers helped reduce the deficit in the 1990's and can again with the right help. Spend the money on Americans to get back to work!
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Obama and the Oil Spill: Can We Tolerate a President Who Refuses to Make Us Feel Better?
And you think that the President has not sought out alternatives? The problem is is that presently there are no alternatives. The industry developed drilling technology to drill further and deeper but did not develop techniques to repair damages from drilling accidents that are further and deeper.
What can the President do? He is a lawyer not a mechanical engineer.
About Gulf Oil Spill
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What can the President do? He is a lawyer not a mechanical engineer.
About Gulf Oil Spill
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Saturday, June 12, 2010
Fareed Zakaria Criticizes Media Attention On Obama Oil Spill Emotion (VIDEO)
I ask again, what would you have the President do? The technology to repair the gaping hole gushing oil does not exist. BP and others are trying to develop it now. Are they too late? Yes, the technology to repair accidents should have been fund along with the technology to drill further out and down. Should BP pay through the nose? Ya durn skippy they should! More importantly, is to like the financial crisis, develop new regulations to guard against this type of massive environmental damage and to actually enforce them.
I have a direct stake in seeing the gaping hole gushing oil be closed and the clean-up of the barrier islands and estuaries off the coast of Louisiana occur. New Orleans is where I was born and raised and it is also where the bulk of my immediate family resides. I grieve the despoiling of the ares where the country's best seafood grew. Yet, Louisiana is a petrochemical state and surely as the raising of the sun it will quickly get back to drilling and siphoning oil from the Gulf.
What would have the President do?
About Gulf Oil Spill
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My mother's grandfather (b 1848) and her grandmother (b 1852) were slaves. Obviously, they were children but, they were born as property. Slavery is not distant to me. The onerousness of it still reeks. This country cannot afford to forget nor can it gussy-up such an awful sin. America began with hostages and it will have to bear forever its choice to be slaveholders. There is no amount of time that can lessen the fact that America held for centuries black people in bondage and subjugation.
No part of history is past.
Its importance is to know it in order to refrain from repeating it.
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Monday, June 07, 2010
Actually Jason, Obama Is Short on Drama
From reading the above and other of your responses there is nothing the President can do in this or any other matter that would satisfy you. I voted for him. I was born and raised in Louisiana and lived there until Katrina happened. My family still lives there. We have people in our family who make a living off of the rigs in the Gulf. We have friends who made a living off of seafood in the Gulf. There is nothing a President, governor or mayor can do but press the same industry that made the mess to fix it. Unfortunately, that fix will take time. Petrochemical accidents are a sad but factual part of life in an area and state that depends so heavily upon that industry for jobs and revenue. Louisiana took the risk. Louisiana pays the price.
We all are responsible for the greedy oil companies being so successful and greedy. We depend upon fossil fuels that are harder and harder to find anew. Until we conserve and wean ourselves off oil more incidents like BP's mess will occur.
Finally, the President has accepted REPEATEDLY the responsibility for the BP mess even the it was the MMS of the Bush agency that had run amok. Truth is you voted for the other guy and he would have been a lot worse than Bush.
About Gulf Oil Spill
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We all are responsible for the greedy oil companies being so successful and greedy. We depend upon fossil fuels that are harder and harder to find anew. Until we conserve and wean ourselves off oil more incidents like BP's mess will occur.
Finally, the President has accepted REPEATEDLY the responsibility for the BP mess even the it was the MMS of the Bush agency that had run amok. Truth is you voted for the other guy and he would have been a lot worse than Bush.
About Gulf Oil Spill
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Actually Jason, Obama Is Short on Drama
This is simply not true. This President unlike Bush responded to the disaster immediately. Unlike Bush who didn't send the Army in with water, food, and medicine quickly to New Orleans for Katrina and Rita can not be equated to plugging a gaping hole in an oil pipeline. The fact that the INDUSTRY failed to develop recovery systems to meet their rapidly developing technology that allows deeper and further oil well drilling is key. No amount of yelling, hand wringing or stomping of feet can make the plugging go any faster. Keeping BP's feet to the fire is the best the government can do and making sure that the environmental clean-up workers are safe. The government does not have the technology that the oil companies have. So what should he do?
Your criticism is incorrect. There are things, important things that the government is not doing now that I think have a more significant impact on the people and the environment and that is JOBS! If you criticize him about that I would handily join you. Him not weeping and gnashing his teeth about the biggest oil spill in American history is appropriat e.The government should be watching BP, building criminal and civil cases against the companies involved in the spill, monitoring the safety and health of the clean-up workers, finding out how much oil was spilled, and making sure those businesses and industries that have lost their ability to make a living get their financial compensation.
About Gulf Oil Spill
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Your criticism is incorrect. There are things, important things that the government is not doing now that I think have a more significant impact on the people and the environment and that is JOBS! If you criticize him about that I would handily join you. Him not weeping and gnashing his teeth about the biggest oil spill in American history is appropriat
About Gulf Oil Spill
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Sunday, June 06, 2010
We Need to Stop Leaning into Scalia's Punches
And Scalia doesn't push his own ideas? Surely you jest.
About Supreme Court
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Wednesday, June 02, 2010
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