This is simply not true. This President unlike Bush responded to the disaster immediately. Unlike Bush who didn't send the Army in with water, food, and medicine quickly to New Orleans for Katrina and Rita can not be equated to plugging a gaping hole in an oil pipeline. The fact that the INDUSTRY failed to develop recovery systems to meet their rapidly developing technology that allows deeper and further oil well drilling is key. No amount of yelling, hand wringing or stomping of feet can make the plugging go any faster. Keeping BP's feet to the fire is the best the government can do and making sure that the environmental clean-up workers are safe. The government does not have the technology that the oil companies have. So what should he do?
Your criticism is incorrect. There are things, important things that the government is not doing now that I think have a more significant impact on the people and the environment and that is JOBS! If you criticize him about that I would handily join you. Him not weeping and gnashing his teeth about the biggest oil spill in American history is appropriat
e.The government should be watching BP, building criminal and civil cases against the companies involved in the spill, monitoring the safety and health of the clean-up workers, finding out how much oil was spilled, and making sure those businesses and industries that have lost their ability to make a living get their financial compensation.
About Gulf Oil Spill Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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