Sunday, June 13, 2010

Obama Warns Of 'Massive Layoffs Of Teachers, Police, And Firefighters'

The 50 billion needed was hacked off of the first stimulus bill by blue dogs and Maine Republican Senators. The depression took more than one stimulus to beat back massive unemployment. Obviously we need to fund programs like the WPA and the 1970's retraining program CETA in order to get people working, grow the economy AND pay taxes that will go toward reducing the deficit. I wonder where these political geniuses think the money to lower the debt will come people? Working people pay taxes and taxes go to the treasury to pay our bills like giving China their money back with interest.

Putting people back to work is infinitely more cost efficient than just funding unemployment insurance programs. Crazy as it seems spending more money on employing people rebuild our sagging infrastructure (like funding R&D for solving far offshore drilling disasters so we CAN do the job and bill the heck out of the oil companies for cleaning up behind them), keep essential government employees on the job, and retrain Americans laid off from jobs in industries that no longer exist for jobs that are in need of filling and those just created.

Workers helped reduce the deficit in the 1990's and can again with the right help. Spend the money on Americans to get back to work!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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