Saturday, June 12, 2010

Fareed Zakaria Criticizes Media Attention On Obama Oil Spill Emotion (VIDEO)

I ask again, what would you have the President do? The technology to repair the gaping hole gushing oil does not exist. BP and others are trying to develop it now. Are they too late? Yes, the technology to repair accidents should have been fund along with the technology to drill further out and down. Should BP pay through the nose? Ya durn skippy they should! More importantly, is to like the financial crisis, develop new regulations to guard against this type of massive environmental damage and to actually enforce them.

I have a direct stake in seeing the gaping hole gushing oil be closed and the clean-up of the barrier islands and estuaries off the coast of Louisiana occur. New Orleans is where I was born and raised and it is also where the bulk of my immediate family resides. I grieve the despoiling of the ares where the country's best seafood grew. Yet, Louisiana is a petrochemical state and surely as the raising of the sun it will quickly get back to drilling and siphoning oil from the Gulf.

What would have the President do?
About Gulf Oil Spill
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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