Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Matt Taibbi's Lara Logan Takedown: 'Lara Logan, You Suck'

Who is Lara Logan? The reason I like Rachel Maddow is because she asks the tough questions I as a citizen want my reporters to ask. I am sorry for McCrystal because he seems to be a true believer but, COIN is an awful war strategy and thanks to Mr. Hastings I have a good idea as to why.

Who needs more talking heads on teevee mouthing the party line rather than telling us the truth? With lives at stake it is imperative to have sharp questions being asked by the fourth estate who are supposed to ask them because we the people generally don't get to ask them ourselves.

Who is Lara Logan and why should I believe what she says?
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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