Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Wall Street's Ten Biggest Lies for 2010

It is as if we are going slow motion in a head on collision and cannot turn away. I fear for this country. Many Americans cannot handle the truth...we are broke and business caused it.

Yet we fall for that .."You too can be rich too!" line to our own detriment. We vote their interests and not our own because...­someday we might be rich and we want to keep all of our money too. Greed is killing us.
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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Iraq Wants The U.S. Out: Prime Minister Insists All Troops Must Leave

Well alrighty then let's make this request happen! I mean a significan­t portion of the people in this country opposed shooting up Iraq anyway so...let's take our troops, equipment and MONEY and bring them all home. It's time now and the Iraqis rightfully want us gone...giv­e them their fervent wish and do it.
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Wall Street Execs Whine To Politico About Their Hurt Feelings

Thank you my sentiments exactly! What they did was theft. What they did was legal. Letting them do it again would just be stupid on our parts because they mean us no good.
About Financial Crisis
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Sunday, December 26, 2010

Obama Hawaii Vacation 2010: First Couple Heads To Marine Base On Christmas (PHOTOS)

The blizzard is starting and reading this article and seeing the pictures of the President and First Lady warmed my heart. It is obvious that they genuinely like people. The welfare of the troops and their families are of concern to us all. It is the job of the first family to bring greetings and thanks to them in our stead. I just hope that the rest of us could try to reserve judgment more and lash out less towards each other. This is a small planet and every soul has value.

Lose the hate.

Happy New Year to all!
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Saturday, December 25, 2010

The Learning Center in Exile: A Child Is Born!

The Learning Center in Exile: A Child Is Born!

A Child Is Born!

This day we celebrate the birth of Jesus the Christ. His importance to each of us claiming him as Savior can not be underestimated. He is the rock upon we stand sure in our acceptance of him as Lord and Savior bringer of eternal life. That is a really BIG thing. Yet, amongst all of the crass commercialization of the Advent season it is especially good to remember why Jesus' birth is so special... he brings us hope, joy, peace and life everlasting.

Folks snipe that this day in this month is not actually when Jesus was born. I grant them that information. This is the time of the pagan celebration of winter solstice and a great way to celebrate a religion that was banned and could get you killed when you are in the minority.The point in celebrating the Advent of Jesus' birth is to celebrate the arrival of God's promise in the flesh to save us. Without Jesus we have no eternal life and therefore no reason to celebrate at all.

The best part of celebrating Jesus' birth is that we renew faith in our belief that Jesus is the Light of the World. He brings us peace and comfort. There is joy in knowing that you are loved by him because You are born and he personifies that Trouble Don't Last Always!

Enjoy all that today brings, good food, beloved family, friends, gifts and travel but do remember that all of this we experience today is because a child is born. That child was Jesus!

May the love of Jesus sustain you today and every day of your life. Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

"Don't Ask Don't Tell" Repeal: This Day Has Finally Come

Towards a more perfect union.

I've always loved the Preamble to the Constituti­on almost as much as the first ten and especially as a black person Amendments 13 and 14. Finally, our gay brothers and sisters can fight and die for a country that does not penalize them for their sexual preference over their love of country.

J U S T I C E! Let it roll down like waters and righteousn­ess as a mighty stream. Amos 5:24
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Friday, December 17, 2010

House Republicans Block Child Marriage Prevention Act

Two years of crazy as all get out ahead for us. Every Democrat who did not get out and vote and every Independen­t who switched sides this is what you have done for the country for the next two years.
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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Virginia Panel Acknowledges Utility Of Individual Mandate, Urges State To Build Off Of Obamacare

Funny! Facts are stubborn little things...b­ut GOPers don't let that stop you, just go on with your death panels and giving really rich people pocket change while the rest of us sink. I wonder what it will take for the uprising to happen from folks who finally realize that the old hook about YOU TOO can be rich is a mean joke?

THe truth is that they just loathe President Obama and that is what all of the drama is all about.
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Monday, December 06, 2010

Tax Cut Deal: White House, GOP Leaders Close To Agreement

The Democrat fielded a strong group of Presidenti­al contenders in 2008. I suspect that another strong field could be assembled in 2012.

This is where my disgust and anger comes in:

1.) No jobs or jobs training program

2.) No massive infrastruc­ture program

3.) No single payer health insurance

4.) Capitulati­on every time to the Republican­s

Sounds like the next two years would be well spent searching for a replacemen­t while our President hopefully searches for his backbone.
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Thursday, December 02, 2010

Juan Williams: Extended Jobless Benefits Weaken Values About 'Showing Up, Dressing Well' (VIDEO)

Juan like his other media counterpar­ts have enough money to wander through unemployme­nt. Folks who worked every day paying their bills with a small savings lose their jobs and need the piddling amount of money to JUST HANG ON that comes from unemployme­nt insurance have no values? THERE ARE NOT ENOUGH JOBS J U A N!

We no longer MAKE anything. The people who are sucking up the most money don't make anything. They legally SCAM wanna be rich folks out of their money selling them derivative­s that the unemployed people lost their jobs over. What a maroon! Shame on you Juan!
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NAM Opposes Bill That Cuts Taxes For Middle Class

Just tell me where to stand with my pitchfork and and torch because it is about at that point now folks.
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Saturday, November 27, 2010

Sarah Palin Responds To Korea Gaffe

This woman is simply a very ambitious ignorant person who plays to the worst of American impulses. Her lack of knowledge is stunning for someone who wishes to be President. We have had puppet Presidents before and at this point in history we can ill afford one who is merely seeking the trappings of power and the financial rewards that come with it rather actually serving the general public.

I think that she should continue with her reality show and expensive speeches and leave being in charge to those who are more knowledgeable about history and geography than she.
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Sunday, November 21, 2010

Christian Activist Bryan Fischer Blasts 'Feminized' Medal Of Honor

My first reaction was a cynical chuckle. My second reaction is sadness. We Christians are held accountable for those non-believers that WE turn away through our words and deeds. Mr. Fischer will have to account for the people who think that Christianity is a farce and misogynistic religion. I am ashamed for him.

The President's description of what heroic acts the Medal of Honor was being honor and yes, it included taking the life of the enemy to save his brother soldier. The Sargent was eloquent and humble in his acceptance. Mr. Fischer is heartless in his criticism.
About Military
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Sunday, November 14, 2010

Everybody Would Be Mad At Me If I Could Fix Our Federal Budget

If it were up to me I would just slash at all of the things that folks are holding out against like Cap and Trade, taxing rich people, reforming SSI, getting rid of expensive 20th century battle ships, plans and gear, showing contractors the door and making sure old people were not sacrificed upon the alter of Hedge Fund Managers.

It would be a brutal budget but by the time I figure I would be dead the country would be well on the way to financial sanity and security.

Hire me Mr. President. I can take the anger and name calling as long as my check clears.

Try your hand at fixing our budget. The New York Times has a lovely interactive model for you to be "the decider"

Profiles in Desecration: Lebron James, Nike, and Muhammad Ali

I don't care what you say, I admire Lebron James. He is talented and a wise young man. He has a long career before him. The facet is people are jealous. He is till carving out his place in the world.

As a young college student I had the chance to meet Muhammad Ali. He was more than gracious to the screaming hoards of girls and the shy fellows who were grateful to be in his presence. Not only is Muhammad Ali a man of his convictions, a very great boxer (my passion), but one of the kindest personable people I have had the honor to meet and believe me I say that about very, very few people.
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Saturday, November 13, 2010

Pretend Democrats Advise Obama Not To Run For Re-Election

I want to know where these folks were when Bush was blowing the economy up? I don't recall storms of protests about a war based on a lie. He was President for FOUR years and pretty much f**ked up the country. Two years and escaping a global DEPRESSION, gaining lower taxes, the ability to keep your grown child on your health care plan, able to get health care even if you have a health condition already, and no arbitrary lifetime caps just when you are fighting a catastrophic illness, keep your college kid from selling his/her soul to Sallie Mae for an education, brought us positive global relations, our domestic auto industry is on the way back and a few things else I could list too. Has President Obama done everything you, I and even he wanted? No. Yet, he has done more than many Presidents and especially Bush.
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Pretend Democrats Advise Obama Not To Run For Re-Election

Comic relief. Hilarious! Who knew that the WaPo had such a sense of humor?
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Monday, November 08, 2010

Martin Erzinger, Morgan Stanley Wealth Manager, Won't Face Felony Charges For Hit-And-Run

Disgusted and enraged are just two words that rapidly come to my mind. What is happening to this country? What is happening to humanity? How can one human being hit someone with his car and don't stop to help but call to get his car fixed. No amount of money will give that surgeon back his good health. That level of callousness deserves jail time. Shame on the D.A.! He needs to be fired.
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Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Three Good Things for Progressives to Take From the Midterm Election Results

M A S S A C H U S E T T S !!! I love my people here! We came out and voted to keep good people on deck fighting for us.

Louisiana.­..congratu­lations New Orleans for putting a D back in office. Also, to Charlie Melancon, it was old school LA fighting and although you deserve to be Senator Melancon Governor Melancon would be a good thing for Louisiana too.

We have to survive TWO years and then ... turn out and reclaim moving the country forward.

Keep the faith Progressives!
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Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Wells Fargo Repossesses A Fully Paid Off Car (VIDEO)

That was one very nice lady. It was meant for her to be the one to spotlight this crazy stuff. If the cops would have let somebody steal my car from me with my proof of title they too would be handing me cash. It's too bad you have sue folks for them to act decently. The USA way of living ...get use to it!
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Monday, October 18, 2010

John McCain: I'd 'Absolutely' Filibuster 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' Repeal (VIDEO)

John McCain: "It's all about meeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Sad. I'm so darn happy that he is not our President that I can hardly contain myself! Imagine our country with him in charge...Obama's looking real good to you again huh?
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Sunday, October 17, 2010

Poverty In Suburbs Increasing Rapidly During Economic Downturn

I was right! Disbursing the poor to the suburbs while gentrifying the cities traps folks in places with poor or nonexistent public transportation, no desire to tax enough to support services that can lead to acquiring living wage jobs, few training facilities like junior colleges or universities, near mandatory automobile ownership, and isolation from the cities that have jobs, public institutions, a tax base, transportation, and are walkable.

I pleaded with folks to forgo the lure of a lawn for the lack of a commute and the reality that shipping the poor out would come to haunt them. Give me city life any day!
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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Grand Junction Obama Billboard Depicts Obama As A Muslim, A Gangster, And A Gay Man

I have thought deeply about this poster and I have come to the conclusion that it is racist and more importantly ignorant. I think that it is an indictment of our educational system that someone, anyone can imply or claim that our President is a Nazi or Communist. And yes, you Mr. Artist and your cowardly patron can hide behind art and speech but, I assure you it diminishes whatever impact you desire when you won't stand up for what you believe.

I am grateful that we have a smart, brave, and forward moving President. Our standing in the world has improved and we are on the path in the right direction.

Finally, the President is black...get over it. He blackness is not impeding you or your like minded friends one bit.
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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Christine O'Donnell's New Web Ad Channels YouTube Star (VIDEO)

No, it's not true. It makes me steamed when folks pretend that taxes aren't needed to provide services we have come to enjoy, like roads and bridges. I have been to states and towns that pay little or no taxes...Florida does not have personal income tax but, boy you pay real estate taxes and sales taxes. All levels of government need taxes to provide services that we take for granted.

I like calling 911 knowing that if I am attacked the police will come. If my place is on fire the firemen will come and actually put it out not watch it burn. If I am sick the EMS will come and try to help me live while rushing me to a hospital public or private. And most importantly to me that if I have garbage the city or town where I live will provide curbside pickup once or twice a week.

This Libertarian nonsense about taxes is foolish. I do not want my neighbor to be a self appointed sheriff because he owns a gun and the town where I live pays no taxes to hire a professional one. Why go backwards?
About 2010 Elections
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The Power Of Clinton, The Invisibility Of Obama

This is the most banal and basically silly article I have read on HP. President Clinton was a far better President than George Bush I and II singularly and combined. However, his caving for the Republicans on the very things that President Obama must deal with now such as NAFTA (Perot was right about that), unleashing the regulations on the thieving bankers and welfare as we knew it which the long term unemployed could use about now. President Clinton is a diehard DLCer and we are reaping the residuals of his DLC (Republican lite) policies now. That the folks in Kentucky liked President Clinton better than President Obama is more that President Clinton is white and sounds like them.

In TWO years against all odds President Obama has yanked us from the abyss of global depression, carved for a more consumer friendly health care system, got the bankers off of the backs of college students who no longer have to sell their lives to them, spent money that saved jobs (mine included) and repaired some of our crumbling infrastructure. Has he done all that I wanted as a progressive? No. He failed to get the single payer medical system that I dream of every day, the stimulus was way too small, the bankers got off way too easy and Bush II was not brought to trial for the Iraq War and the resulting torture. President Obama has two more years to make more history.
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Saturday, October 09, 2010

Incredible Urban Dancing Video In Rainy Oakland Goes Viral (VIDEO)

Art bringing a smile to a tired face. Those young men were spellbinding. My eyes were delighted to watch them work.
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Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Chamber Of Commerce Thrust Into Political Firestorm

My questions are: What does Associate Justice Samuel Alito think now? Does he still think that Citizens United v FEC does not mean foriegn money will not be mixed into our political process?

I think his mouthing "That's not true." was a farce.

The Supreme Court majority got exactly what it intended and we are the poorer for it.
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Friday, October 01, 2010

Rick Sanchez: Jon Stewart A 'Bigot,' Jews Run CNN & All Media

Well, that's one way to work yourself out of a job and possibly a career. I remember him from my S. Florida years...I was none too impressed.
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Thursday, September 30, 2010

Linda McMahon: 'We Ought To Review' The Minimum Wage

I am stumped too that folks elect people who do not have their interest at heart. What is wrong with America?
About 2010 Elections
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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Michigan Official Attacks Gay College Student For Promoting 'Radical Homosexual Agenda'

Geez, is today Crazy-as-H*LL day? From where are these folks coming?

The important missing piece of the new health care program is a strong mental health care componant. Folks really need a healing!
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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Jerome Corsi Wants Obama To 'Renounce Lucifer'

Bwhaaaa! ROTFLMAO! Crazy....when I see that guy's picture I hear Gnarls Barkley's CRAZY playing. Can this election season get any more nuts? Why do we treat these folks as if their lights are all on? Obviously, the weakness in the new health care program is what must be the paucity of mental health help for the delusional.

Mr. Corsi, seek help!
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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Lanny Davis Attacks Maddow For Clinton Criticism: 'Worst Element Of Our Party'

My grievance is not what Lanny Davis said but that he even has a platform to say anything. He is a DLC stooge and a Clinton lemming. He brings no value to the table except to do his master's bidding...WHY?

Why has Bill after SEVEN months gotten all heated up over what said in March now? This all seems a little too self-serving to me. Are they trying to destroy the Democratic party like the Republicans have done theirs?
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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Bill Clinton Strikes Back At Rachel Maddow

That's not true. President Obama has achieved some remarkable legislation health care, staving off a second great depression, parity in pay for women (the Lilly Ledbetter law), an agreement for countries to get rid of nuclear products that can be made into weapons grade material, a middle class tax cut, and an agency that protects consumers against the more grievous financial shenanigans from banks. While that that is an incomplete list of accomplishments and some of them are not exactly the perfect legislation we may have desired, they are still quite an achievement for any young President but especially for one who had to hit the ground running with so many disasters looming. I am not disappointed as impatient. I am willing to give him time before I write him off as a bad change.
About Rachel Maddow
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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Bill Clinton Strikes Back At Rachel Maddow

He did not veto it because he was and still is a DLC thinker. The DLC is the worst thing that has happened to Democrats in this country. Rahm Emanuel is a DLC thinker hence the right wing nut Democrats like Ben Nelson and Evan Bayh. To see them as corporate loving hacks (See Harold Ford) is to begin to get the picture.

I do not hate ex. President Clinton I just am not enamored of him since I think that he gave away the store to the Republicans and big business which propped up Bush to expand and finish the job.

The best thing about the Clinton years was the employment picture. Now, I give his serious props for that.
About Rachel Maddow
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Monday, September 13, 2010

MSNBC's New Anchor Lineup

Keith, Rachel and the new guy seems to be a decent change. I don't watch any of the other folks with the rare exception of Ed Schultz. Ed gets too worked up for me sometimes but his heart is in the right place.I see Ed in small doses.

The other folks may as well be CNN.
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Sunday, September 12, 2010

Salvatore Giunta To Get Medal Of Honor, 1st Living Afghan War Veteran Receiving One

It is a great honor to call Salvatore Giunta a hero. Congratulations on receiving the Medal of Honor. You are indeed worthy of it. Thank you for what you did stepping into harms way to save brother soldiers. This country is blessed by you and all soldiers like you who stand in the gap to keep us safe and free. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

From a proud and very grateful citizen
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Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Quran Burning Pastor: 'We Are Definitely Prepared To Give Our Lives' (VIDEO)

I disagree with your choice of the word zealot. Ignorant attention seeking fool I think is more accurate. As a preacher you would think that he has read John 10:16. If he had then he would know that Jesus claimed more than his followers (Christians) and Jews.

What galls me though is unnecessarily putting our troops in jeopardy in a dumb political attention grabbing stunt. Hillary is right we should simply ignore him.
About Islam
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Monday, September 06, 2010

Obama To Back $50 Billion Infrastructure Plan For Roads, Rail, Air Travel

When the Republicans were spending like drunken sailors barely a peep was said about fiscal responsibility. We simply endured Voodoo Economics. Now, they claim fiscal restraint sans the rich folks' tax correction due in December which they claim need not be Paygo.They do want to reduce entitlement programs (things for middle and lower income Americans) so they can pay less taxes.

50 billion dollars is again too small of an amount to do real aid to people who are unemployed. What is urgently needed is a WPA type program rebuilding our infrastructure to compete with European countries and China who invested their monies in modernizing their infrastructure.

Since many unemployed Americans lostjobs that they will never return to we also need a CETA program that will retrain people for exist ing and future jobs. The only way out of this mess is to get people employed and contributing to our tax base.y. This means putting people back to work in jobs that pay a living wage.

Finally, it is time to focus on the banks that were lent taxpayers' dollars who are refusing to lend to small and medium sized businesses that hire people to work. We missed the mark by not nationalizing them when they were bleeding us. It is high time to invest in us. The banks must be forced to lend to American businesses that hire American workers. Pay us back with loans to us. Put Americans back to work!
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Friday, September 03, 2010

Sharron Angle Claims Unemployment Insurance 'Really Doesn't Benefit Anyone'

I laughed. I laughed not because what Ms. Angle says is funny but because my disagreement about US health care is that we do not provide enough mental health care for our people. Ms. Angle could use many, many sessions and for me that would be taxpayer money well spent.

Having experienced unemployment that lasted over a year I can say UI provides the difference between abject poverty and barely hanging on. Barely hanging on gives you the tiny space/room to search for work. Abject poverty claims your full attention trying to get the basics of, clothing and shelter. There is no time/space/room to do much else even though a job would eliminate having to search for basics. Ms. Angle and apparently lots of other Republicans and Tea-people are bereft of the unemployment experience. They have no frame of reference which is why they can spout such nonsense.

May God grant them the experience of unemployment so they can be more charitable to towards folks who need help (that they paid for anyway) until they get work.
About 2010 Elections
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Sunday, August 29, 2010

Fire At Tennessee Mosque Construction Site Now Under Federal Arson Investigation

Terror is the ability to strike fear in the hearts of people with one demonstrable act. During the beginnings of the modern Civil Rights Movement it took the form of bombing churches. The country was aghast at the killing of four girls in a church in Birmingham, Alabama. It is my prayer that we do not wait until there are deaths before standing up for our fellow Americans who worship the same God as Christians and Jews where their right to do so is guaranteed by the 1st Amendment to the United States Constitution.

This aggression from the ignorant must be stared down by the people of goodwill of every faith and those who are non-religious too. It is simply a question of recognizing our humanity. Let us not be silent. We could be next. They have no shame.
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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Five Years After Katrina, New Orleanians Still Feel The Scars

Five years and I cannot make myself to return to the new New Orleans. The city I was born and raised in no longer exists. It is now heading towards gentrification and a rather timely land grab.

The educational system is a hodgepodge where if your alumni is weak the schools that educated generations of family and friends are discarded and some experimental school stuffed in its place.

My family still lives in New Orleans. It is in their blood. They have rebuilt homes that laid under 9 feet of nasty water. They have knitted together their lives and bear the pain of separation from their eldest member because there are no comparable services for seniors in New Orleans as is where we live now. They survive.

I shall always remember the day we left. We took only a few articles of clothes with the intent of staying in a motel some distance away from the hurricane. What we planned to be a couple of days away from home has turned out to be five years for me in a different region and five years of hard struggle for my siblings and their children in New Orleans.

The city I love is gone and a stranger rises in its place...slowly.
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Sunday, August 22, 2010

Franklin Graham, Evangelical Minister: Obama's 'Problem Is That He Was Born A Muslim' (VIDEO)

Exactly, the entire point of Christianity is freewill. What pains me most about Franklin Graham is his failure to understand what Jesus said about "sheep of many folds" commonly taken as people with different names and beliefs in God. The allusion is that Jesus loves all who claim him even if we don't. Also, you could look back at Jonah and his resistance and prejudice towards a group of people he found unworthy but that God insisted he serve willingly or willingly.

The Christianity I know and believe in is expansive and based on love and fellowship. Franklin's seems based on fear and loathing. That is sad.
About Barack Obama
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Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Obama To AFL-CIO: I Know You're Frustrated But Hang With Me

He has done more for this country in two years than several Presidents in their full terms. Health care, saving the auto industry, and the consumer protection bureau to name but a very few things that have been accomplished by President Obama in TWO YEARS. Is it all we need? No. Were even the accomplishments imperfect? Yes. I can say this regardless as yo what health preconditions I have I cannot be turned away from health insurers any more. For me That is very significant.

Am I satisfied? No. I elected a man not Superman. He has a good team but the other side plays hard and dirty and he is still in there fighting. He fights differently from what I would want but he fights, admits his errors and moves on. I too at this point see no reason to vote for someone else.
About Barack Obama
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Dan Maes, Colorado Gubernatorial Candidate, Warns Of U.N. Plot To Destroy America With Bike-Sharing Programs

One of the critical flaws in our health care system is the lack of support for the provision of mental health services. Obviously, some folks are dearly in need of it.
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Dan Maes, Colorado Gubernatorial Candidate, Warns Of U.N. Plot To Destroy America With Bike-Sharing Programs

This article would be funny if it were about a Colbert skit. Coming from someone wanting help make critical decisions in Congress this terrifies me. What is wrong with people? Even if you thought that stuff it should never be spoken aloud to confirm that you are crazy as hell. Is this the best that we have to offer?

"I question America."- Fannie Lou Hamer
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Great Summer Reading

I highly recommend The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo movie and the book too. I stumbled onto this movie in a desperate search for entertainment on Netflix. After skipping over it I finally succumbed and watched it. AWESOME! Any way, it is a foreign film and so has subtitles. The story is so good that you will not notice the reading part. It is a murder mystery with some action kind of film. There will be an American version in a couple of years but why wait?

After seeing the movie I decided to read the book. It is first in a trilogy. The first book is  The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. The second book is The Girl Who Played with Fire. The last book is The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest. What makes these books more interesting is that the writer Stieg Larsson died in 2004 all three manuscripts done. Readers suspect that there is a fourth manuscript, a MYSTERY!

The film is surprisingly close to the book. They are great summer reading.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Essence's White Fashion Director Ellianna Placas Causes Controversy

I left as a reader of Essence years ago when Marcia Gillespie left. The fiction and poetry section have not since been repeated. As fir the fashions...when they stopped showing black women in fashionable clothes with curses that nixed it forever for me. I've been marching to my own drummer ever since.

I had a subscription from their second year until Marcia left and stopped buying them a news stands and stores after the skinny women appeared.

My sister was a charter subscriber who ended her subscription for about the same reasons.

I still miss the old Essence. Calling up Emerge too. Once we had some great black magazines.
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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Shirley Sherrod, a Family Farmer's Friend

I love Willie Nelson because he has put time in on the issue of family farms for years. Holding on to the land and producing seasonal locally grown food is exactly the direction we should be heading. Family farms provide the means to get there.

I also applaud a man that stands up for his friends and speaks the truth about them. Mrs. Sherrod's work must continue because frankly we need her and a lot more like her in the corner of the family farmers.
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White House Apologizes To Shirley Sherrod

A good woman was smeared. An administration that is legislatively successful is perceived as weak kneed and the culprits have shifted the blame off onto both parties. What a shame this is for all of us. Mrs Sherrod deserves apologies, reinstatement, and her good name back. Which ones of these things won't she get?
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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Dan Gainor, Right-Wing Media Critic, Offers Cash For Assault On Alan Grayson

Alan Grayson is getting on that guy's nerves. I'd have more respect for Gainor if he did his own dirty work instead of paying someone. On the other hand Grayson I think could hand him his head. The sad thing is this is what now passes for political discourse.

"Can't we all just get along?" - Rodney King
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Monday, July 19, 2010

Glenn Beck: I Might Be Going Blind

Well this hits me on my street. I understand the fear and the resolve concerning losing one's sight. As a Christian I feel pity for Mr. Beck and the road he must travel. I am on that road too and it helps to be kind to others you may need when darkness is all you will have to see.

May God's mercy and blessings be upon him and to us all.

Now, back o our regular programming!
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David Vitter Thinks Rachel Maddow Doesn't Look Like A Woman

Please, please Senator Vitter go on Rachel's show and say anything. Then we'll see how tough YOU are.

I just want to know in advance so I can have my popcorn ready.
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Friday, July 16, 2010

Is Shirley Jackson One Of The Greatest American Writers?

The Lottery still holds up. I used to use it with my students every session because some of the creepy thinking in the story are the same creepy thinking we do now following rituals. She is one of my top five writers for my students.I only wish more people would read her work.
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Christiane Amanpour Starting On ABC's 'This Week' On August 1

I just may break my long standing boycott of Sunday Teevee talk shows to see if she will have one that does not make me retch.

I guess I am curious.
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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Tim Geithner Opposes Nominating Elizabeth Warren To Lead New Consumer Agency

I want her to head the Consumer Protection Agency but, like you I'd be wildly happy if she got Geithner's job because I just don't trust him or Summers at all.
About Financial Crisis
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