Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Donald Trump Should Receive The Same Scrutiny He Sought For Barack Obama

To my brother Baratunde Thurston I join you in the disgust and shame of this day's event. It is a shame and decent people ought to point it out and name it for exactly what it is...racis­m. No President should be subjected to merciless, relentless call for something that has already been given. The hoards who challenge him not on policy but because they simply cannot accept that a black man is President. He has already been tested with the long drawn out election process. Surely the Press that loves a lurid tale especially one that would be embarrassi­ng would have during that time sniffed out a fake US citizen. While I do not hold the Press in any esteem I would think even THEY would be competent to have exposed this to the world. Now, we have a sitting President challenged as to whether he an American citizen who is black is really a citizen. How sick and shameful is this? My heart is broken but I am also ENRAGED!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Reid: The Senate Will Vote On Paul Ryan's Budget

Make the Senate stand up on record with what they say they want to do. Then voters can easily vote against their Senator who voted to end Medicare as we know it. I want to see how BRAVE they are.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Obama's Presidency Is Not Working From Its "Core"

I am disgusted with this Republican nonsense masqueradi­ng as thoughtful advice. Where was this guy when Bush was sending the economy into the crapper? I am also disgusted with him spewing his spleen here in this forum. Why is Huffington Post hemming toward the right? Is this supposed to be the third way? If it is then the the third way is as useless and morally bankrupt as the poison we have been getting from the Republican­s for the last 30 years.

The DLC/New America and all of its lemmings or incarnatio­ns are a hindrance from real progress. W H Y is there no real debate and discussion of the Progressiv­e Budget presented by the progressiv­e Democrats?
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Best Review of a Bad Movie About Bad Ideas

I love movies. I love books more. Atlas Shrugged is a movie made from a book. My experience is that movies made from books rarely are good or even satisfying. After reading Gin and Tacos' blog review of the movie any curiosity I may have had is gone. Still, I enjoyed his review so much I wanted to share it with others. I love entertaining writing and Gin and Tacos is an entertaining writer. Enjoy!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

David Cay Johnston Hits the Nail on the Head!

David Cay Johnston has written a head shaking essay on, "9 Things The Rich Don't Want You to Know." I am enclosing the link in this post. No one likes paying taxes yet we all enjoy the benefits that they provide us. It is time that we grow up as face the fact that we need to pay taxes so that we can live better, healthier and safer. The services we enjoy do not come free. We need to change how we think about taxes from loathing them to honoring them as they provide us with civilizing things like decent roads or the ability to repair bad ones, firemen who rush into burning places, police, teachers, and city, state and federal employees who do things for us that we cannot do for ourselves like collect our taxes and take care of our parks and monuments.

We cannot hate the thing that makes living in a modern world worth living...Taxes! We all need to pay up.

Here's the link:

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Rand Paul Uses Ayn Rand To Fight Compact Fluorescent Lightbulbs

OK, who's going say it? Senator Paul, what an intellect huh? America, why do you love ignorance so?This is why I loathe libertaria­ is way too simple because it is all about the me and never the we.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Obama and the Budget Civil War

Tunisia fell because of rising food costs. The USA may experience the same due to rising food, gas, and health costs borne heavily by the poor and working poor. To quote the amazing Fannie Lou Hamer, "Is this America?" Either we give health care to all or we allow this country to have third world level poverty along with first world discontent­. Either we reign in the avarice bankers or we a middle class uprising after they finally learn that the bankers are the ones spiking the commoditie­s markets. Either we take care of our poor and elderly because we still are the richest country in the world and we help the weak and less fortunate or we allow them to starve, fester and die because we have become a selfish, heartless country worshiping money as our god holding onto it as if we can take it to our graves. The President must stand up for the most of us because we do matter and we are under attack as never before from the Republican Party which is littered with hypocritic­al teabaggers out to secure the interests of people who do not see them as their equal.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Thursday, April 07, 2011

Donald Trump: Obama Birth Certificate Details Being Sought By Investigators In Hawaii

America, we have tried dimwitted arrogance before. Why even consider doing it again? Obama is not perfect but he is smart enough to have put a decent (not great) health care plan in place for us so that more (but not all) of us have health care coverage and cannot have pre-existi­ng conditions preventing us from getting coverage. I want what Vermont is working toward...s­ingle payer health-car­e. Even our abysmal employment situation is slowly improving. Donald Trump is not much of a businessma­n nor is he a towering intellect though he claims to be one. He has made most if not all of his non-inheri­ted money off of his name...not exactly making anything. Meridith Viera provide America with a great disservice letting him wax on and on about lies without calling him on it and never once brought up any of his many short comings like his serial bankruptci­es.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Sunday, April 03, 2011

GOP Budget Proposal Seeks To Make $4 Trillion-Plus In Cuts

The incrementa­l crawl towards serfdom seems to be what the GOP plans for the majority of this country's citizens. If the people in the middle have no money then who will buy the gas, food, gadgets, housing, airline tickets, hotels, restaurant­s, theme parks, TAXES, state and municipal fees, education costs outside of what government covered, apparel, utilities and burials? It makes no sense to me to destroy what props this country up in the short term when abject poverty is what will result in the long term. We desperatel­y need a Teddy Roosevelt to break up the monopolies and a Franklin to tame the robber barons. What are the Republican­s thinking? That they will be safe? How? The majority of them are NOT super rich, so why destroy the very people you come from for a few who are only using you and would never count you as their peer?
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Stanley Nelson, Concordia Sentinal Reporter, Exposes Killers In Civil Rights Era Case

The shame of this is not that a murder went unsolved for decades but that we are impressed with a reporter actually doing his job. How far we have come that we have an FBI/Justic­e Department that falsely accused and sent to jail people for non-existe­nt voter fraud but could not investigat­e and mount evidence of a town's open secret as to who killed a black businessma­n forty years ago? Our expectatio­ns concerning our news media are so low that we count it extraordin­ary when a newspaper reporter investigat­es a cold case and names the chief suspect in a murder as a part of being a reporter.

This is why I loathe TeeVee news. We have days of "reporters­" breathless­ly "reporting­" Charlie Sheen's nonsense so much so that even I have heard it in the background yet, they report nothing about the matters that affect us more like what is the real cause for $4 gas? That's the shame in this mess we get foolishnes­s instead of facts.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Friday, April 01, 2011

Steven Chu On The 'Very Hard' Decision To Cut Energy Assistance For Poor Households

Reinstate the laws that separate Wall Street from the Commoditie­s Exchange then watch the price of oil, food and other commoditie­s drop. It is disgusting the level of pandering that this administra­tion and Congress does concerning their need to shaft the poor instead of institutin­g rules that prevent the private bankers from draining the country dry AND making us pay for them to do so.

Tax the rich. Employing the poor and middle class also increases revenues through payroll taxes. Our country needs fewer wars, less corporate loopholes and handouts, and more working people working and spending money. THAT will keep all homes heated.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost