Thursday, April 07, 2011

Donald Trump: Obama Birth Certificate Details Being Sought By Investigators In Hawaii

America, we have tried dimwitted arrogance before. Why even consider doing it again? Obama is not perfect but he is smart enough to have put a decent (not great) health care plan in place for us so that more (but not all) of us have health care coverage and cannot have pre-existi­ng conditions preventing us from getting coverage. I want what Vermont is working toward...s­ingle payer health-car­e. Even our abysmal employment situation is slowly improving. Donald Trump is not much of a businessma­n nor is he a towering intellect though he claims to be one. He has made most if not all of his non-inheri­ted money off of his name...not exactly making anything. Meridith Viera provide America with a great disservice letting him wax on and on about lies without calling him on it and never once brought up any of his many short comings like his serial bankruptci­es.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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