Sunday, April 03, 2011

GOP Budget Proposal Seeks To Make $4 Trillion-Plus In Cuts

The incrementa­l crawl towards serfdom seems to be what the GOP plans for the majority of this country's citizens. If the people in the middle have no money then who will buy the gas, food, gadgets, housing, airline tickets, hotels, restaurant­s, theme parks, TAXES, state and municipal fees, education costs outside of what government covered, apparel, utilities and burials? It makes no sense to me to destroy what props this country up in the short term when abject poverty is what will result in the long term. We desperatel­y need a Teddy Roosevelt to break up the monopolies and a Franklin to tame the robber barons. What are the Republican­s thinking? That they will be safe? How? The majority of them are NOT super rich, so why destroy the very people you come from for a few who are only using you and would never count you as their peer?
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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