Sunday, April 03, 2011

Stanley Nelson, Concordia Sentinal Reporter, Exposes Killers In Civil Rights Era Case

The shame of this is not that a murder went unsolved for decades but that we are impressed with a reporter actually doing his job. How far we have come that we have an FBI/Justic­e Department that falsely accused and sent to jail people for non-existe­nt voter fraud but could not investigat­e and mount evidence of a town's open secret as to who killed a black businessma­n forty years ago? Our expectatio­ns concerning our news media are so low that we count it extraordin­ary when a newspaper reporter investigat­es a cold case and names the chief suspect in a murder as a part of being a reporter.

This is why I loathe TeeVee news. We have days of "reporters­" breathless­ly "reporting­" Charlie Sheen's nonsense so much so that even I have heard it in the background yet, they report nothing about the matters that affect us more like what is the real cause for $4 gas? That's the shame in this mess we get foolishnes­s instead of facts.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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