Monday, November 16, 2009

Fed Chairman Blames Banks For Continued High Unemployment

What is needed are WPA and CCC programs that put people to work rebuilding our ifrastructure and parks. Yhe programs should be federal and hot state gimmies.

Credit unions are strong and lending. Put your money there.
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Friday, November 06, 2009

Civil War In Corporate America: Banks Battling The Chamber On Accounting Rules

Each day I loathe banking and insurance firms more. It seems that each day they offer up more reasons for me to feel this way.

Crazy as those weirdly self-name Teabaggers are I feel them about the banks. This accord is so scary for me a left wing Progressive to ponder.
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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Fed Chair Balks At Speed-Up Of Credit-Card Rules

I still believe in the President but even he has to be able to read the tea leaves... new non-Goldman Sachs leaders at the Fed and at the Treasury the majority of Americans have been taken far enough on this merry ride to monetary hell. Fire them Mr. President! Give us some hope that the direction has changed and fire those guys and put some folks who are sensitive ones to us and our financial plight.
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Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Alexander McQueen's 10-Inch Stilettos Shock Paris: To Die For Or Will Kill You? (PHOTOS, POLL)

Its official, women are back as fashion sheep. There should have been a stampede out of the show with a peek of the very ugly torture devices that was being palmed off as fashion shoes.

Where's the progress in this?
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Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Obama Speech Twitter Reaction: Read Multiple Feeds From Newsmakers

Whomever called the President of the United States in the joint session of Congress a liar needs to be identified and pointed to as crass and despicable. I am so angry about that I could just spit.
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Thursday, September 03, 2009

The Life of Service of a Flawed Good Man

I am a Christian. I believe in God's forgiveness. I believe in the power of redemption. The greatest charge that Jesus left us with is the care for the "least of thee." For that reason alone Senator Kennedy's life speaks well of him.

Most times the person asking God for forgiveness is the last person who forgives himself. I am not surprised that the Senator grieved his actions that caused the death of Mary Jo Kopechne. I am not surprised that he bore that burden his entire life. To his detractors I say that the Senator got away with nothing. Every article written about him after Ms. Kopechne's death always included a reference to it. I cannot imagine living with condemnation for decades. I do think that it was for him a harsh punishment in and of itself.

God loves him in spite of the wrong things he did. I love him because of all of the right things he did unselfishly for America. He was a good man with flaws but a good man to the end. I miss him already.

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Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A Giant Lost

Massachusetts we have lost our lion. Senator Edward Kennedy, the last of the Kennedy brothers has left us with a job to care for all! It is now up to us to deliver on his vision of bringing health care to all Americans. He has left us a great commission and a strong legacy. Stand up in his honor and for each other and help pass a strong health care bill.

I am not sad. I am energized. God Bless his family in their time of grief.
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Thursday, August 20, 2009

"Meet The Press" Draws Most Viewers Since April On Maddow's Debut Appearance

I usually refuse to watch Sunday teevee noos talk shows. I usually read Jason Linkins' column because it is funny and not as frustrating as the shows. Last Sunday I made an exceptionally because Rachel Maddow was going to be on. She was great! My wish would be that she would be a little tougher on the liars but I can live with civility if I must.
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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

<i>WaPo</i> Unleashes Army Of Anonymous Sources To Slag Public Option

There is no deal. There is only the public option without coops or dollars to buy off the insurance industry's pad mouthpieces...the Republicans. This is the biggest single issue for me and I am putting my few dollars where my mouth is and funding only those Democrats who vote for a public option and nothing else.

The White House has practically dealt themselves out of the picture by being floor mats for the Republicans. It is up to them to get back into the playing field and behind this juggernaut that is the health care public option. Progressives must stand firm because this really is the single biggest fight we have had on the domestic front that like social security can dramatically change the lives for the better of all Americans.

Every bankrupted family, those sick with no health care, insured with deductibles so high that it is almost as if you have no insurance, every unemployed American with no money for COBRA, those with no insurance because they are temporary workers, and for those of us who have health insurance but it won't pay for tests we need because it eats into their profits need to say ENOUGH! We who believe in change must remind our Democratic politicians that we matter, we vote, and we want a STRONG public insurance option passed this year. Anyone standing in our way should be ashamed and fearful as we are angry gentle people a forced to be reckoned.
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Sunday, August 16, 2009

Sebelius: Public Health Care Option "Not The Essential Element"

I will not give up. As much as the Republicans we have a stake in this outcome. I want a government run public insure option or I want single payer and that is as far as I am willing to go. I proudly vote Democratic each election but my only choice because THIS issue means a lot to me personally is to write my people and tell them that I will remember them on voting day and keep this regular Democratic vote and dollars at my home on election day.That sadly includes my President too.

I am tired of being taken for granted by the Democrats and overlooked by the Republicans. This is about the American people who are presently at the mercy of an amoral industry. Has your premium gone done? Have your services been expanded? Can you take your insurance with you to any job? Have you been denied care prescribed by your doctor because the insurance "death panel" says it will not cover it?

I am sick of these self serving politicians who act more like street walkers that public servants. Maybe we ought to chip in and pool our dollars and buy us our politicians back.

Sign me angrier than the crazies that have hijacked this issue but I don't call folks Nazis.
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Saturday, August 15, 2009

Valarie Jarrett Heckled And Hissed At Netroots Nation

Let's see, if you stumbled over a hornet's anf get stung very badly why do it again? We know what is in the pictures. Why give people who already have grievances against us more fodder? What's the point?

I am more concerned about the failure to go after those who designed "law" to torture people in our name. Yet, I am patient because that too is in process and I am willing to give this Administration a chance to prove that no one is above the law.

It took 8 years to get into the mess we are in and even whole year is not enough time to burrow out of it.
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Thursday, August 06, 2009

Chris Rock's 'Good Hair' Looks At Business Of Black Hair (VIDEO)

I label this "plantation issues" be cause along with skin color the next give-away for being black is our hair. This is a very volitile issue and while Chris is putting it in a humorous light an honest discussion could bring some folks to blows. Now, that I live in the north I see no difference between black folks here and the south concerning "good hair"and lighted skinned black folks being better. As long as we define goodness and beauty in terms of whiteness we will struggle with these "plantation issues."
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Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Goldman Faces Inquiries From Regulators On Bonuses And Derivatives Trading

Jail them! Enough is enough. Make an example of highly connected Goldman Sachs and the others should fall in line. Please send them to state penitentiaries instead of Federal Boutique jails. That should put fear in their coldblooded hearts.
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Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Obama V. Drudge: White House Rebuts Heath Care Clip (VIDEO)

Look, I don't care if the President said it or not it is exactly the kind of health care I want so Drudge would be bringing me good news. It is a shame we have to fight so hard for a half step like a public option.

Portability of health care eliminates the crap-shoot when you change jobs as to the kind and affordability or health care at all at the new job. Why must we suffer because too many elected officials feel no loyalty to we who elected them but to those who have paid them like insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies, and nursing homes. Banding together against them would assure us of Congressional representation that do our bidding regarding something as essential as decent, affordable, health care. It's time to vote the shortsighted knuckleheads out (regardless of politicalparty)!
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Happy Birthday, Mr. President!

Barack Hussein Obama, born August 4, 1961 in Hawaii.

A great birthday present would be single payer health care.
A good birthday present is at least a strong public option!

Friday, July 31, 2009

August Ad Wars Begin: Progressive Group Targets Ben Nelson (VIDEO)

Nail him! He has no shame! Senator Baucus is out for himself and cares not one wit for the rest of America. What we really need is a single payer system for health care. What the compromised was is a public option. His and the Republicans live off of the dollars of the legal companies that shut out a lot of Americans through premiums or preexisting medical conditions. These are the same peole who cry and moan about abortion but are heartless and cruel to already existing people.

They have no shame. They have no shame. It is time for retirement. Montana do the country a favor, keep Senator Baucus home and send someone that will look out after Montanans and the rest of the country too.
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Thursday, July 30, 2009

Progressive House Democrats Balk At Health Care Compromise

My preference is for a single payer system. That mountain is too hard to climb but having a public option for Americans simply is not optional. We MUST have a strong public option for there to be any kind of health care reform. The problem is that those folks who have good health care insurance (like government workers like CONGRESS) see not much wrong with the private insurers' provision of service to the rest of us.

For me the concepts of coverage, stability, and affordability are the base of our health care reform. We all need coverage. The coverage needs to be portable. We need to be able to pay for it according to our income. Why is this so difficult?

Putting money before the health and welfare of the American people has brought us to this quagmire. Finally, it is time for Congress (both houses and both sides of the aisle) to do the right thing by the American people and develop, pass, and send the President a bill that will help us first and the insurance industry maybe.

WE certainly deserve it!
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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Send Us Your Favorite Local Food Restaurants

Betty's Restaurant and Barbecue, Ft. Lauderdale, FL

601 NW 22nd Rd

Not a weak item on the menu. If you have room the homemade cakes are just as good as the rest of the entrees and sides. My favorite is the oversized fluffy square of cornbread. that comes with every meal.

Two Sisters (was Two Sisters Kitchen) not to be confused with the Court of Two Sisters Restaurant

223 N. Derbigny Street

New Orleans, LA

Very, very tasty food served in generous portions and a kind and friendly staff. They will not break your pocketbook either. Two Sisters is the favorite haunt of politicians, locals and the lucky tourists who get the inside tip to hop a cab and get a seat there. Well worth the trip.
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Monday, July 27, 2009

Senate Finance Committee Dropping Dem Health Goals: AP

Senator Max Baucus not President Obama is shepherding the bill in his committee. He has gone against the weak-kneed Majority Leader Reid and continued to cave to the Republicans who will not vote for any health care bill. Apparently, no one in Montana needs health care reform they've got it made.

The Blue Dog Democrats should be renamed the Dollar Bill Democrats. They have sold the middle class and working people out for lobbying dollars.

I am a Christian so I cannot hope for bad things to happen to them but I want it known that it is really hard not to do so.

They have excellent health care and so what do they care about the rest of us?
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Fake And Real Outrages In The Health Care Debate

Why should we believe that our doctors are altruists? They are not. Health care is a business and these folks are business people. People vote for the group that protects their financial interests so if themajority of doctors are Republican what does that say?

Health care reform is needed for the people of the United States that want stabilization of providers and/or a provider at all. I am staunchly behind a public health care provider option. I would drop my current and I might add decent provider in a hot minute for a public provider like my mother's Medicare. I would not be subjected to whomever my employer chose and I would be able to keep them during what is now becoming frequent job changes.

The private providers have sucked the marrow out of health care and want to continue doing so. The politicians that allow this to continue regardless of political party should go down in flaming defeat at the polls. We need decent health care at an affordable price for all Americans. It in this still rich country should be a right not a privilege for a chosen few.
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La. Dems Respond To Vitter's 'LuvFest' Ad: Our 'LuvFests' Are Legal, Unlike Yours

It seems the Senator set himself up for that Democratic Party retort. Good for the LA Dems. My home state is such a backwards 19th century relic that having even another Blue in the Senator is preferable than Vitter whose intellect has not been displayed much if at all during his term of service. He should have remained a US Rep from Metairie where they appreciate his like.
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Friday, July 24, 2009

Gates Says What A Lot of Us Are Thinking: You Prove It!

Great column. The teevee noos stations here in Boston are going nuts. It is disgusting and aggravating how they automatically assume the police guy is telling the truth.

Now, they want the President and Governor to apologize to the policeman.
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Thursday, July 23, 2009

Jon Stewart Eviscerates The 'Birther' Movement (VIDEO)

I love Jon Stewart! He makes the issue plain and the birthers look as foolish and crazy as they are. He is the most trusted man in America because, "he ain't scared."
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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

John Yoo Pranked By Australian Comedy Team (VIDEO)

What I can't believe is that he went and got an old woman to boot the guy out of his class. That guy has guts.
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A Stranger in Mine Own House: Henry Louis Gates, Jr. and the Police in "Post-Racial" America

Beautiful column! The sad part is that many people posting here refuse to accept the truth a man went to jail for yelling at the police in his home. To paraphrase Derick Bell, "and we are still not free."
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Monday, July 20, 2009

Henry Louis Gates Jr. Arrested, Police Accused Of Racial Profiling

Dr. Gates,

Select a Cambridge government building you like and sue for that. It was a ridiculous arrest because the policemen were embarassed by you yelling at them. Yelling is not against the law. You have an excellent attorney and I do hope that the City of Cambridge have lots of money to spare because they deserve to be sued for hiring such.easily offended cops.

You are a better person than me because after I showed them my ID in my home I would tell them to leave my property and call my lawyer to prepare the lawsuit.

"the Negro has no rights that a white man is bound to respect." -- Chief Justice Roger B. Taney's majority opinion in the Dred Scott case

Still true today.
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The Obama Haters' Next Move - Page 1 - The Daily Beast

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Friday, July 17, 2009

Obama NAACP Speech (VIDEO): "Your Destiny Is In Your Hands... No Excuses"

This was an excellent speech to a ready crowd. The NAACP speeches are important to America. It is there a President can address the past, present, and future of Americans who are marginalized and those who have achieved success. President Obama reminded us of the value of being one nation. I was glad he mentioned that this great country is also the place of second chances. Those who need a fresh start should be able to get one as we are the place of opportunities. It seems that we forget how much we have in natural resources (our people), in our sense of fairness, generosity, and community things of value. We still live separately. When attacked we move as one. Regardless as to the fringe groups' denial President Obama is the President of us all and he represents us well in the world and at home.

See Langston Hughes' poem, "Mother to Son" to understand that what he said is not new for African Americans to hear. How it is said means all the world. Bill Cosby used ridicule and turned the very people he wanted to reach off. Many others like President Obama have used the truth not as a weapon but as a call for change and to encourage people to strive for better. In poor and marginalized communities this is a call that must be repeated because change, real change, is often slow, taking a great deal of energy and perseverance before it manifests itself.
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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

ROTFLOL! Please keep Michael Steele right where he is saying what he says. The Democrats cannot get it any better and blacks do not need to guess at all where the GOP stands. Amazing it's like flks are being paid to make the GOP more obsolete each day. What next? White sheets and a pork picnic?

You gotta laugh or you want punch somebody.

Lord please let them go the way of the Whigs.
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Michele Bachmann Defies Critics, Introduces Bill To Curb Yearly Census Survey

The information the Census Bureau retrieves from the ten year Census is of enormous use to many government, academic and private researchers, businesses, government of every level, professional and amateur genealogists as well as civic and social organizations No agency can plan or provide adequately for the needs of its people without the acquisition of information. So far, the Census' record keeping has been generally very good. I would love to have access to the complete 1940 and 1950 Censuses because as an amateur genealogist the information from the 1930 Census only answered some of the many question I had as to my family. Those Censuses 1940 and 1950 will not be released for a very long while.

Finally, the Census is only as good as the truthfulness of the people answering the questions...many people have lied and in doing so lost government money and business interest. Rep. Bachmann's constituents can do the same.
About Michele Bachmann
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Stefan Frederick Cook: Soldier Won't Deploy Over Obama Birth Certificate

What a load of crock! Off to the brig for the soldier and I hope the court costs are enormous for Alan Keyes' dabble in fantasy-land. I cannot believe that any court would indulge this nonsense. We have enough pressing issues that they need to concern themselves about.

If President Obama could have been removed or better yet prevented from taking office for not being a citizen then better lawyers than the ones pressing this mess would have been front and center to handle it. Obama would not have been sworn in by the CHIEF JUSTICE who is NO friend of the the middle or left leaning folks.

We would be facing a conspiracy of vast proportions.What we have is a fringe group of disappointed folks who doggedly assert that our President is illegitimate and is protected from detection by the Congress and the Judicial systems. Again, this is not so. Too many in government would be delighted with Obama's removal to be a party to his staying in power. It is the truth that put him there and the truth that will keep him there. It is well past time to move along on this issue.

Access to excellent mental health help is a key and vital part of a strong public option of the new health care system. It seems that many who believe that President Obama is not a citizen would be greatly helped with its passing.
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Summer Reading Suggestions

For young adults and young minded adults I recommend The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman. Also, great light reading for young people middle school and up... The Percy Jackson series (5 books) a swift moving series of books based on Greek Mythology laced with action, adventure and humor written by Rick Riordan.

I was very unhappy to learn that the Nicholas Flammel series that began with The Alchemyst is really a six book series. After reading the successive books The Magician and The Sorceress I can't see Michael Scott pulling off the series well. Frankly, I am tired of the story and peeved that it has not ended yet.

Finally, for any Stephanie Plum Mystery lovers there is a new book out. It is entitled Finger Lickin' Fifteen, by Janet Evanovich. Funny, fast paced and with the added summer thirst for adventure and some action it fits the bill for good summer reading.

More suggestions to come...

Friday, July 10, 2009

E'Dena Hines, Morgan Freeman's Step-Granddaughter: Also His Lover?

Yuck! This is a very disgusting story. If this is true he needs to jailed. She needs therapy and they all need Jesus!
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Thursday, July 09, 2009

Morgan Stanley Turns Downgraded CDOs Into AAA Securities

Seems like it is well past time for Obama to clean house. When Holder going to indict and jail these Wall street clowns?

it is time to get rid of the Treasury Secretary, Chief Economic Advisor, and federal reserve chairman who are propping these leeches up on the backs of workers. The time is now to get rid of the Sachs apologists and hire some sheriffs to monitor Wall Street.
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Thursday, July 02, 2009

Obama: Too Many Jobs Lost

What is a significant problem is opportunistic lay-offs. Some employers are firing people because they can. Their companies are not stressed or struggling nor are they in any way in danger of being stressed or struggling.What they are doing is firing folks that they would not be able to fire before the economic downturn. I think that needless job losses are occurring. What is to be done about this?
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Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Sanford In Argentina, Not On Appalachian Trail, He Says On Return

His cheatin' heart, lying lips, and and mean spirit done him in. My sympathy to his wife and children.

He can kiss being President goodbye.
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Sunday, June 21, 2009

Graham Open To Dem's Health Care Compromise, But Not Public Plan (VIDEO)

Please folks can't we just pet him and ignore him? Why is anything Lindsey Graham says given any credence? The overwhelming public wants public health care. Graham's wishes does not matter.
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TV SoundOff: Sunday Talking Heads

Unfortunately, I was too slow to reach the remote and failed to cut off Meet the Press before hearing that whiner Fred Thompson's spew nonsense. How can a show make a person be really, really grateful that Sam Nunn was defender of good? Have boring old saggy Fred Thompson that's how.

See what happens when you finally sleep late knowing that some other person will watch the talking heads for you and give you the high and low points without having to be subjected to George Will's whine, Cokie Roberts' kookiness, and Fox News' Chris Wallace attempt to be half the reporter his old man was on CBS. I like Bob Schieffer but I still don't like the flapping lips that are often booked on his show.

Whew! That brought out the crankiness in me. Anyway, thanks and better you than me Jason.
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Saturday, June 20, 2009

Dan Froomkin's Firing Leaves <i>Post</i> With Glut Of Neocons

WaPo, no Dan? No reader here either. I'll get my Eugene and E.J. fixes elsewhere.
About Newspapers
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Sunday, June 14, 2009

TV SoundOff: Sunday Talking Heads


I lasted two seconds with each show. I tried. I just seem not to be able to sit through nonsense from the GOP and a couple times from the Democrats.

I cannot see Iran being this volatile over their election sans the Obama Muslim World speech. That said, the President seems to be a patient long range thinker/planner. That speech may pay off late next year after the Iranian students get their teeth in a real rant. I was in college when the few Iranian students in Baton Rouge held so many protest marches and parades about the Shah of Iran that you would have to be blind not to get that they felt grieved. Those student protesters were consistent and persistent. Getting the attention of a backwoods student body consumed with getting ahead and having fun in such a desolate town was and still is remarkable. I still remember the hanging effigies.

I have faith that the youth of Iran will do what they must for their future in their country. Just like here the youth are becoming more aware and serious about our country and how they will make their way in it. I have great faith in young people everywhere to save us by saving themselves.
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Sunday, May 31, 2009

George Tiller Killed: Abortion Doctor Shot At Church

If the killer was so pleased with what he had done he would not have fled. It was a barbarous act of cowardice. I hope that the prosecutor indicts all of those so-called pro-lifers who support this kind of terrorism as co-conspirators in this senseless death.

If all life is valuable as they claim certainly the doctor's life was valuable too. The hypocrisy of this sickens me.
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Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Corruption Is Dangerous to Your Health

At this point, anger cannot be raised in me any more about the skulduggery of the Congress. They have no shame and care not one whit for us. They prefer us tired, scared, and clueless. While i am struggling my eyes are not fixed on the new messes they are making. Since I am struggling to deal with the fallout in my life from their last mess. Some how I think that that is purposeful on their part.
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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I am not angry any more just tired. I mean we have been robbed up one side and down another since the spring of 2008. It is just another step towards the new bondage. There's simply nothing to feel good about in this mess. The Democrats are leaning toward their own self interest (staying in office) and te Republicans are crazy and confused. We are at the mercy (of which these guys have none) of the bankers who are forcing usury rates on people. Bend over.

The fierceness in my soul could never understand why so many folks got on the trains to the death camps during WWII and did not fight back. I now have but a glimmer of how when crushed repeatedly you get on board and hope somebody would save you. Shame is that not so many try to help, many try to stand you in front of them.

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Sunday, April 19, 2009

Opposition Grows To Obama's Decision Not To Prosecute CIA Agents

I do not support investigating and/or indicting the CIA agents who tortured the "enemy combatants" or whatever made up words Bush, Inc set for folks who wound up in Cuba. I think that they should lose their jobs and pensions and testify in the trials of the people who made the decisions to torture, who condoned torture through ginned up legalistic scrawlings that green lighted the CIA agents to do what they did. Those lawyers and doctors who aided and abetted torture should be drummed out of their professions and be sent if convicted to jail.

We cannot afford to dismiss the gravity of what was done in our name. Our military personnel, NGO and other aid workers, Americans traveling and living abroad have been made more vulnerable because we failed to stay true to our values...we do not torture.
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Friday, April 17, 2009

Let them go! Just let Texas go with its nutty governor on their own. They are armed to the teeth and will wind up causing a war with Mexico after they have bumped off all of their neighbors. Let them succeed and take all of those weird Texans who are a law unto themselves with them in this foolish experiment.

Just be sure to give those fleeing the Texas government time to escape and then we must close our borders to them. Buh-bye Texas!
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Thursday, April 09, 2009

Bank Stress Tests: Obama to Meet With Economic Team On Topic

Put an end to this PONZI scheme and take over, break up and sell off the banks that are failed banks. Why should the American taxpayers be forced to pour good money after bad. It's time to bailout of the bailout.

I believe William K. Black and think that our President should too. Cut the losses and sell off the remains providing taxpayers with some type of financial recovery from this mess.
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Monday, April 06, 2009

The Geithner-Summers Plan is Even Worse Than We Thought

I saw that segment and sent the link to everyone I know. I believe Mr. Black and I am enraged again at the Treasury Secretary who is preparing to fleece the taxpayers in this country. This time folks need to go to jail. I am contacting my Representative and both of my Senators (even though one is sick) to try to head off this crass stick-up with a pen.

Wall Street bankers have taken enough of our money. Break them up! Sell them off and get the heck on out of our pockets!
About Timothy Geithner
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Sunday, April 05, 2009

Ed Schultz On MSNBC Gig: People Will Know Where I Stand

I am looking forward to this show.
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Michelle Obama In Prague: Back In Black (PHOTOS)

Look after flying to Europe, dressing up and down, being on tour with 20 countries' first ladies and husband, hewing the protocol of every one of them and visiting "the people" in several countries I would be a crank, snarling, and y'all would be glad that I had any kind of clothes on rather than running screaming mad and naked about the continent. I am delighted that Mrs. Obama is handling herself well and covering all of the legally mandated spots on her body. I am just glad that it is she and not me to do the traveling and meeting and greeting of so many global officials.

Both the President and First Lady are doing us proud in Europe. I think that he is doing much better than just OK. They are doing what we elected him to do win the world back on our side.
About Barack Obama
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Please Watch: Bill Moyers: William K. Black CSI Bailout

Be sure to contact your Congressperson and the President after viewing the show.

We all need to ask more questions and demand more answers.

2 Trillion dollars in taxpayers money is nothing to sneeze about.

We need to know the answers to typical questions regarding the banking crisis such as who, what, when,where, and how? Until we know the answers we are simply sheep monitored by hungry wolves.

Watch the show!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Tammy Bruce Calls The Obamas "Trash In The White House"

I'd pay to see her say it to Michelle's face. I know lot's of folks that would pay too. Mrs. O without a touch would wipe the floor with her. What makes people hate so much? I did notice that she did not attack the President directly. She's not that crazy.
About Barack Obama
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Friday, March 20, 2009

The Short, Happy Iraq War of Howard Kurtz

Look it really was a simple thing that grew both large and in the wrong direction...capturing or killing Osama bin Laden. What we now have a mess thanks to our lying ex-President and I for one want us up and out of Afghanistan too since it at this point merely wants to left alone in the 16th century.

More important is the containment through diplomacy and whatever shred of credibility we have left in the world of Pakistan that has what seems to be a plethora of blood feuds going, nuclear warheads, and hosting Osama bin Laden. We need to do something much different than asking them to "bring it on" as did Mr. Bush.

Mr. Kurtz has been on the wrong side of several issues on the war he was very wrong.
About Iraq
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Monday, March 16, 2009

Lifting the Tarp: Will President Obama's Economic Team Lead Him Off a Cliff?

It is time to fire the Treasury Secretary and Larry Summers. Do what Kuttner and Krugman have been suggesting all along and get us out of this stinking financial mess.

Enough with hedge funds, insurance companies, and investment banks. They are greedy bottomless pits unwilling to change or adapt to reality. Seize the shaky banks restructure them, set them on their feet, privatize them and move forward.

This spiral has gone on long enough! Mr. President, buck up and fire those guys now.
About Bailout Bandits
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The Real Scandal of AIG

They can have their bonuses or retention payments provided they give us back immediately every penny we have loaned them. I am not against AIG bonuses as long as they use their own money. Other than that as the owners of this behemoth we have the right to fire them and hire people who will follow our dictates because that is what happens when you own the thing...YOU are in charge!

Please start sending a few of these clowns to jail and I think we will see a whole lot less of this defiance.
About Bailout Bandits
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Sunday, March 15, 2009

AIG Outrage Dominates Sunday Shows

This is just crazy. Why reward failure? Get our money back and let AIG pay the bonuses out of THEIR money.

Why hasn't someone gone to jail yet?
About Larry Summers
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Thursday, March 12, 2009

South Carolina Governor: Obama Stimulus Will Turn U.S. Into Zimbabwe

My thinking exactly. My home state Louisiana, is headed by its own fruitcake that plans to continue keeping the state moored into the 19th century. Wage suppression, hostility towards unions, very poor race relations (if folks told the truth) and serious ecological concerns with its large petro-chemical industry that fights regulations to the tooth. You have Louisiana, a banana republic that has great natural resources, a hard working populace, and loads of potential if only it had the right leadership and moved past its past. It is really a shame that almost the same thing can be said of each of the southern states that are resisting moving forward with the rest of the nation.
About Stimulus Package
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost