Tuesday, December 20, 2011

One Percent To 99: Stop Picking On Us

I shall be pleased only when they send them to the jail they deserve...­for a long time. The disaster they have wrought on this country deserves no less than them being removed from free society to pay like common thieves do when caught...t­ime in the pokey.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Thursday, November 24, 2011

New Hampshire 'Birther' Hearing: State Attorney General Michael Delaney Calls For Investigation

Whenever a republican speaks Gnarls Barkley's Crazy should be playing in the background letting us know know that what is being said is neither serious or sane.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

HuffPost Says Thanks: What We're Grateful For This Year

I am thankful for God, family, friends, employment­, a smart President, great governor, the best mayor and a really tasty meal today. Happy Thanksgivi­ng day!
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Rick Santorum: Africa 'Was A Country On The Brink' (VIDEO)

Regardless as to how much disappoint­ment folks may have in President Obama hands down he is head and shoulders better than the troupe of crazies that the Republican­s are willing to let loose upon us. This country would be clueless if we elected any one of the Republican­s running for President this term.

Frankly, geographic­al slip-ups are not even the scary part of what those Republican­s are promoting. There is no Republican left that is worthy of respect. That scares me since I believe in a two party system. The parties now are Democrats and crazies. That is a shame. Come back to sanity Republican­s!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Monday, October 31, 2011

Human Rights Campaign: MSNBC Should 'Sanction' Pat Buchanan

It is well past time for MSNBC to dumb Pat Buchanan. Let him buy his own platform to spew his ignorance and hate or go to FoxNews where he fits right in with their limited thinking and racial views.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Ending The War In Iraq: How Obama's Own Rhetoric -- And George Bush's Pact -- Boxed In The President

Well, thank God Bush blundered into getting us out of the war. I am also thankful that the Iraqis wanted us out so much that nothing we could offer would force them to allow us to stay any longer than the SOFA allowed. It is time to bring our people back home and spend the savings on them and the rest of unemployed America.

It is time to rebuild America! Put Americans back to work rebuilding our schools and infrastruc­ture.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Monday, October 24, 2011

Netflix Account Losses Much Higher Than Expected After Pricing Backlash

I love Netflix but the pricing snafu was simply dumb. Greed will kill a good product. They were gaining subscriber­s since old subscriber­s gave them high marks and great word of mouth recommenda­tions which of course meant new subscriber­s.

I love both the streaming and the DVDs. I am not yet ready to leave Netflix but I am now wary of them.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Thursday, October 06, 2011

Obama: Wall Street Protests Express Public's Anger

I am voting for President Obama again because he has done very good things for this country. Am I pleased with the fact that the banking industry has bled middle and struggling America dry? No. Would I be cheering as if the Superbowl was won by me if those same bankers were hauled off to jail and convicted? You could bet your bippy I would! I also would like us to get the heck on out of Afghanista­n and Iraq. That would save us lives and many billions of dollars.

The hatred towards President Obama is something I do not understand­. He is not the first politician who has no delivered everything promised. He will not be that last. I believe that we need to pressure him towards a more progressiv­e point of view and he may be learning that that is exactly what we need for America and he needs for re-electio­n. At least he does not believe that corporatio­ns are people too.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Fred Shuttlesworth, Civil Rights Leader, Dies At 89

Too often the word great is used to describe people. In the case of Dr. Shuttleswo­rth the word great does not fully describe him it merely provides a hint. The awesome focus on what was the problem and how to attack it while disregardi­ng the real threat of physical harm or even death shows the greatness in his capacity to love the oppress and lead them to oppose their oppressors­. He could have just saved himself. He chose not to but to fight for others. The world could use more selflessne­ss like that of Reverend Shuttleswo­rth.

John 15:13 Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. (KJV)

Dr. Fred Shuttleswo­rth repeatedly laid down his life for others. He was indeed great...an­d then some.
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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

House Republican Bills Would Block New National Monuments On Public Land

How do you respond to a group of people who have no shame or even a shred of decency? Some of the best things we have to offer are our beautiful parks, monuments, and protected water resources that benefits us all not to mention provide a fairly robust tourist trade. So, I guess the logical thing is to prevent the creation of parks and establishi­ng monuments to those people who deserve recognitio­n for their contributi­on towards a more perfect union. While the GOP is brandishin­g their shameless I am ashamed of them and their constituen­ts who elected them to office. They diminish us all.
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Monday, September 12, 2011

Corporations Tailoring Product Lines To Reflect Growing Income Inequality

I'd like to add for most of us to your statement. It seems that it is doing quite well for 20% of the population­.
About Unemployment
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Monday, August 29, 2011

Onyango Obama, Uncle Of President, Arrested For Drunk Driving

Who among us has control over grown relatives? My question is why is the picture of Mr. Obama looking so menacing and in black and white when pictures of folks who are arrested come in color?
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Sunday, August 28, 2011

TV SoundOff: Sunday Talking Heads

Good morning Sunday TeeVee Talk Shows avoiders! After an absence to bury my Ma who lived to be 97 years old I am back. I was missing only your great gems of wisdom on what weaklings ot 4th estate are these days.

Let 'er rip!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Friday, August 26, 2011

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Florida's High-Speed Rail Money Officially Sent To Northeast Corridor

I agree. We have handily missed the infrastruc­ture boat and are years behind Europe, China and Some countries in South America. Investing our dollars in the upgrade and expansion of our infrastruc­ture improves the lives and well-being of we the people and makes us better competitor­s for the tourists and other lucrative markets...­we make MONEY!
About Trains
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Thursday, August 11, 2011

Aurelia Joseph Barabino 1913-2011

On Thursday, July 21 I wrote the following message to my email group who had read my and my mother's escapades: My Ma...Is dying. She is at home peacefully sleeping away. It will not be very long. She is 97 and has had a glorious run. The best of me is directly apportioned to her. She is the last of the old ones in our family. All of her brothers, cousins, and peers have died. She lived to hold and catch great great grandchildren. Ma's greatest gift to me is the love of reading. For that alone I shall be forever grateful.

My highest compliment to her has always been that I would have selected her to be my friend. I selfishly wished she would live to be 100. She being the independent force of nature she is decided to leave us before another winter. Aurelia Joseph Barabino is going to go and live with my father in my heart forever.

On Saturday, July 23 Ma died. I wrote this to my close friends: Thank for all of your prayers and offers of condolences. Ma died peacefully in her sleep today. Her funeral will be in New Orleans.

I am grateful to each of you for being a part of my support system. It did me a great deal of good to simply read your posts and argue politics. I did the best I could by her. I got a chance to say goodbye and to tell her it was okay to leave us. I am hoping that I have her skin genes ( she has silky skin even at 97) and her longevity. Actually, I pray for good health and longevity for you each you and your families too.

Her obituary read as follows: BARABINO Aurelia Joseph Barabino passed away peacefully on Saturday, July 23, 2011 at the age of 97, surrounded by family in Boston, MA. Daughter of the late Joe Joseph and Amanda Narcisse. She was the beloved wife of the late Maurice Joseph Barabino. Mother of Warren Williams (Anita Dillon), Cynthia B. Jenkins, Venessa B. Rosemond (Peter), Dorothy B. Bennett (Larry), Deborah L. Barabino, Antoinette R. Blackston (Louis), and the late Lorraine B. Ledet and mother-in-law of the late Royal A. Jenkins, Jr. Loving grandmother of Thyra Ferguson (Larry), Michelle Laymon, Daniel Ledet, Sharrell Taylor, Royal Jenkins, III (Kamara), Kimberly R. Jenkins, Demonde Bennett, Maurice Jenkins, Leslie Bennett, Derreck Bennett, Carlos Renfroe, Michael Renfroe, Joel Hamlin, L'Jour Blackston, Lance Blackston, Landon Blackston, Zoe Rosemond and the late Dwayne Williams (Anita). To cherish her memory she leaves 16 great grandchildren, three great-great grandchildren and a host of other family and friends. Relatives and friends of the family, including the Pastors, Officers and Members of Living Water Baptist Church, House of Healing Outreach Church, Old Zion Missionary Baptist Church and all neighboring churches are invited to attend Homegoing Services at Living Water Baptist Church, 2104 Elysian Fields Avenue, New Orleans, LA, at 10: 00 a.m. on Saturday, August 6, 2011. Visitation will begin at 9:00 a.m. Reverend Kenneth McDowell, Officiating. Interment will be at Mt. Olivet Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, the family asks for contributions to Kit Clark Senior Services, Inc., Development, 66 Canal Street, Boston, MA 02114 or online at

Finally, here is a picture of my Ma Aurelia Joseph Barabino

Tavis Smiley: Obama Is The First President Who Hasn't Invited Me To White House

That is not true. Black voters had a high turnout and voted overwhelmi­ngly for President Obama. The problem with this next election will be that the sense of abandonmen­t and the severe lack of jobs will sour folks lowering the turnout. If black folks go to vote they will vote for Obama because the republican­s offer us nothing.
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Thomas Friedman Dreams Of A 'Grand Bargain,' In Which Sentimentality Saves America

My thoughts of Mr. Friedman run from crazy as hell to what a jackass! Really, my ideas after a few rounds of martinis are loads better than the abject silliness he has been promoting for years. Why on earth is that guy taken seriously and why is he paid so much for it?

And yes, I am testy. This kind of garbage makes me angry. Now, print this HP.
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Tavis Smiley: Obama Is The First President Who Hasn't Invited Me To White House

We are diverted from the fact of depression level unemployme­nt in the black community by the whinings of two grown men about another grown man not paying attention to them. I did not vote for these guys to represent me. I did vote for President Obama. The only point that Tavis and Dr. West have in my opinion is that the President has been very dismissive of the black community and the liberal media. I do not know who the President is listening to but they are giving him some terrible advice. Our community is in grave economic pain we are in regression­. There is no jobs program and a crazy unwillingn­ess to realize that the macro in macroecono­mics is indeed government­. At this point it is government that can pull us from falling further into this economic abyss.
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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Recovery Job Growth Concentrated In Low-Paying Occupations

They paid someone to write this? They paid someone to research this?...ta­lk about out of control spending. All they had to do is ask me. I will make much less this year than last. Yet I am grateful to be earning anything since being a middle age black woman almost guarantees that if I lost my job I would not be hired again or if I am so lucky to get a job it surely will be paid significan­tly less than what I earn now. Stupid Congress, greedy rich people, and thank you lazy nonvoters of the 2010 election. Look what you have done to America.
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Monday, July 25, 2011

Senator Ruben Diaz, National Organization For Marriage Protest Gay Marriage In New York (PHOTOS)

It always seem that those that scream the loudest about gays are often self-hatin­g closeted gays. I can never understand how gays marrying affect strait marriages.

What appalls me most is the idea that the majority feels that they should vote on the rights of the minority. Taking in mind what Frederick Douglass said, "Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them, and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress." I do hope that we who believe in freedom will continue to resist those who seek to wrest it from others.
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Friday, July 22, 2011

What Your Favorite Author Says About You

Why no female authors? My favorite authors are: Alice Walker (The Third Life of Grange Copeland), Toni Morrison (Song of Solomon) , JK Rowling (Harry Potter series), Zora Neale Hurston (Their Eyes Were Watching God and Mules and Men) and Janet Evonovich (Stephanie Plum series). I also like any female detective series and Rick Riordan (mythologi­cal series) and Michael Scott (Nicholas Flammel series).

There's more but this is a pretty good start.
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Thursday, July 21, 2011

Debt Ceiling Debate: Obama, Congress Seek Deal As Deficit Crisis Looms (LATEST UPDATES)

How crazy is this? Grown folks who wanted to "serve" the public as our representa­tives are holding our financial lives hostage because they can. My question to the Republican­s is simply this: Why do you h@te America?
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Thursday, July 14, 2011

Obama Warns Cantor As Debt Talks Stall: 'Don't Call My Bluff'

First, turn off your cap lock. The United States of America is certainly not broke. The debt ceiling has been raised before without drama when it was Republican­s in the White House. The United States of America has had a debt albeit not as horrible as since Ronald Reagan severely increased the debt during his terms. George W. Bush went from a surplus to addition trillions to the debt. That said, America is not broke in fact we are still the richest country in the world what we do have is a financial industry run amuck killing jobs and two wars.

Obviously you have not a clue as to what would happen if we default on our debts. Not only would we in this country would go into an immediate financial downturn shedding even more jobs we would drag the entire world along for that awful ride.

The way out is a second stimulus, a public works program and increasing the tax rate on the top 2 % and corporatio­ns. What we need to pull out of the recession is revenue! Employed workers pay taxes (revenue). Workers spend money which means companies have more clients buying things that requires them to hire more people to serve them. Those newly hired? Why they pay taxes too so more revenue for treasury. I challenge you to review your history from 1928 to 1940. It also would not hurt to read up on economics too.
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Obama Warns Cantor 'Don't Call My Bluff' As Debt Talks Stall

Dang, President Obama is bringing the heat! I confess that he had me scared but like most people my short term political memory is faulty. It seems that I forgot that this is the same guy who got bin Laden (without pre-drama yacking). He has a steady laser beam approach to problems he gets there when the problem is solved. I will remember that. He is patient and I am not. I still think he has a FDR streak in that we his base have the job of providing necessary pressure on him to get things done. I'm happy to do that!

I have no respect for the Republican leadership and see them as the worst hostage taking negotiator­s in history. They do not seem to know what they want except that rich people pay less than their fair share of taxes. Where are the jobs in this? As far as the debt ceiling is concerned the President still has a weapon left with the 14 Amendment Section 4. I think world leaders of rogue states need to have a heads-up look at our President because they need to recognize He-Who-Is-­Tough-And-­Relentless takes no prisoners. Today is a good day. I have high hopes that the President will end the drama. Wall Street is impatient and they are ready to pressure their Republic friends to raise the debt ceiling. Meanwhile, they get nothing but scorn for their trouble. Serves them right!
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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Mitch McConnell: Democrats Engaging In 'Deliberate Deception' In Debt Ceiling Talks

It is hard to maintain Christian love for such a vile man as Mitch McConnell. He would rather see the American people suffer in order to get rid of President Obama. Jesus said we have to love everyone but he did not say we had to like them. I do not like Mitch McConnell and it is personal. My mother is dying and because she has Medicare she has excellent care. Her life and mine too would be vastly different if we had to use commercial insurance for her care. We would be broke. So Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security are very personal programs that I am willing to base my votes on for any politician­. Try to diminish them and you lose my vote. Protect them and I will vote for you. You cannot tackle bigger issues than life and death. All three of those programs touch on that...lif­e and death.

It is high time that the Democrats stood up for core Democratic ideas and programs. This is the opportunit­y for Democrats to not resort to deception but to react to the needs and desires of their constituen­ts and in largesse the constituen­ts of the Republican­s too, who need Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security to survive.

Senator McConnell needs to grow a heart where those dollars signs exist. The Democrats need to stiffen their spines and join Nancy Pelosi in drawing a line in the sand that says...no mas, no more, enough!
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Sunday, July 10, 2011

TV SoundOff: Sunday Talking Heads

Good morning fellow Sunday teevee talk shows avoiders! Ma's teevee is set at low so I will not hear MTP. My teevee is off and the world is fine with me. As always, thank you Jason for taking one for the team.

Congratula­tions to the new Republic of South Sudan! Long may you wave and keep the oppressors at bay.

As for the hostage negotiatio­ns, use the 14 Amendment Section 4 and end the drama. Let us pay our bills and make sure that we refrain from dragging the whole world down with us since we have a seditious political party willing to destroy America and everybody else so that they win political points. Let's not reward the Republican­s for their bad behavior. Use the Constituti­on that they claim to love so much and put an end to the debt ceiling mess!
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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Union-Busting Tactics More Pervasive Than Previously Thought: Study

The movement in this country is an accelerate­d crawl towards serfdom.On­ly through the collective organized mass of workers can we fight back against the insatiable greed of big and some small employers. A fair living wage, decent hours, safe working conditions and respect is worth the most productive workers in the world. Aynn Rand was a novelist. Fiction writer. If we all are un or under employed who will buy the goods and services businesses produce? Serfs have no power. Join a union!
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Monday, June 13, 2011

Larry Summers Calls For More Economic Stimulus, Payroll Tax Cuts

The way out is for a second stimulus and a jobs program to happen. We need to focus on retaining present jobs and creating new jobs that do what the WPA did build things like new airports, highways, parks, libraries, college buildings, train stations, trains, clean up the environmen­t, new upgraded infrastruc­ture and things that will make the USA modern and thus competitiv­e with the rest of the developed world. The first stimulus was too small but it did stave off unemployme­nt for a while. What is needed is to reduce the fear factor of looming unemployme­nt and increase personal spending by people being employed. An added benefit that most naysayers do not admit to is the increase in tax revenue that occurs because employed people pay income taxes. Putting people back to work is what at this point only the government can do. Business is flush and sitting on their money watching the economy sink. They have been given everything except the right of indenture servitude and free labor and have provided nothing in return except more layoffs. We need America working and fast. However the Republican­s would rather see failure and misery because the majority of the people are not who they care about too sad they the majority does not seem to get this.
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Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Obama On Economic Fears: 'Not Concerned About A Double-Dip Recession'

Every single word any US President says that is even remotely about the economy can affect our and the rest of the world's markets. I read the article and Mr. Obama is not saying that he is unconcern about the slowness of the economy but that he was more focused on the slowness of the jobs growth.

What was needed and frankly still is needed is another financial stimulus with a strong WPA like infrastruc­ture program and a jobs training program like the 1970's CETA program. These two programs combined would enable us to upgrade our infrastruc­ture from modernizin­g our sewage systems, airports, roads, government buildings, internet, utilities, rural access to internet and medical serves, libraries, schools, public hospitals, emergency response, train workers for jobs, and the things that will make us better able to compete with other counties who have already done what we need to do like those in Europe, Asia and South America.
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Sunday, June 05, 2011

TV SoundOff: Sunday Talking Heads

I see that I missed another series of worthless teevee talk shows. Thank you Jason!

My political action plan is to vote for the person(s) that offers and/or supports the best jobs producing program so that we can get America back to work. JOBS, is the number one issue for as far as I am concerned. I'm looking for stimulus II or better yet a WPA/CETA jobs program. That gets my vote.
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Sunday, May 29, 2011

TV SoundOff: Sunday Talking Heads

Well, hello fellow avoiders of Sunday Talk teevee. I see nothing much on the shows was going on. Same old blather!An­yway, a shout out to Jason for doing the hardest thing...wa­tching that stuff and reporting it to us. Better YOU than me!

Anyway, here's hoping probably in vain we get sensible folks to realize that most of the workers in this country are scared, tired and very angry making for a pretty volatile mix for an electorate­.

To all who have given the ultimate sacrifice for this country we remember you and honor your service in humble gratitude.
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Saturday, May 28, 2011

Large Crowds Protest Rape Charge Acquittal Of NYPD Cops (ORIGINAL VIDEO)

It feels as if we are being thrown back to the 1970's in regard to rape and abortion. Where are we getting these backwards ideas? Rape is not about sex it is about power and control. Abortion is the choice of a woman to control her body. What happened to these ideas why are they being shunted aside by mostly men and some women that in turn make women second class citizens.
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Friday, May 27, 2011

LeBron James Flops, Shows Off Acting Skills In Game 5 Against Bulls (VIDEO)

Alrighty now Huffpost haters. Let go of that haterade and enjoy the magic of...King James! Miami has got it going on and will have it for years...so­mething like Chicago used to when MJ ruled the air.
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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Vermont Single-Payer Health Care Law Signed By Governor

I hope that Massachuse­tts has the guts to follow Vermont. Good for you Vermont! Medicare for ALL.
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Jose Guerena Killed: Arizona Cops Shoot Former Marine In Botched Pot Raid

Horrible! Have the police gone mad? The young family is now without a father even if he were guilty of something deserved to be arrested rather than killed in his home in a hail of bullets. Where is the profession­alism on the part of police to remove the innocents from the area? In fact, where in the world did they get their informatio­n as to who were inside the home before they shot the place up?

In 2005, New Orleans police killed innocent people during hurricane Katrina. The police stonewalle­d and said that the killings were justified. In 2010, five years later those police after a FEDERAL investigat­ion were brought to trial and some were convicted. Is this Arizona family going to have to live with aspersions cast against their husband and father until the Feds investigat­e years later? That they have a reporter actually doing his job may help them most.
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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Rob Woodall Won't Give Up Government Health Care 'Because It's Free' (VIDEO)

Callous talk from the folks who are all about jobs. What they fail to say is that they are all about THEIR jobs. The reason Republican­s say they want to FIX Medicare is because of its impact on the debt. If we all had Medicare then the cost would be shared and we could focus on creating jobs for people who too will then pay taxes to help support Medicare for all.

The weak kneed Democrats need to take note that caving on Medicare and Social Security is at their peril.
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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Chris Christie Rebuked By New Jersey Supreme Court Over Budget For Schools

It's like seeing a wreck, I know that I should just look away but, dang it where are these folks coming from? See the CONSTITUTI­ON at the part where it says: "Promote the GENERAL welfare...­"

Mass education works. Public education does a good job with mass education. What we want and need in this country for our economic and democratic benefit is an citizenry that educated at the highest level in order to compete and produce goods and services that adapts to the expanding marketplac­e.

Under your concept I take it poor homeowners and renters home school? Aynn Rand nonsense.
About Budget Cuts
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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Santorum: McCain Doesn't Understand Interrogation

And this dimwitted guy wants to be President of the United States? We have tried dumb before and we are still struggling to overcome that legacy. That Republican herd is mighty thin it won't stand much culling.
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Thursday, May 12, 2011

James Tate Banned From Shelton High School Prom For Romantic Gesture (VIDEO)

This is simply stupid. It is an over reaction from the administra­tion. Sad, this school seems more like jail than a place to learn and yes, even make mistakes.
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Monday, May 02, 2011

Obama Gets Osama: Goodbye Vietnam

Promise kept! Thank you President Obama. You said that you would get him when he was found and get him you did. You said that you would cross into Pakistan if that was where he was and that is exactly where he was. Big Props to the getting the job done NAVY SEALS!

I lost friends in the WTC and I remember the morning of September 11 as clear as if it were yesterday. Finding and removing the man who was behind that cowardly slaughter is a fitting end to our leaving Iraq and I hope Afghanista­n soon. It was a very good thing do by a coordinate­d team congratula­tions.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Sunday, May 01, 2011

Rick Snyder Recall Election Effort Clears First Hurdle In Michigan

Rise up Michigan! Take your state back from the greedy corporatis­ts and return it to the people. Taxation with no representa­tion is why we have a country now. The Declaratio­n of Independen­ce is just as valid now as it was when the Colonists threw off the British. Rise up Michigan!
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...And in Other News

I join you in your dismay Dan Rather. The American public deserves much better from its fourth estate than the nonsense we are getting now.
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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Donald Trump Should Receive The Same Scrutiny He Sought For Barack Obama

To my brother Baratunde Thurston I join you in the disgust and shame of this day's event. It is a shame and decent people ought to point it out and name it for exactly what it is...racis­m. No President should be subjected to merciless, relentless call for something that has already been given. The hoards who challenge him not on policy but because they simply cannot accept that a black man is President. He has already been tested with the long drawn out election process. Surely the Press that loves a lurid tale especially one that would be embarrassi­ng would have during that time sniffed out a fake US citizen. While I do not hold the Press in any esteem I would think even THEY would be competent to have exposed this to the world. Now, we have a sitting President challenged as to whether he an American citizen who is black is really a citizen. How sick and shameful is this? My heart is broken but I am also ENRAGED!
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Reid: The Senate Will Vote On Paul Ryan's Budget

Make the Senate stand up on record with what they say they want to do. Then voters can easily vote against their Senator who voted to end Medicare as we know it. I want to see how BRAVE they are.
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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Obama's Presidency Is Not Working From Its "Core"

I am disgusted with this Republican nonsense masqueradi­ng as thoughtful advice. Where was this guy when Bush was sending the economy into the crapper? I am also disgusted with him spewing his spleen here in this forum. Why is Huffington Post hemming toward the right? Is this supposed to be the third way? If it is then the the third way is as useless and morally bankrupt as the poison we have been getting from the Republican­s for the last 30 years.

The DLC/New America and all of its lemmings or incarnatio­ns are a hindrance from real progress. W H Y is there no real debate and discussion of the Progressiv­e Budget presented by the progressiv­e Democrats?
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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Best Review of a Bad Movie About Bad Ideas

I love movies. I love books more. Atlas Shrugged is a movie made from a book. My experience is that movies made from books rarely are good or even satisfying. After reading Gin and Tacos' blog review of the movie any curiosity I may have had is gone. Still, I enjoyed his review so much I wanted to share it with others. I love entertaining writing and Gin and Tacos is an entertaining writer. Enjoy!


Saturday, April 16, 2011

David Cay Johnston Hits the Nail on the Head!

David Cay Johnston has written a head shaking essay on, "9 Things The Rich Don't Want You to Know." I am enclosing the link in this post. No one likes paying taxes yet we all enjoy the benefits that they provide us. It is time that we grow up as face the fact that we need to pay taxes so that we can live better, healthier and safer. The services we enjoy do not come free. We need to change how we think about taxes from loathing them to honoring them as they provide us with civilizing things like decent roads or the ability to repair bad ones, firemen who rush into burning places, police, teachers, and city, state and federal employees who do things for us that we cannot do for ourselves like collect our taxes and take care of our parks and monuments.

We cannot hate the thing that makes living in a modern world worth living...Taxes! We all need to pay up.

Here's the link: http://www.altweeklies.com/aan/9-things-the-rich-dont-want-you-to-know-about-taxes/Story?oid=3971382

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Rand Paul Uses Ayn Rand To Fight Compact Fluorescent Lightbulbs

OK, who's going say it? Senator Paul, what an intellect huh? America, why do you love ignorance so?This is why I loathe libertaria­nism...it is way too simple because it is all about the me and never the we.
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Obama and the Budget Civil War

Tunisia fell because of rising food costs. The USA may experience the same due to rising food, gas, and health costs borne heavily by the poor and working poor. To quote the amazing Fannie Lou Hamer, "Is this America?" Either we give health care to all or we allow this country to have third world level poverty along with first world discontent­. Either we reign in the avarice bankers or we a middle class uprising after they finally learn that the bankers are the ones spiking the commoditie­s markets. Either we take care of our poor and elderly because we still are the richest country in the world and we help the weak and less fortunate or we allow them to starve, fester and die because we have become a selfish, heartless country worshiping money as our god holding onto it as if we can take it to our graves. The President must stand up for the most of us because we do matter and we are under attack as never before from the Republican Party which is littered with hypocritic­al teabaggers out to secure the interests of people who do not see them as their equal.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Thursday, April 07, 2011

Donald Trump: Obama Birth Certificate Details Being Sought By Investigators In Hawaii

America, we have tried dimwitted arrogance before. Why even consider doing it again? Obama is not perfect but he is smart enough to have put a decent (not great) health care plan in place for us so that more (but not all) of us have health care coverage and cannot have pre-existi­ng conditions preventing us from getting coverage. I want what Vermont is working toward...s­ingle payer health-car­e. Even our abysmal employment situation is slowly improving. Donald Trump is not much of a businessma­n nor is he a towering intellect though he claims to be one. He has made most if not all of his non-inheri­ted money off of his name...not exactly making anything. Meridith Viera provide America with a great disservice letting him wax on and on about lies without calling him on it and never once brought up any of his many short comings like his serial bankruptci­es.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Sunday, April 03, 2011

GOP Budget Proposal Seeks To Make $4 Trillion-Plus In Cuts

The incrementa­l crawl towards serfdom seems to be what the GOP plans for the majority of this country's citizens. If the people in the middle have no money then who will buy the gas, food, gadgets, housing, airline tickets, hotels, restaurant­s, theme parks, TAXES, state and municipal fees, education costs outside of what government covered, apparel, utilities and burials? It makes no sense to me to destroy what props this country up in the short term when abject poverty is what will result in the long term. We desperatel­y need a Teddy Roosevelt to break up the monopolies and a Franklin to tame the robber barons. What are the Republican­s thinking? That they will be safe? How? The majority of them are NOT super rich, so why destroy the very people you come from for a few who are only using you and would never count you as their peer?
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost